View Full Version : Greater daemon conversion log

05-23-2010, 08:43 AM
The new daemon models announcement has motivated me get started on a project I've been thinking about for a while, which is to do all 4 greater daemons but using little or nothing of the official models.

I'll probably do the blue scribes too, as there is still no model for them.

Plans are as follows:

Keeper of secrets: Wraithlord conversion
Bloodthirster/ Skarbrand: Balrog conversion
Lord of Change/ Fateweaver: High elf dragon conversion (you get two heads in the box)
Great Unclean One/ Ku'Gath: Stegadon conversion

1. Keeper of secrets

I Wanted a big daemonette look for my Keeper kind of like the FW design. The wraithlord is the only vaguely feminine model I could think of at the right scale.

I started by slimming down the wraithlord limbs and filling in the waist and breatsplate with greenstuff

A trip to the bitz box yielded some nice trygon tail claws and some slaanesh icons.

I kept the eldar themed base as it works for the fluff.

Hardest part is going to be sculpting a face and doing some wire and green stuff hair.

A couple of work in progress shots below:


05-23-2010, 10:03 AM
Looks good, look forward to seeing the rest.

Not so sure on the face though. The rest of the model keeps in with the "sexy" female you've gone for but the face...not sure what i'd do though!

Commissar Lewis
05-23-2010, 10:32 AM
Looks interesting. Better than the GW model.

Personally, whenever I get around to starting a CSM/Daemon army I'm going to use one of several 58mm succubus models as a Keeper of Secrets/Demon Princess.

05-23-2010, 11:24 AM
WOW that is a really cool idea !!:D

05-24-2010, 02:23 PM
A bit more progress on the face and hair. I need to fix the lips, but I've run out of greenstuff for now.

There's a daemonette in the picture below to show the relative scale.


05-31-2010, 05:58 AM
OK, version 1 of the head & hair was not successful, the bag lady look wasn't working for her.

I've redesigned the head to be closer to the daemonette look and have started the painting.



I also received my order for my skarbrand model and am almost done with his conversion. Mostly he is a balrog stading upright with extra armour scavenged from the soul grinder or green stuffed on. Tattering and reposing the wings was the hardest part.

I'm most pleased with the head which is a fusion of the soul grinder, balrog, ork battlewagon horns and a lower jaw from a trygon flipped to be the top jaw.


05-31-2010, 06:40 AM
I love the KoS concept and body, but the second head looks over large for its body.

05-31-2010, 10:02 PM
both great conversions IMO.. please keep posting progress!

06-08-2010, 08:42 AM
My Keeper is now almost finished, just a few tiny details still to go on the banners & gems.


The Madman
06-09-2010, 07:15 AM
DAT ***

in all seriousness, nice model. its nice to see some original greater daemons for CSMs then the metal models.