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View Full Version : Hive Tyrant weapon choice

05-23-2010, 08:30 AM
I am assembling my Hive Tyrant and trying to decide on a weapon choice. I gotten it down to 2 choices, either a twin-linked devourer or a heavy venom cannon.

I like the devourer because it's a str 6 assault 6 re-roll misses with brainleech shots, but it's only 18' range.

I like the heavy venom cannon because it's 36' str 9 blast, which could insta kill characters and take out tanks, but it's a blast weapon which means it may not always hit what I want.

What do you think?

05-23-2010, 10:44 AM
It really depends on what the rest of your list looks like. Do you find yourself lacking some AT punch? Do you often find characters or multi-wound models in a position where you could IK them? Do you see lots of infantry on the board with relatively low Ld? These are all questions that I ask when thinking about what you'd like to do.

In the last codex I ran two hive tyrants with dual-devourers but they were MUCH cheaper back then and I also had a good amount of AT. If you find yourself having difficulty dealing with tanks at range, then I'd say the heavy venom cannon. However, if you have enough punch for taking out transports (with, say, Hive Guard) then the devourers would be great to have an opportunity to make the disembarking troops run away if they don't get pinned from their vehicle.

Again, it depends on the rest of what you're taking and what your playstyle is.

05-23-2010, 12:08 PM
I don't currently have a lot of anti-tank in the army. I will be running a Tyranofex and a carnifex, but the carnifex is all punch.

05-23-2010, 03:43 PM
Then I would recommend the venom cannon. Plus, the venom cannon's blast property helps clearing out tightly clumped infantry should something else (like the tyrannofex) blow up a transport.

That said, you should consider some light vehicle AT in the form of hive guard, just to round out your list and give you some flexibility so that the tyrannofex doesn't waste it's expensive firepower on rhinos or chimeras and can shoot down the pesky leman russes, land raiders, and battlewagons.

05-23-2010, 06:41 PM
rare earth magnets on Tyrant and all the weapon options. I always run mine with wings and bone sword/lash whip/set of talons or just 2 sets of talons. But get some 3/16 by 1/6 n42 or n50 rare earth magnets and magnatize it will save you so much time money and headaches.