View Full Version : Trade H: NIB Dragonfate Dais & Numinous Occulum W: NIB Stormcast & 2x Starsoul Mace

09-02-2016, 08:50 AM

First I also have a Bartertown Account named "Deathjack the Ripper" with quite a high number of 100% satisfactory trades.

Per the subject I have both the Dragonfate Dais and Numinous Occulum terrain sets New In the Box.

I'm looking to trade for equal value of anything Stormcast Eternal New In the Box, save two exceptions for models i already have:
1. I don't want the Starter Models
2. I don't need a Heraldor

Also, I am looking to purchase 2 Starsoul Mace Bits if anyone has them.

Please PM a list of what you have if interested.