View Full Version : Black Crusade - hopes and expectations

Mr Mystery
09-01-2016, 05:52 AM
Well, it's here, or near as damn it.

What I believe to be the first book in the Black Crusade 'Traitor's Hate' is out very very soon. And given the severity of such an event (in game, IRL it's actually really cool!), it seems nothing is going to be the same again.

Some are billing this as '40k End Times' - and fear it'll lead to 40k AoS, background wise (total destruction, replaced with new and interesting setting).

Me? I hope it doesn't go that far. No death of Mr Emperor Sir M'Lord. No Slaanesh being scoffed by Ynnead. No Tyranids suddenly evolving technology, or Necrons being cleverly reprogrammed into a race of Gardener Robots. In short? I don't want to see any major shifts in the background. Wiping out the odd Chapter here and there might sound fun, but not for those who have large armies of said Chapter.

Instead, I want to see the status quo shaken up (sorry, Mr Rossi), without much of a change to the balance of power. And below, I've taken a stab at what that might mean....

1. Abaddon breaks out from the Cadian Gate, and ravages the Imperium, before ultimately snuffing it (ideally at the hands of a Primarch. Russ. I'd like to see Russ earn the nickname of 'Mr Slippyfist' on Abaddon. I don't care if you are super powered by Chaos and 10,000 years old. This is Russ. That means 'you is ded'.

2. The passing of Abaddon leaves an eternal power vacuum in the forces of Chaos - this effectively halts the Black Crusade, fragmenting the host into thousands of smaller forces, beset by internecine violence. The Imperium ultimately wins a form of pyrrhic victory...why?

3. All those Warbands? They're not heading back to the Eye of Terror. The Imperium doesn't have the resources to hunt them all down, after all. The Chapters are not the Legionnes Astartes. So Chaos remains a threat, and possibly a much bigger one than when the worst of the worst were more-or-less contained with the Eye of Terror. With them being scattered about, the Imperium is forced to reinforce it's core worlds and key worlds. Whilst, in time, the Imperium can of course recover from it's losses, time is something they don't have.

So they sacrifice mobility for a stoic defence...

4. Meanwhile, whatever Eldrad is up to happens.

5. This leads to slightly closer ties to Commoragh, but not 'buddy buddy bro-fist all the time, yo, dudebro'. Instead, with the Imperium thoroughly distracted, the Craftworld Eldar look inwards to bolstering themselves...and dark deals are done, adopting the birthing techniques of the Dark Eldar - imagine fully populated Craftworlds...imagine Iyanden reborn....Eldar become more numerous, their slow decline halted. This allows them to go on the offensive more often....

6. Orks is Orks, innit. Dey is gunna doo wot Orkses dus! Fight, an' win!

And that's what I consider the 'main players, as in they can be anywhere in the Galaxy' covered. A reduced Imperium, shattered Chaos forces, Eldar having a lamp in the darkness...

Mr Mystery
09-01-2016, 08:30 AM
Oh, and I'll accept the reappearance of Primarchs. Specifically Russ, The Lion and Vulkan.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-01-2016, 08:45 AM
I found the 13th black crusade fairly boring and uninteresting before but willing to give this new version a chance, especially with the reappearance of primarchs and more interesting elements like that. We all know it'll take chaos xenos to really get me excited and I doubt they'll do that anytime soon sadly.

09-03-2016, 09:32 AM
At this point I'm just hoping it was better than the awful, awful Death Masque stuff.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-03-2016, 09:42 AM
At this point I'm just hoping it was better than the awful, awful Death Masque stuff.

Am curious now, I didn't read that fluff, how was it awful?

09-03-2016, 10:17 AM
The usual, Eldar were ****ing stupid and could see every path of fate but the one that happened, because of course. and Eldrad has become a complete arsehole and idiot which is completely counter to his previous characterization.

It was easily some of the worst tripe GW have put out since C.S. Goto.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-03-2016, 10:45 AM
The usual, Eldar were ****ing stupid and could see every path of fate but the one that happened, because of course. and Eldrad has become a complete arsehole and idiot which is completely counter to his previous characterization.

It was easily some of the worst tripe GW have put out since C.S. Goto.

Wow that bad... D:


09-07-2016, 01:30 AM
Back at the turn of the century (in the uk not in a galaxy far far away). There was a rumour doing the rounds of Warhammer Millenium beig rh next evolution of 40K, of course what we got was 4th ed (or rather 3.1). What the rumoured to edition background was that the Eye Terror exploded vastly expanding engulfing Earth smashing the Imperium into a number of smaller empires (including Ultramar becoming a Empire in its own right, Imprium Secondus anyone?). This in turn triggered the rebirth of the Emperor and the Eye of Terror spat out the Primarchs who were trapped in there (Russ, Khan and the like). Also somehow Mephiston was Sanguinius reincarnated and Guillman's injuries did indeed heal within his status field. Cue the Emperor basically trying to reunite his forces and recreate his Empire. A Great Crusade Mark 2 if you would.

Now this was just a loose rumour kicking around GW stores 98-99 sort of time). However it would fit with the background. Abaddon is trying to destroy the Cadian pylons and increase the size of the Eye so that it stretches all the way to Terra so he can destroy it. If he manages this and kills the Emperor the Astronomicon will fail and the Inperium will splinter. We also know that the Emperor is a perpetual so is if he dies he's coming back (could be interesting after 10000 year on the golden throne he might be a little strange, just think about what happens to Vulkan after the ministrations of the Nighthaunter).

It may just have been bollocks however it does fit and it would not surprise me in the slightest that GE had a plan in their back pocket to rejuvenate 40K when they needed to. Also it would allow them to sell a shed load of nice expensive Plastic Primarchs and we all know how popular the 30K ones are.

07-11-2017, 06:32 PM
Considering that post is about a year ago, that was some extreme foresight!
One might even think you're a BL author, in disguise.....