View Full Version : Kill Team Lists! - Eldar

08-30-2016, 05:33 AM
Team 1:
Simple one this 6 WraithGuard. :)
Hard to kill and hard hitting.

Team 2: { Probably not valid :( but would like to try it :) }
Rangers x2
Fire Dragon
WraithGuard x2

On the 4x4 is more scenery better for the games?

08-31-2016, 12:12 PM
Think I will go with these instead:

#1: Big'uns
WraithGuard x6

#2: Big Blades
WraithBlades x6

#3: Rangers Hunt
Rangers x5
Rangers x5
Vyper: x1 + Missle Launcher + Shuriken Cannon

{ like this one :) }

#4: Avenge the Fallen
Dire Avengers x5 + Exarch w/Power Sword and Shimmershield
Dire Avengers x6

#5 Silent Hunt
Striking Scropions x5 + Exarch w/Biting Blade
Rangers x6

Think I will have a go with those.

Deacon Ix
09-02-2016, 03:01 PM
It's played with quite a lot of scenery

Mobility and range are key if you don't have it (Wraith-) you will get kited and killed, objectives can force ppl to stay still but are not a guarantee.

Swooping Hawks and/or Warp Spiders or Scat Bikes will be good IMO

Rangers will probably be ok too

09-03-2016, 09:35 PM
Scat bikes and wraith guard in kill team
That sounds so incredibly fun to play against