View Full Version : Lord Inquisitor Prologue is out

08-28-2016, 05:23 PM
Pretty spectacular. Voice acting is a bit suspect but for a fan made film its amazing. Favorite part is the music. Its suitably epic and I demand the soundtrack already for my workout playlist.


08-28-2016, 05:56 PM
The music with those panning shots of the Terra cityscapes are just...oh I've waited too long to see the 40K Grimdark aesthetic done so right.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-29-2016, 04:43 AM
The scenic visuals were really impressive and they sure packed a lot of cool stuff into those 8 minutes. I liked the shots of the city and procession especially. It's definitely good for a fan-made effort and it makes me wonder what they'd be capable of with an actual budget and a larger working team. A huge improvement on "Ultramarines" too, allthough that isn't really difficult.

I did felt the lip syncing needed work as it felt off for the duration, but I know thats one of the hardest things to get right with this kind of tech, it's VERY hard. Not sure how I felt about the inquisitor, he wasn't really likeable like Eisenhorn, but maybe that's the point - I'd have to see more of him really to see where it goes.

Also as someone that is also into film-making and wanting to do his own stuff, I certainly applaud their efforts and understand just how difficult and challenging it is to do your own stuff.

08-29-2016, 04:51 AM
Looks amazing but the Inquisitor acts like some ghetto gangsta wannabe *******. Thats a real bummer for me.

08-29-2016, 05:56 AM
Looks amazing but the Inquisitor acts like some ghetto gangsta wannabe *******. Thats a real bummer for me.

Thats actually how I felt that most of them acted. Like untouchable a**holes that just went around making peoples' lives miserable for little to no reason just because they *could*. The story is also that this guy isn't the lord inquisitor .. yet... thats what he wants to become.

08-29-2016, 06:02 AM
Yeah, he came off as an arrogant tyrant who acts as judge, jury and executioner, wielding absolute power to execute whomever he deems worthy of it, with no moral qualms exercising that power.

So, y'know...he's an Inquisitor.

08-29-2016, 06:28 AM
Is one of his henchmen an assassin? I can't tell.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-29-2016, 06:32 AM
The assassin is a death cult assassin, I think.

08-29-2016, 06:38 AM
The assassin is a death cult assassin, I think.

Thought so.

Thnx for confirmation.

I came up with another complaint.

Needz more Eldarz.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-29-2016, 06:47 AM
Ultimately I think theres potential for a series of shorts, but they would certainly need a bigger team and an actual budget - I think a lot of the issues like voice synch would probably be able to be fixed then. I think the team is only like 11 people which is extremely tiny - even the pro looking star trek and star wars films have loads more people.

08-29-2016, 06:50 AM
I'll talk to my buddy and see if he can give Erasmus a copy of their facial animation software for the lip synching issues.

08-29-2016, 06:58 AM
IIRC they're using Cinebox, a version of CryEngine used for rendering animations. It's likely that the lip sync is integrated into the package, and therefore not possible to plugin in FaceFX. It may be possible for them to convert the data across. Their animator noted in the comments that part of the problem is that they only ever get one take for mo-cap, as they borrow their work's gear but don't get much time on it.

That aside, I want a soundtrack release. :P

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-29-2016, 06:58 AM
Oh thats cool, I hope you can do that - it seems on other forums/places I've read other people are saying the same thing about it, so it sounds like something they do need to fix, and I guess giving Erasmus a free copy would give them some good exposure so it might be worth it for them too.

I'm guess one advantage I have with working with totally unrelatable aliens, is I don't have to worry about issues like this at all.

08-29-2016, 09:10 AM
Amazing work for what it is - even ranked up against professional work it looks fantastic.

Same criticism that the lip-sync is off but that's everyone's lol.

Also a bit meh on the assassin's model, kinda rigid with the square shoulders and of course the proportions. But at least she didn't have high heels..? :p

08-31-2016, 03:42 PM
I loved it.

The Inquisitor is a jerk because he's meant to be, apparently he's a radical.

Captain Bubonicus
09-01-2016, 09:15 AM
Yeah, he came off as an arrogant tyrant who acts as judge, jury and executioner, wielding absolute power to execute whomever he deems worthy of it, with no moral qualms exercising that power.

So, y'know...he's an Inquisitor.

Yeah, but that Skrillex haircut...

09-01-2016, 09:22 AM

Yeah, not really... (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=skrillex&espv=2&biw=1157&bih=697&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnmvGzvO7OAhVCSRoKHaKlAPwQ_AUIBygC)

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-01-2016, 02:45 PM
A lot of us rivetheads have that sort of haircut. I don't, but many of us do.

09-03-2016, 06:17 PM
Here are my thoughts:

Though, before we get started, let me say, I liked it. I thought it was an overall positive and would give a solid 8/10. The reason I talk more about what I didn't like is so I can be specific and give real feedback. General criticism is never useful.

Things I liked:

The visuals were amazing. The cinematography was very well done. I especially enjoyed the cityscape shots.
The aesthetic was great! I really liked the futuristic gothic architecture. It really captured the feel of the universe.

Thing I didn't like:

The Inquisitor's characterization. I enjoyed that he was cold, arrogant, and ruthless, an Inquisitor should be those things. I didn't like that he prolonged killing the guy. I also didn't like the whole stab-him-in-the-chest bit. Why? Why would he do that? If it had a purpose that's one thing, but it seemed like a 13 year-old trying to characterize someone that is TEH UBER LEET. It was already established that the Inquisitor was a jerk.

I also didn't like that he shot the guy a bunch of times before killing him. Again, why? The character had already been established as hard. It makes him seem like a complete sociopath. Maybe that's what Erasmus was going for, but, if so, then the character isn't relatable or compelling. I have no desire to watch a movie about a sociopath hacking and slashing his way to the top of the food chain. It's juvenile.

Now, I know many will argue with me and say things like, "It was only an 8 minute prologue, they can't give a complete character background in that short a time." True, but you can fit in enough to make it make sense. Erasmus did a great job of that with the relationship between the Inquisitor and his people and also between the Inquisitor's retinue and the guy they were hunting. We understood who was in charge, and that they had a history with that guy right off. They could have done something like that to explain why the Inquisitor felt the need to mutilate the guy before killing him.

The only other criticism I have is that the guy groaned and whimpered too much. It was off-putting.