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View Full Version : What are you most looking forward to in terms of new releases?

Vulkan He'stan
08-09-2009, 04:00 PM
i am looking forward to the new space wolves.

Khestra the Unbeheld
08-09-2009, 05:19 PM
I'm looking forward to resurrecting the Legions from the maw of Thorpe's vengeance. Aside from that, not much there I care about. . .except maybe Tyranids. I'm very curious about the Nids. :)

08-09-2009, 05:25 PM
Current, known new releases?

Space Wolves.

Imaginary, maybe 10 years from now new releases?

Dark Eldar.

08-09-2009, 05:32 PM
Dark Eldar only have to wait until 2011. Some info on those, the new Necron Dex, and the next Nid Dex, can be found on my blog. Personally, all 3 excite me, but that may be because maybe 100 people in the world know more about them than me. Probably less. How many are in the Design team? ;)

08-09-2009, 05:59 PM
Ork third wave, whenever/if that rolls around. Hoping for a plastic warboss kit and new buggy/trakk kits.

If Tyranids turn out to be next year I'm also curious about them.

08-09-2009, 06:45 PM
Nids ARE next year...;)

08-09-2009, 08:07 PM
IF they ever make one a plastic warhound ;)

but since thats not likely...

Skaven! i cant wait to see more of the lil buggers in play!

08-09-2009, 11:36 PM
Dark Eldar only have to wait until 2011. Some info on those, the new Necron Dex, and the next Nid Dex, can be found on my blog. Personally, all 3 excite me, but that may be because maybe 100 people in the world know more about them than me. Probably less. How many are in the Design team? ;)

Sorry, I have been around the block to know nothing is written in stone until roughly 6 months out.

DE have been coming out 'next year' by GW sources since late 2005.

08-10-2009, 12:10 AM
Sorry, I have been around the block to know nothing is written in stone until roughly 6 months out.

DE have been coming out 'next year' by GW sources since late 2005.Plus he said on his blog a week ago that space wolves weren't coming out for another 2 years. Even the King can be misinformed it seems.

08-10-2009, 12:17 AM
The sad thing is, I'm not really "looking forward" to anything on the new release radar right now.

I mean, c'mon, what's on tap...

Space Puppies...Viiiiiiikings in SPAAAAAACE. Yawn. I mean damn the new armor that we've seen looks SWEET without a doubt but then they jack the whole thing up with topknots and fauxhawks. Why, GW, why? Now maybe using some LotR heads on those new SW sculpts...hmmmmmmm, at least then they'd look like proper "barbarians" or "celtic warriors" or whatever (actually now that I think about it that might be pretty cool). I suppose I'll wait for the new book and if there's some kickass rules/units then MAYBE it'll pique my interest. Until then, no tingle in my pants for SW.

Let's see, next up in the Fail Parade is....Blood Angels. Man I love marines but this is frackin' ridiculous. Do they REALLY need a new 'dex? Um...let's see...update the PDF and be done with it. Again, no tingle.

And bringing up the rear on the Carnival de la FAIL is...Tyranids. And I'll just bet -- given GW's track record -- that the new 'nid book won't be a paragon of balance, so we can all look forward to a new flavor of bugzilla coming soon. Lovely. I just can't wait to see 5 or 6 carnifexes on the tables again. <----- That right there is what we call sarcasm, for the humor impaired.

So what am I looking forward to? Finishing my Star Phantoms, CSMs, and building my WH/DH armies. :)

08-10-2009, 03:11 AM
I generally regard any new GW releases at this point as potential stuff for my bitz box. There are not any other armies I want to start, and since I play at my FLGS I'm not likely to buy much terrain. Perhaps if they suffer from a radical turnaround and hire real creative people instead of the glue-sniffers they've got in there now I might show some enthusiasm.

08-10-2009, 03:44 AM
I am quite looking forward to a new nid release, as they are graet but could do with more units to make it more versatile, as their are only two builds at the moment, and only one of them wins games. Plus, I love them. :)

08-11-2009, 10:06 AM
Plus he said on his blog a week ago that space wolves weren't coming out for another 2 years. Even the King can be misinformed it seems.

Ah, my bad, that was Punctuation Fail. I meant that the order of release was that, and that only DE had to wait until 2011, the others are inbetween now and then. Obviously, I know the Wolves are out Oct 3rd. March if the next Dex. Only thing I'm not clear on is the new BA Dex...it could be released somewhere in the middle of that schedule and make me look silly. Crossing my fingers GW don't bother though.

Lord Inquisitor
08-11-2009, 11:28 AM
Dark Eldar!

Inquisitor Lord Haestus
08-11-2009, 11:35 AM
I would like to see the forces of the Inquisition :-) Updated Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters not to mention Ordo Xenos!!

08-11-2009, 12:23 PM
I would say the Necron Codex, but personally i don't have THAT many issues with it...sure its weak compared to IG or SM and some newer codex but thats how this stuff works... powercreep 101.

So baring a Necron Codex i have to say new Plastic Necron Units, because i hate the metal Flayed Ones and Wraths... Cool looking but a pain to keep together. At least for me that is.

Brass Scorpion
08-11-2009, 09:08 PM
What are you most looking forward to in terms of new releases?
- A Chaos Marine Codex where you know your Possessed Marine's abilities before deployment.
- More plastic models and less metal in all ranges, especially Chaos.
- A hopefully fun new Necron Codex. I bought some Necrons via Apocalypse bargain bundles and I'm waiting to see what happens to them in the next book before building and painting them.
- More plastic Super-heavies!

08-11-2009, 09:47 PM
I would like to see the forces of the Inquisition :-) Updated Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters not to mention Ordo Xenos!!

But that would require GW to actually care about us folk in the Inquisition... It is more likely Inquisitors will be relegated to being specialty units... At least, that was the impression I got when Andy Hoare made his comments about Inqs. being included because of the proximity to the Inquisitor release...

Having said that, I would love an update to my sisters... Even something that just provides more unit options that are actually useful...

08-12-2009, 05:59 AM
i have to say new Plastic Necron Units, because i hate the metal Flayed Ones

*Whistles nonchalantly*

08-12-2009, 06:15 AM
Definitely Blood Angels.

08-12-2009, 06:16 PM
i've been saving a penny a day since i heard the first rumor that the plastic Thunderhawk was coming out...
...i think i probably have enough for three FW ones by now.

08-12-2009, 07:05 PM
Legions. Of. Chaos. Other than that I am interested in the 'nid release, I don't think I'll start an army anytime soon, but I have always liked the 'nid warrior models :)
oh and an update for the Lost and the Damned with rules for a Traitor Guard & ZOMBIES!!!
of course a plastic Warhound would always be welcome in my collection...

08-12-2009, 08:20 PM
Legions. Of. Chaos. Other than that I am interested in the 'nid release, I don't think I'll start an army anytime soon, but I have always liked the 'nid warrior models :)
oh and an update for the Lost and the Damned with rules for a Traitor Guard & ZOMBIES!!!
of course a plastic Warhound would always be welcome in my collection...

Sir, you have probably the cleverest interwebs name I've ever seen. I salute you.

08-12-2009, 10:02 PM
thank you TKE <salutes back>

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-12-2009, 11:04 PM
1) Tzeentch horror command group

2) necrons & dark eldar....a long wait...

3) mainly, im looking forward to a completely new Xeno race.....oh boy, its gonna be a longgggg wait...

on BA's...I guess they could be somewhat interesting if they gave them a Visual Overhaul, cos right now their just red smurfs with a few black smurfs thrown in. Mephiston and Dante are awesome models, and if they use those as a base for an upgrade kit, I could see them being decent.

08-12-2009, 11:50 PM
I'm looking forward to resurrecting the Legions from the maw of Thorpe's vengeance. Aside from that, not much there I care about. . .except maybe Tyranids. I'm very curious about the Nids. :)

I whole heartedly second the Legions. Then again, Jervis said they're entertaining the idea... Which means we have at least 2 years to wait. :mad:

08-13-2009, 02:19 AM
Im over marines so space wolves just irritates me

Dark Eldar would be Nice
Nids would excite me
Crons Would excite me
DaemonHunters would reallly excite me

In regards to forgeworld
I would love to see an Eldar Superheavy such as a Phantom

If GW released a titan i would also gain wood

They really should, every kid needs a warhound or 20