View Full Version : horde necrons

05-20-2010, 11:10 PM
so i go to the Memphis bunker every weekend. and for so long my friends and fellow hobbyist told me take lots and lots of warriors. i really like my 15 destroyer list. well finally i sit down and made the list and i have the models.
i played 79 warriors, a lord, and a monolith=1850
unfortunately, i played against Necrons . and the game went fairly good.
his list was two lords, one on body and one with veil.
20 warriors, 5 destroyer, and 2 squads of five immortals and a monolith.

we played pitch battle with 3 objectives

he went first and shoot some warriors down for good.
i moved and around turn 3 i veiled a unit with lord and took his objective.

he phased on turn 4.
i lost around 12 warriors out of 79 not bad to me. this build just can take hits and can put down so many shots dear lord.:D

anyone have any commits and or advice about this list and play style with necrons plz post on this thread

05-21-2010, 02:52 AM
Well its the way i play necrons atm in 5th ED i think you have too i always start a game with necrons at 50 warriors YOU must have them and if your running around with 15 destroyers then id bet on necrons to lose most times.

does anyone like wraiths as i always have 3 in my army with a destroyer lord

05-21-2010, 08:35 AM
Well its the way i play necrons atm in 5th ED i think you have too i always start a game with necrons at 50 warriors YOU must have them and if your running around with 15 destroyers then id bet on necrons to lose most times.

does anyone like wraiths as i always have 3 in my army with a destroyer lord
my friend is starting necrons and he was to use wraiths, but he is going to play a really weird list

05-21-2010, 11:26 AM
Warrior horde eh? Sounds interesting but wouldn't it have a tough time against people who do a lot of assaulting or have lots of pie plates?

05-21-2010, 11:48 AM
Warrior horde eh? Sounds interesting but wouldn't it have a tough time against people who do a lot of assaulting or have lots of pie plates?
it could be hard against pie plates, but as necrons we have problems wiht assault as it is so nothing new to worry about

05-21-2010, 12:15 PM
Good point.

And carefull arangement of the units could make it so that you could only ever assault one 10 man unit.. and then if they don't whipe it out teleport it away and if they do move up and rapid fire the crap out of them..

i'm really curious now I may have to put together the rest of my warriors and see what I can do with a full warrior army.

05-21-2010, 12:17 PM
Good point.

And carefull arangement of the units could make it so that you could only ever assault one 10 man unit.. and then if they don't whipe it out teleport it away and if they do move up and rapid fire the crap out of them..

i'm really curious now I may have to put together the rest of my warriors and see what I can do with a full warrior army.
take it from my personal experence, the list is a move and rapid fire army and the phase out almost feels gone.

it is the funnest list i have played for all three of my armys.

it seems that it can get dull in the future, because you repeat the same thing every turn but hell guard do it too so.

"If plan A fails REPEAT PLAN A". it failed again, guess what? REPEAT plan A lol

Pariah Stevo
05-27-2010, 01:33 AM
ive played necrons for many years. Eventually your list is gonna get absolutely mowed down by a some type of durable assault force. Black Templar, Chaos marine, and defineately Orks come to mind. Or anything with alot of terminators. This list simply does'nt have the range. Most ork armies can sit back and shoot at it, then when you move up,your gonna have 1 turn till the entire army assaults you. I love the idea though. I used to field 60 warrior in my old 4th edition army and i did very well, but they are just to squishy in assault and dont have the offense power to stay off most attackers. I would stick with the destroyer list. My current list has 10 des, 3 HD's and the golden boy in the middle, ready to fight off incoming assault units.

05-27-2010, 01:53 AM
What Stevo said, Destroyers are invaluable to Necron in 5e.

The whole footslogging thing with rapid fire guns...not so much.

Necron - generally - are slow, short-ranged and expensive. They are not a rules army (they do have WBB), they cannot compete numbers-wise with horde armies so all that's left to be done is to stack up on the dice side of the game. And to ensure you get to roll those dice to maximum efficiency in the shooing phase LOTS of destroyers are necessary.

As for Wraiths....I've always hated them. They need a second wound or something to make them viable, it's not that they're the worst unit in 40k (they're not) in an army like Necron you really could just better spend your points on other things.