View Full Version : Space Wolf alternative chapter

05-20-2010, 08:06 AM
Hi folks,
I've a problem: I like space wolf tacticts, codex, rules.
The problem is: I really don't like the norse/viking style, all those beards, naked heads, pelts and such.
I was wandering which chapter could i use (the idea of creating chapter I don't like).
I thought Space Sharks be then there would be no substitute for the giant wolves. I could use as mounts Fantasy Cold ones but no chapter I can think of is related to giant reptiles... :confused:
In the worst of the scenarios I could decide not to field Thunderwof cavalry...
Any idea would be greatly appreciated!


05-20-2010, 08:10 AM
The Flesh Tearers planet of Cretacia ( as in the cretaceous period ) is always listed as having reptiles roaming the landscape. I've definately seen peoples conversions of Fesh Tearers riding dinos over the years. This was before they were descendants of the Blood Angels though. I'm thinking of doing Flesh Tearer scouts on cold ones instead of Bikes.

05-20-2010, 08:15 AM
You can always invent your own chapter which revolves around sometype of riding animal.

Lord Azaghul
05-20-2010, 08:23 AM
Just call them space puppies...

Sharks would just looks silly...

Space Sharks? Sounds like a deviant chaos chapter who fights the loyalist Space Jets...

The only problem with using cold ones is people will immediately think your using salamanders.

Horses are always an options, so are bikes, but really kit them out to differenciate them from normal bikes.

05-20-2010, 08:34 AM
I was considering doing a new chapter called

Dragon Marines

its split directly in half, one half are known as the Emerald Dragons - they have green armour, and decorate themselves in claws and teeth from the giant lizards that roam their homeplanet.

the other half are called Diamond Dragons, they are in white and specialise in boarding actions and Drop pod assaults.

I was considering using the space wolves codex to represent the Emerald Dragons (mounted riders on lizard beasts), and Blood Angels codex to represent the Diamond Dragons (to gain use of the Storm Raven)

But as you can see, it takes very little effort to make up your own chapter.

the emerald dragons would be easy to make too, simply get hold of some "dragons teeth" (i'm going to use spare spiky bits from trygon kits) and make mohawk style helmets etc.

Also because Chapterhouse Studios make some cool Dragon conversion pieces (http://chapterhousestudios.com/webshop/component/virtuemart/?page=shop.browse&category_id=7), making them stand out won't be difficult

05-20-2010, 10:55 AM
I can help out with the ideas for alternative chapter.

Iron Wolves

They are battle-hardened brothers who endured the frenzy training provided by Space Wolves. After several years fighting the battles amongst the Space Wolves, they find themselves not worthy enough to be in Space Wolves league. They split up and form a new chapter called the Iron Wolves. In the Iron Wolves chapter, you will find their warfare tactics to be the one and same as Space Wolves.But they are simply outcasts collected together to form an elite feral chapter and planning to destroy the Chaos off the face of the universe.

Just a thought, you can switch around names or moving some of the story to make it feel like credibility enough.

05-20-2010, 12:34 PM
I've seen a couple of different versions of the space marine ATV over the years created by people converting bikes to have 4 wheels. You could do something similar to make counts as mechanical thunderwolves.

05-20-2010, 12:57 PM
Why not have space sharks riding on the back of giant sharks? simples.

05-21-2010, 03:39 AM
hehe...space sharks


Well..you have void whales in the 40k lore, so why not space sharks.

A race of creaures living in astroid fields, eating the smaller creatures that float from astroid to astroide feeding of the minerals or some kind of land sharks like the bulette from d&d.




I was thinking of sharks that could float via warp energy or something like the fast attack choice the demon army uses.

Screamers http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1300073&prodId=prod1170227

loads of options, but up to you what you want...I like the bulette the most.

05-21-2010, 03:43 AM
Oye..and btw...theres miniatures of bulettes :D




and size comparison (think it is a d&d figure of sorts, so you would have to look up the size of those)



a vendor: http://www.nobleknight.com/searchresults.asp?search=bulette

05-21-2010, 08:17 AM
Wow thanks guys for the input.The bulette thing is very interesting.
Talking about "official" chapters which one wolud you use with the woves codex?
I thought the Relictors or Emperor's Schytes (ok without cavalry).

12-22-2010, 10:02 AM
Hi folks,
I've a problem: I like space wolf tacticts, codex, rules.
The problem is: I really don't like the norse/viking style, all those beards, naked heads, pelts and such.
I was wandering which chapter could i use (the idea of creating chapter I don't like).
I thought Space Sharks be then there would be no substitute for the giant wolves. I could use as mounts Fantasy Cold ones but no chapter I can think of is related to giant reptiles... :confused:
In the worst of the scenarios I could decide not to field Thunderwof cavalry...
Any idea would be greatly appreciated!

Hi there,

I was really hoping to put my Dragon Marines on cold ones but the cold ones are just too small:( it is all a big pain.

So have almost given up on it there are some bigger Lizard looking things out there... but I cant seem to find them right now... I will link them up for you when I do find them...

Space Sharks do seem cool but I am not sure the look is right for the Land Shark thing....

The lions for the lion Chariot in the High Elf army range seem like they could work... Mufasa Marines could do the trick...

Anyway happy hunting...

If you find a good one,,, please share if you do...

12-22-2010, 01:01 PM
This old school Super-Cyboar would be about the right size and look pretty cool.


Alternately what about converting some massive bike thing and just make the profile reflect the prowess of the riders...

12-22-2010, 01:25 PM
I almost started up Salamanders under SW rules, or a Salamander successor chapter. I liked the lava world, forge element using metal bloodthirsters for the TWolf Cavalry, Fantasy Cold Ones instead of wolves, and Flame Blades instead of Frost Blades. I was even gonna get Night Lord winged helmets for my assault squad. Even the Night Fighting could be explained by infrared vision... Ultimately though I DID like the Viking element of the SW fluff so I stuck with them. That and the Forgeworld SW Dread. :)

I agree with the above poster also about a Lion based chapter using the HE Lions would be cool.

12-22-2010, 02:01 PM
You could use them for the Chaos Chapter, Skylar's Dark Wolves.Just use the Dex and Chaos miniatures.
Or do the Brazen Minataurs, use beastmen for your mark of the Wolfen, and still use bulls or boars for you mounts.
Black Dragons could be the same thing with Lizardmen for the MotW and giant lizards for the mounts (I recommend the Lizardmen cold ones over the Dark elf ones).
Mantis Warriors riding giant insects (converted from "nid stuff). Your options are endless

12-22-2010, 04:49 PM
You could use them for the Chaos Chapter, Skylar's Dark Wolves.Just use the Dex and Chaos miniatures.
Or do the Brazen Minataurs, use beastmen for your mark of the Wolfen, and still use bulls or boars for you mounts.
Black Dragons could be the same thing with Lizardmen for the MotW and giant lizards for the mounts (I recommend the Lizardmen cold ones over the Dark elf ones).
Mantis Warriors riding giant insects (converted from "nid stuff). Your options are endless

If they are to be chaos one could use Blood Crushers... :D:D

12-22-2010, 05:27 PM
Black Dragons, maybe? (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Black_Dragons)

12-22-2010, 05:32 PM
I actually was going to do the Mortis Lepus (Death Bunnies) out of the Space Wolves book. I took juggers and green stuffed a fur coat and bunny ears. I was planning on giving the marines Khorne heads for the rabbit ear effect. The colors were going to be white and pink with other pastels.

12-23-2010, 01:13 AM
I actually was going to do the Mortis Lepus (Death Bunnies) out of the Space Wolves book. I took juggers and green stuffed a fur coat and bunny ears. I was planning on giving the marines Khorne heads for the rabbit ear effect. The colors were going to be white and pink with other pastels.

Very Python'esque! :D

12-24-2010, 02:20 AM
I don't know if the space wolves use bikes, otherwise I suppose you could use them, pimp them out a bit and say that they are a nasty bunch of bikers with norse attitudes

Big mek
12-24-2010, 02:41 AM
Well, im working on alternative ideas for when im done with my ork waaagh! and is going to start Space puppies, im thinking of making it spartan/gladiator style, have some shields with lion heads on for storm shields, so thats the basic team ill be going with, perhaps calling them Centurions of hope or somthing like that, anyway, i will be making "cavalry" with marines on chariots, maybe with 2 marines on if space permits it, a soldier and a driver, but havent decided yet, its still 5-6 months till ill start, so alot of time to come up with more ideas...

Just a thought ;)

Edit: Will 2 marines fit on this??


Or maybe jjust have marines riding the lions?