View Full Version : Your mission, if you choose to accept it....

Mr Mystery
08-19-2016, 12:46 PM
How do?

Just been bothering the front page where I gone done talk about the first AoS campaign. Sadly, I didn't get the chance to take part this time around as, well, work. Work sucks. But I have a career. And careers are like jobs, but suck for longer.


Resounding victory for Order, who held all three of their cities and managed to steer well clear of 'squeaky bum time' for the most part. Hooray and huzzah and time for tea and crumpets! (Mind you, it's always time for tea and crumpets. always)

Poor Chaos, Death and Destruction (sounds my like 18th) didn't get much of a look in...and that got me thinking....

When there's the next global campaign, I'd love to see a variety of missions/scenarios with different rewards. Your standard 'out of one of the books' scenarios would yield a single faction VP, or like, whatevs.

But, when you're faction is on the ropes or struggling to make headway, you have the option of taking on high risk/high reward type scenarios - ones which might prove crucial to the war effort. As an example of what I mean, I'll repeat my sample from the Frontpage....

Opening a second front - Death on the ropes scenario.

It's not going well. The city is self sufficient for the most part, and with a Realmgate within under enemy control, your chances of the traditional 'sit outside, wait for them to starve to death, waltz in and Ressurect everyone' just can't work. Their walls are proving well defended, their troops well fed and watered, with the potential of fresh reinforcements piling through the Realmgate.

Instead, a cunning plan is hatched...the siege catapults are loaded with corpses and skeletons, the city is subjected to a sustained bombardment, hoping to deliver the payload before the defenders can properly dispose of it. Meanwhile, efforts are underway to deliver powerful Summoners (Necromancers and Vampires) into the city itself. (Exactly how isn't important right now, this is just a sample. Shut up)

Now, if Death players can pull out more victories than defeats here, the defended city suddenly finds the war shifting fronts quite rapidly. The Undead can not only force them to fight on two fronts, but can also strike for the Realmgate...take control of that, and it could be curtains (but not curtain walls. They're the problem in the first place) for the defenders- especially if the Realmgate can be realigned....

Trick here is to make the scenarios really bloody hard for Death, without making it impossible - high risk, high reward. So even if the victory condition is 'get a single Hero capable of summoning off the enemy table edge', it's achievable, but damned difficult if your opponent remembers their objective.

Anyone else got any mindspew to add to this?

08-19-2016, 02:15 PM
Until they revise how they score their campaigns, I will probably sit those out and focus on my own.