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Mr Mystery
08-16-2016, 05:51 AM
Just read an article on Denofgeek which was talking about cancelled Star Wars games - and to my surprise, it was more about historical instances than those scuppered when Disney bought out Lucasfilm.

And one of those? A follow up to the frankly fantastic Rogue Squadron series, albeit one focussing on Imperial craft.

Y'know? It's made me commit to buying a GameCube and it's associated gubbins so I can play Rebel Strike once again (possibly the dodgiest instalment on it's own, but comes with a full co-op version of the first one, so totes the one to get!)

Wondering if there's anyone else who likes to dabble in non-ROM copy older games?

(also, deliberately avoiding the 'R' word that rhymes with metro, on account it's been forever tainted by hipsters to now mean pretending to like something you weren't there for the first time around, but only like, in an ironic, post-modern, artisinal way, yah?)

Mr Mystery
08-18-2016, 04:49 AM


Man, it's lonely here in Nostalgia Corner....:(

08-18-2016, 05:23 AM

Mr Mystery
08-18-2016, 05:26 AM
I've got a PS4, I just enjoy playing the game I did years ago as well.

08-18-2016, 07:16 AM
I've got all three of the original rogue squadron games, and while they don't hold up to TIE fighter they were pretty dam good.
Though when I do break out the retro games it's usually the snes and sensible soccer or the saturn and sega rally.

08-18-2016, 09:55 AM
I've got a play through of FF8 I need to get around to finishing. I think I'm on the second disc? Out of 4 total on the PS1 (although I'm playing on the PS2).

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-24-2016, 06:35 AM
I'm pretty much a retro-gamer for the most part. There are few 3D games that really appeal to me, and even the ones I do like - I don't have the funds for a gaming PC and modern consoles aside from nintendo seem like more limited PC's to me as well. My era was NES/SNES and DOS/Win3.1 and I still pretty much stick to that aside from modern retro/2d games.

I intend to get one of these at some point so I can play old NES games (and new ones) in cartridge format as yeah I'd prefer to that : http://www.retrousb.com/product_info.php?cPath=36&products_id=78
the specs look great and it has some interesting features.
and speaking of "new" NES games, it's worth taking a look at this site : http://www.infiniteneslives.com/products.php
I'd definitely get the Legends of Owlia - zelda style action-RPG with a female character. The neat thing is, they give a free demo in ROM format that you can play on an emulator. I gave it a go and really liked it.

I use emulators quite often, especially DOSbox so I can play all of my old DOS and Win3.1 games again. Infact, Win3.1 runs better than it ever did within DOSbox than it ever did on my old 486. It's kinda funny running windows within dos within windows lol

Most of my fave DOS games tend to be Apogee or early ID games, I have a soft spot for fairly unknown Apogee title "Dark Ages" as it was the first game I ever played, I liked it so much I even made eight different hacks which offer a total of 80 brand new levels in total - and I'm such a nerd I bought floppy disks and a usb floppy drive so I could distribute them to my friends. I like a lot of the old point and click adventures too like Space Quest, Monkey Island and Grim Fandango. I think the only 3d Games I really like are the original Quake and Doom games as not much else really appeals to me for some reason.

08-24-2016, 09:34 AM
I love retro gaming, I play A Link to the Past every single year, still my favourite game ever. and things like Super Metroid as well.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-24-2016, 09:53 AM
I love retro gaming, I play A Link to the Past every single year, still my favourite game ever. and things like Super Metroid as well.

-fist bump-

Super Metroid is my #2 game ever. Loved Link to the past too. Speaking of metroid, did you play any of AM2R yet? I think Samus remains my fave videogame character too.

I still think cartridges are the best physical way to own a game too. Discs are just too fragile and breakable but those old cartridges are built to last, all of mine still work perfectly from the 90's.

08-24-2016, 09:59 AM
I don't play many older games, mostly the remakes, (e.g., Black Mesa, Wolfenstein New Order, etc.) :P

08-24-2016, 10:18 AM
This year's birthday saw the Memsahib buy me a Megadrive. It is a sega built box, with 80 original megadrive games on, including streets of rage, sonic, mortal kombat, etc. For some reason the nipper and his mates thought it was particularly awesome - when I finally let them have a go...

08-25-2016, 01:23 AM
Cool. We got an actual megadrive for about £3 off a carboot four or five years back. Until they started releasing the collections for the last gen of consoles some of the original cartridges were stupid money. Have a feeling streets of rage 3 was generally £50+ if you could find it :eek:

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-25-2016, 02:03 AM
I'm only really starting to explore the megadrive/genesis catalogue lately, some really good games though. Current faves are Monster World IV and Blades of Vengeance.

08-25-2016, 02:06 AM
Streets of rage, golden axe, sonic 1,2,3 &knuckles(and that's where they should have stopped making sonic games), Road rash(which feels impossible to control these days), Sensible soccer(best football game ever).

That's just off top of my head.

08-25-2016, 03:42 AM
I'm playing Undertale atm, does that count? :P

08-25-2016, 03:56 AM

08-25-2016, 04:01 AM
Is good game!

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-25-2016, 04:13 AM
I'm playing Undertale atm, does that count? :P

Yes, it's a great game. Sadly I could never get past the battle system for it, but I definitly rate it highly regardless.

08-25-2016, 04:16 AM
Is good game!

I watched the SO play it. It's not one for me. Games with that sort of battle system have to really catch my attention. Try getting Cthulu saves the world in the next steam sale

08-25-2016, 04:22 AM
Yeah, the battle system is...interesting, but I like the non-lethal ways of winning battles, they tend to be fairly creative.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-25-2016, 04:30 AM
Yeah, the battle system is...interesting, but I like the non-lethal ways of winning battles, they tend to be fairly creative.

For me it has to be the zelda style battle system or not at all. I'm just too impatient I guess so I could never get past those sort of battle systems, especially the turn based stuff. Shame really cos I do think a lot of those rpgs are amazing games with great stories.

08-25-2016, 07:08 AM
I love me some turn based combat. Either with old school JRPGs (final fantasy 1-10?) or current games like Mordheim. I find it scratches a totally different itch than the action/mmo games I otherwise play.

I've been getting the remake of the old final fantasy games on iOS. Really enjoyed the limited time I've actually gotten to play.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-06-2016, 12:34 PM
My current frustration, this player makes it look so easy though :


Erik Setzer
11-11-2016, 06:10 PM
I've gotten more nostalgic with games lately thanks to stumbling on a channel that feeds my nostalgia, "Lazy Game Reviews":


The guy does a lot of classic game reviews, and has old rigs to play the games, even. It's fun to remember them. He's got a crazy library of games, and seeing the boxes lined up on shelves makes me remember a time when instead of opening up Steam, I'd go to the local mall and check out the shelves and browse these nice beefy boxes, and open up new games to see all kinds of cool stuff inside.

He also does some other fun stuff, like thrift shop videos where he digs through local shops for classic games or other goodies. Did a video on building a 486 computer recently. And some crazy fun stuff like using a black and white TV to play a computer game with converters to go from HDMI to the TV (appropriately enough, he was playing Fallout 4, which looks "right" on such a TV... other than the corners cutting off parts of the UI and all).

I've been hitting up GOG more lately, and longing for shops around me that people would drop off old gems of computer games in.