View Full Version : Necrons - multiple queries....

05-19-2010, 06:31 AM

For some reason, I am tempted by Necrons. herewith some queries not covered by the FAQ...

1. Monoliths. They seem to DS to me similar to a Drop pod, except that units are moved 1" away, rather than the monolith moving. Am I right in thinking the only way they can then mishap is to land off-table - as skimmers they probably can be on top of impassable terrain?

2. If using the monolith portal, the necrons emerge 'as if they were disembarking'. Given the frontage of the portal, does this mean you would be physically unable to get a full 20-strong unit (on troops bases) to disembark? Given if you declare a reserve to use the monolith not walk on they must do so, what happens if you can't fit the full unit on, or are you limited to small numbers?

3. If a Monolith doesn't move, units emerging can move as normal. This would mean they could assault as normal. What about a non-moving Monolith, with the troops teleporting? Nowhere does is say they are DSing so I would assume they could come out, then move and charge?

4. Non-moving monoliths, allow emerging units to move. Is it reasonable for a unit to move straight on and away, so disembark 2" and then move 6", to allow the bigger units to actually get on the board?

5. A veil of darkness allows a Lord and unit he is with to remove from the table top and immediately be placed anywhere on the table using DS rules. Do you think the DS rule refer just to his placement, or, as it replaces movement, do you have the normal restrictions on charging/moving post DS arrival?

6. With regard to Monolith teleportation, it restricts reserves specifically: "Only one unit of warriros can enter play from each monolith in a single turn." With regards to phasing out non-reserve units, it has no similar specific restriction - how many units can do this per monolith?

Any more I think of I will post, I would also appreciate knowing what you do for anti armour with NEcrons, and deceiver or nightbringer?



05-19-2010, 07:39 AM

For some reason, I am tempted by Necrons. herewith some queries not covered by the FAQ...

1. Monoliths. They seem to DS to me similar to a Drop pod, except that units are moved 1" away, rather than the monolith moving. Am I right in thinking the only way they can then mishap is to land off-table - as skimmers they probably can be on top of impassable terrain?

2. If using the monolith portal, the necrons emerge 'as if they were disembarking'. Given the frontage of the portal, does this mean you would be physically unable to get a full 20-strong unit (on troops bases) to disembark? Given if you declare a reserve to use the monolith not walk on they must do so, what happens if you can't fit the full unit on, or are you limited to small numbers?

3. If a Monolith doesn't move, units emerging can move as normal. This would mean they could assault as normal. What about a non-moving Monolith, with the troops teleporting? Nowhere does is say they are DSing so I would assume they could come out, then move and charge?

4. Non-moving monoliths, allow emerging units to move. Is it reasonable for a unit to move straight on and away, so disembark 2" and then move 6", to allow the bigger units to actually get on the board?

5. A veil of darkness allows a Lord and unit he is with to remove from the table top and immediately be placed anywhere on the table using DS rules. Do you think the DS rule refer just to his placement, or, as it replaces movement, do you have the normal restrictions on charging/moving post DS arrival?

6. With regard to Monolith teleportation, it restricts reserves specifically: "Only one unit of warriros can enter play from each monolith in a single turn." With regards to phasing out non-reserve units, it has no similar specific restriction - how many units can do this per monolith?

Any more I think of I will post, I would also appreciate knowing what you do for anti armour with NEcrons, and deceiver or nightbringer?



1.Monoliths are skimmers so can DS into terrain however you will need a DT test roll a 1 and your done for the game mate stuck there its a risk,and you must now always be 1 inch away from a model i move models away 1inch.

2.Id say you can bring out a 20 man warrior squad with the portal but its going to be a big marker of large blast plates on that squad for sure GW should have put in the codex how many can use the portal but the new codex i hope they put it right.

3.This one is where it gets fun the rules say in 5ED that you cant assault if you have DS however in the Necrons codex it says that any unit that comes from the monoliths portals treat it as if the monolith never moves so in them words means yes you may assault i dont know with me and the people i play with let me use my monolith as it says in my codex some people may not.

4.This one i am unsure of tbh i think you can but i cant be sure

5.I think once you have used veil of darkness that is you moving however think of veil as i do to be used to grab the game in the last turn.

6.It says in the codex that one unit of necron warriors may be kept in reserve and use the monoliths portal but if no warriors are in reserve then one unit i.e warriors, immortals,flayed ones,destroyers,heavy destroyers,wraiths and lords may phase out and use the portal if in 18inchs.

for tanks and alike there is not alot to use tbh you have the heavy destroyers and the nightbringers 24inch thing and thats it both are S9 for shooting however every necron guess wep can glance anything i know thats not much.
Close combat lords with warscythes are tin can openers the ctans MC rule with the tomb spyders MC rule do the trick

Nightbringer and the deceiver are great however i have them but only use them in big games as i have my own necron way of playing.What models are you going for?

05-19-2010, 11:42 AM
2. If using the monolith portal, the necrons emerge 'as if they were disembarking'. Given the frontage of the portal, does this mean you would be physically unable to get a full 20-strong unit (on troops bases) to disembark? Given if you declare a reserve to use the monolith not walk on they must do so, what happens if you can't fit the full unit on, or are you limited to small numbers?

You can always emergency disembark from anywhere near the hull. It's a handy trick considering how large the base is, and you're right in that it's the only way to do it with a 20-man warrior squad.

You can't assault after a veil of darkness deep strike (it follows the deep strike rules), but you can move/shoot/assault after being teleported using a monolith if the monolith hasn't moved. Teleporting out of a monolith follows all of the rules of disembarking from a transport.

With regard to Monolith teleportation, it restricts reserves specifically: "Only one unit of warriros can enter play from each monolith in a single turn." With regards to phasing out non-reserve units, it has no similar specific restriction - how many units can do this per monolith?

You could have any number of squads arriving from a single monolith if you wanted. There's no restriction on it. But, if all your monoliths are destroyed, all of those squads that are still in reserve that would be entering via monolith become destroyed. I once saw a player phase out on the top of turn 1 because he had 5 squads of warriors emerging from a single monolith, and it was wrecked turn 1.

Also, the Deceiver is much better than the Nightbringer and cheaper, too. The Nightbringer has a great gun, but you're going to want to run him in the shooting phase a lot of the time. The Deceiver can run and still use his fear aura shooty thing. Also, Hit&Run on the deceiver is awfully nice.

As far as anti-armor, it's one of the biggest weaknesses of the list. Destroyers and heavy destroyers are decent. Monoliths are good but slow and short ranged. A lord with a warscythe can do some damage in close-combat if you can get him there.

05-19-2010, 03:33 PM
Other Necron options for Anti Armor is Spyders who get the 2d6+6 pen and Wraiths who also strike at Str6. Destoyer Lords can catch and crack vehicles as can scarabs with disruption fields though those will take a few turns to chew through most vehicles.

all of the these options have trouble with fast vehicles though. 6's to hit will take a big bite out of their effectiveness.

Also watch out for sweeping advance with a 20 man warrior unit. Its very easy to see an auto rout if a serious melee unit hits them.