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View Full Version : Wynch or warriors

08-09-2009, 02:04 PM
My friend, a dark eldar fanatic, owns both a Wych and 'normal' warrior Dark eldar army. He can't decide which one to use in the local campaign though, and thoguh I think the warriors are better, he swings more for the wychs.

Which one do you think is better? Wychs and warriors?

08-09-2009, 02:20 PM
A Warrior army is automatically a better army since a Wynch army doesn't exist.

08-09-2009, 09:28 PM
A Warrior army is automatically a better army since a Wynch army doesn't exist.

Perhaps you could post some constructive criticism instead of butting into every post like I see you do. You may have to cut certain members some slack, not all of them are quite as all-knowing and quick witted as you are, so for the sake of their comparatively insufficient knowledge, spare them. On the up-side, at least their short comings probably equate to them having an actual life.

Emperorsmercy: BuFFo was referring to your misspelling of "Wych". I know, it's hard to believe you made such a horrible mistake with an army you don't play, but it happens to the best of us. I hope you can recover. (Where's the sarcasm button?)

To answer your question, I used to play Dark Eldar. They are a tough army to master. In my experience warrior armies proved to be stronger, but I have seen some very successful Wych lists. The most important aspect is using Raider transports, and a LOT of them. Having fast open-topped vehicles with warriors jumping out and assaulting can be pretty devastating. Unfortunately, since they haven't been updated in YEARS, they are quite a few steps behind other armies (certain unit selections and special rules come up lacking with current and last edition codices). Fortunately with the new vehicle penetration rules in 5th edition, the Raiders stay in the air a little longer, which is what they needed.

08-09-2009, 11:01 PM
You are right, Wynches are better.

My bad.

08-10-2009, 02:43 AM
it depends on your play style warriors are more versatile and can be used to hold objectives wyches are a straight out assaulting beast and should never be used to hold objectives if your running a wych army the mission is damned while you kill everything on the bored and pick up things like objectives while your raping the corpses of those youve just killed... warriors as a troops have guns and are cheap as chips you can have 12 dark lances with 60 warriors for 600 points not including raiders but thats a very static gunline army that i havent tried ... probably be fun but also might suck.

it really does depend on if your planning on flying circles round your enemy while shooting them with horrorfexes blasters, S.cannons and everything else and having only a couple of assaulting units or choosing a flank and running through it like a scythe through wheat ...

08-10-2009, 02:45 AM
I'd recommend the warrior (kabal) army over the wych cult when it comes to a tournament. You'll be paying the same price, and the only real advantages of a wych cult is that you can take more than 3 wych squads and have the option of Lelith Hesperax as a special character.

Very few non-apoc armies are going to need more than three wych squads, and not being able to take haemonculi or a talos could limit options. It really depends on the style of army he wants. If your friend only uses the dark lances on his raiders and sends all his troops charging into CC, then a wych cult might work for him. But wych cults tend to be less effective against mech armies, which is what seems to be popular right now. I'd run kabal.

08-10-2009, 02:50 AM
yes they are less effective against mech but haywire nades somewhat even it out and ravagers with lances definately even it out alot seeing as lances are effective against everything thats not a monolith or a black templar :/ damn blessed hull.

and necrons arent common in tournaments and i dont see much of the templars iether

08-10-2009, 04:48 AM
You are right, Wynches are better.

My bad.

I have to agree, BuFFo. Nothing beats a Wynch on your lap and a beer in your hand.

08-10-2009, 10:02 AM
I have to agree, BuFFo. Nothing beats a Wynch on your lap and a beer in your hand.

First post in weeks to make me actually laugh out loud!

Okay, in all seriousness, ms to of the posters so far have the right idea.

If you go Wycnh Army, your anti tank diminishes alot, and if your opponent keeps his infantry in vehicles, your wynches have nothing to fight.

Just go with all wanrriors. The glory days of the wynch armies are long over.