View Full Version : Anyone still having trouble when playing with necrons?

05-18-2010, 02:46 PM
I find the necrons still a fun army apart from the codex being so out dated however since 5th Ed ive started winning far more than getting beat (alot of draws but lol).

So do us necrons players think 5th ed has helped us alittle or have i been just lucky as before 5th ed i lost every game i played 40 games!!!

05-18-2010, 03:22 PM
Yeah.. I actualy am still having trouble winning with Necrons!

Then again my group plays with the unwritten rule of no named characters in non-apoc games. So I don't field C'Tan.

I also don't field 2 mono's... and uh.. Don't have TONS of destroyers. So that's probibly a big part of it.

05-18-2010, 03:42 PM
I use alot of warriors and wariths work well :cool:

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05-19-2010, 02:27 PM
I violated Blood Angels with my Necrons in the last game I played.
You've just gotta know how to play them!

05-19-2010, 06:46 PM
I violated Blood Angels with my Necrons in the last game I played.
You've just gotta know how to play them!

Well, the necrons Obviously will fare better against a low model count army like the Blood Angels. The real problem for Necrons doesn't come from their abilities, but from attrition.

We were the only people at Adepticon to play Necrons in the team tourney, and we always fared really well.... until round 5 or so rolled around. By then, getting phased out is easier and easier for your opponent to do if they have a lot of models, particularly if those models are MEQ.

Also, I don't think having multiple Monoliths is that much of a benefit for a Necron player against a knowledgeable opponent. Quite frankly, if you have 2 Monoliths, then you have considerably less Necrons, and your phase out number is lower.

I think they can be really competitive for at least 4 turns, but seasoned players will take advantage of the phase out numbers in those later rounds.

05-19-2010, 07:27 PM
I think they're just a boring army to face. Just because there are so little options in the codex, every army I face ends up looking pretty similar to the last. (That being said, there are only 5 or so Cron players around)

05-19-2010, 07:37 PM
C'tan, Monoliths, Warscythes... yeah those are all pretty dang nasty. WBB is still a pain in the *** if you can't get around it somehow

05-20-2010, 09:24 AM
Necrons in the hands of a good player can still be a scary army. They have some huge weaknesses which mean that against certain lists, they just crumple and can't do much unless they get lucky (full mech, speed freakz, etc.) but against other lists, they will give their opponents a very good run for their money. I've seen the local tournament necron player table some fairly skilled opponents with losses of less than 50VPs.

05-20-2010, 04:39 PM
As pretty much the only Necron player at the game store I play at, most people that I play don't get to face Necrons all that much, therefore they have some problems beating me. Honestly, Necrons aren't that hard to play, it's playing them well that hard. Without alot of choices in the codex, you have to really think thru the game and how you will react to what your enemy does. In the 30+ games I have played, I have only been phased 5 times, and it's not that I am running away from anything to avoid it.

Keep working on a game plan, and sticking too it. The more you stick to your plan, and force your opponent to drop his game plan, the more likely you will find success.