View Full Version : Enslavers - Backround, art, speculation

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-09-2016, 03:37 PM

The Lexicanum article for those that don't know about them :

What makes them interesting?

* Enslavers could be potentially anti-chaos, as if they enslaved or wiped out all psychic mortal life it could be very bad for Chaos.

* The War in heaven Enslaver Plague was a cosmic scale threat, they once very powerful and dominant in the galaxy for a while.

Their bodies are not like any other Warp creature, their life cycle allows them to transform into physical creatures of the * material world.

They can still be a significant event in the 40k galaxy, for example the The Nemesis Incident
that is mentioned with the Modern Deathwatch RPG books backround with the Storm Wardens space marine chapter and how the Enslavers decimate several worlds :


Why they should be made into a new faction :

They are very physically different compared to the other 40k xenos and offer an all-floating force. Ruleswise, having an army that could enslaves your own is pretty scary and could offer a very unique playstyle. They offer the chance to have an army that doesn't walk on legs but is an all-floating army that twist physical laws and have high psychic power.

They could be done with relatively few kits. You only need one kit that makes three enslavers at the bare minimum, allthough it would be simple to make this a multi-unit kit that includes lots of options. Alternatively you could expand all the way to a Harlequins scale release giving giving them different sub-species of enslaver aside from the Behomoths that are mentioned. The different names describing them (krell, dominator, psyren, puppeteer) make great unit names - The Dominators being more basic brute strength troops, the Psyrens being more the psychic elite, luring their enemy with their psychic hymns and the puppeteer being some kind of mastermind an hq. In an age where GW seem to like creating new armies regularly the Enslavers would offer something visually striking and different ruleswise like with the potential to explore backround we havent seen.

Enslaver Portal art from the Deathwatch RPG books :

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ea14gTcv2rc/UUgxw3sFk4I/AAAAAAAAAOw/rtji3kOxYLM/s1600/DW14_4914_ClosingthePortal_VincentDevault_correcti ons_flamer.jpg

Not sure on whether this piece is official or not, iv never seen it in any printed media (originates on 40kwikia) but it certainly captures the feel of what they could look like regardless of the arts original intention :

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-09-2016, 03:51 PM
Can't forget Jes Goodwin's infamous Enslaver sketch. Great piece of design.


Andy Chambers himself converted his own many aeons ago :
