View Full Version : Return of mordheim

07-30-2016, 10:33 AM
I'm not sure if mordheim was mentioned as one of the specialist games coming back? Whether or not it's an AOS related one or the original ( a mordheim bubble realm could easily make sense in the current lore!) I do want to see a return.

I was a massive fan when it first came out when I was younger playing it in the GW store with 20 other sweaty teenagers! Using one model each was a really entertaining of getting behind your character and upset at his eventual death. It's setting, campaigns and rpg elements really dragged me in to its world and play style.

Having not played any fantasy for over 15 years now other than an occasional mordheim campaign, I recently watched miniwargamings battle reports of mordheim and it's got me interested again.

I'm really wondering, if it is reintroduced how do you think they would handle it now? I was so disappointed with the blandness of the new cities of death rules compared to the old, which I also was a massive fan of. Cities of death does still play well but I preferred the complexity and customisation from the previous edition.

I'm really excited for a future release from forge world but how do you think it will play out? What do you think would be good? From the looks of it bloodbowl kept the same setting and even rules and silver tower was AOSified..either way is fine by me as long as it's rules are good and fun!