View Full Version : 100 marines

05-17-2010, 07:42 PM
is a list with 100 marines with flamers and multi-melta and vulkan and a predator a good idea or is it tactically bad

05-17-2010, 08:10 PM
In apocalypse, it's absolutely fine- the more the merrier.

In a regular game (I'm assuming a 2500 point level, and 'marines' meaning tactical squads), it's not game-legal, as you're only allowed 6 troops choices in the standard mission FOC.

05-17-2010, 08:23 PM
60 tacticals, 30 assault, 10 sternguard, and a captain. Or some variation of that. It's quite legal and possible.

05-17-2010, 08:26 PM
it is very painful to move, even in Apoc. You end up with 30 minute movement phases.

05-17-2010, 08:27 PM
it is very painful to move, even in Apoc. You end up with 30 minute movement phases.
i can see that i just thought it would be cool to have 100 marines and to see my enemy just go WTH!!! lol

05-17-2010, 08:33 PM
It actually works better in a normal game than in Apoc since in Apoc the threshold for things seems to be AP3. Seems like every asset is AP3 and most weapons on super heavies are AP3 or better. Heiorophant kills normal marines like nothing but terminators it has problems with.

05-17-2010, 08:35 PM
It actually works better in a normal game than in Apoc since in Apoc the threshold for things seems to be AP3. Seems like every asset is AP3 and most weapons on super heavies are AP3 or better. Heiorophant kills normal marines like nothing but terminators it has problems with.
is 100 marines stupid

05-17-2010, 08:37 PM
I have run a 100 space marine list every now and then with the new marine book and Vulcan its 2500pts and it works pretty bloody good super duper ork army combat squads everywhere. Anti Everything I also take combi-meltas on all srgts. End up being 2505 or somthing like that list later gotta dig for my army book

05-17-2010, 08:39 PM
i am sorry if i seen 100 marine models i would pack my stuff back up and say " yaaa!!! you win"

i am going to take 80 necron warriors in my necron list and i think that is scary looking

05-17-2010, 09:13 PM
I really wish i could run 100 plague marines

05-17-2010, 09:34 PM
In apocalypse, it's absolutely fine- the more the merrier.

In a regular game (I'm assuming a 2500 point level, and 'marines' meaning tactical squads), it's not game-legal, as you're only allowed 6 troops choices in the standard mission FOC.

You can get the following legally in one list;

2 Chapter Masters
2 10 man Honor Guard
3 10 man Sternguard
6 10 man Tacticals
3 10 man Assaults
3 10 man Devestators

That's 172 Marines.

Edit: If you take Marneus Calgar, you can take even more Honor Guard

05-18-2010, 01:52 AM
We had a 2000pt tournament a couple of months back (my club - we ahd 50 players, mostly from outside the club).
One player fielded 106 marines in his 2000pt list.

Did reasonably well. I kept losing to necrons. In close combat.

Yes, I know. Gorram destroyer lords with warscythes.

05-25-2010, 02:41 AM
I regularly play with my Raven Guard company in 2500pts - 106 Marines is where it's at:

Captain and Command Squad in Drop Pod
6 Tactical Squads in Drop Pods
2 Assault Squads
2 Devestator Squads

It's great fun to use, and is far more effective that you'd think!

05-25-2010, 10:04 AM
I really wish i could run 100 plague marines

take 6 squad of 20.

05-25-2010, 11:20 AM
Heh, there's an 'ardb boyz list. Put dual melta/plasma in each squad to shoot tanks and MCs, and a hidden powerfist.

3x18 Plague Marines, 2 melta, champ w/ powerfist
2x18 Plague Marines, 2 plasma, champ w/ powerfist

Thats 2390 points. Just trim a thing or two to fit in an HQ. I wouldn't want to face that.

05-25-2010, 11:31 AM
You can get the following legally in one list;

2 Chapter Masters
2 10 man Honor Guard
3 10 man Sternguard
6 10 man Tacticals
3 10 man Assaults
3 10 man Devestators

That's 172 Marines.

Edit: If you take Marneus Calgar, you can take even more Honor Guard

That list it 3820 pts, 4665 with Calgar and his extra guard - before any upgrades on anyone.

Mycroft Holmes
05-25-2010, 11:51 AM
is a list with 100 marines with flamers and multi-melta and vulkan and a predator a good idea or is it tactically bad

I regularly play the "Battle Company" formation in APOC games. That's 6 Tac , 2 Assault, 2 Dev, Command squad and a Captain. It's not bad, but it's not amazing ether. The number of bodies, options and the free Strategy Assets are great.

Not so great is that in APOC you'll be facing off against massive weapons and units that wipe these your forces off the table easily. Having more Marines typically isn't as good as being able to take more Monstrous Creatures, Battle Tanks or crazy assets.

It's fun, and impressive, to have a full company of marines on the table; just be ready to take them back off at a staggering rate against the insanity that APOC allows. :)


05-25-2010, 06:21 PM
Not so great is that in APOC you'll be facing off against massive weapons and units that wipe these your forces off the table easily.

Yeah, that's the problem with any apoc game.

05-25-2010, 09:15 PM
but like isnt there only 100 marines in a chapter at any given time

05-25-2010, 09:30 PM
but like isnt there only 100 marines in a chapter at any given time

Each codex chapter is 10 companies of 10 squads of 10 marines (10x10x10=1000 marines, plus support)

John M.

05-25-2010, 10:18 PM
well sir you ahev proven me wrong good day sir lol

05-26-2010, 06:01 AM
There's actually nominally 107+ Marines in each battle company:

Command Squad (5)
6 Tacticals (60)
2 Assault (20)
2 Devestator (20)

Drivers of rhinos etc are usually drawn from the reserve companies. Also, reserve company marines plug the holes caused by casualties.

05-26-2010, 09:13 PM
hmmm I like, I like. I've been playing almost nothing but mech IG lately but I've dusted off my BA and this idea has me pretty interested. Just tons o marines woo and laugh at your opponents AT weps just like mech laighs at heavy bolters! MUAHAHAHA

05-29-2010, 09:35 PM
is a list with 100 marines with flamers and multi-melta and vulkan and a predator a good idea or is it tactically bad

i have done something similar with my dark angels 6 troops 3 devastator squads (no heavy wep!) total of 90 marines plus 2 Chaplins and a command squad for each (102 marines)..... and it only came to around 2000pts and yes it has the WTH factor .....and one i got alot was 'give me that rule book this just can not be right'

tactically speaking unless you come up against a strong template army you should be fine.....my problem was no anti tank but a land raider sorted that out :rolleyes:

05-30-2010, 04:58 PM
is a list with 100 marines with flamers and multi-melta and vulkan and a predator a good idea or is it tactically bad

is 100 marines stupid

It depends, I used to own a complete company of Dark Angels. For a while my standard army was 6 ten man tactical squads, 2 ten man devastator squads and a captain (all available for less than 1500 pts) then whatever I fancied to make up the difference. In the end I stopped using it simply because nobody came remotely close to beating it. You will find an opponent has pretty much no chance of killing 80-100 marines in a game. If you simply want to win, go for it. If you want your opponent to enjoy the game too, then halve the number.

06-15-2010, 10:27 AM
You can get the following legally in one list;

2 Chapter Masters
2 10 man Honor Guard
3 10 man Sternguard
6 10 man Tacticals
3 10 man Assaults
3 10 man Devestators

That's 172 Marines.

Edit: If you take Marneus Calgar, you can take even more Honor Guard

Chaos can easily field more marines:

2x Chaos Lord with Power Armour

3x 20 Possessed Chaos Space Marines

6x 20 Chaos Space Marines

Fast Attack:
3x 20 Raptors

Heavy Support:
3x 20 Havocs

06-16-2010, 12:44 AM
Actually, you can do it pretty easily with Space Wolves for less than 2000 points.

If you take:

2 Wolf priests
5 Wolf guard
3 x 10 Grey hunters
3 x 15 Blood claws
3 x 6 Long fangs

That comes to just 1685 points, then add in some unit upgrades. I'd thought about turning my codex marines into a "counts as" army and going down this path a few times as the basic troops are both cheap and effective.