View Full Version : Hello there all you lovely people.

05-17-2010, 05:42 PM
Thought I`d do things properly and introduce myself first before letting loose on the rest of the boards.

Hi . My name is Bob and Im a plasticholic.

Im sort of in the middle of a return to the hobby. I did most of my playing in the 3rd edition days of 40k, then real life got in the way and I stopped . Ive had a few unsuccessful attempts to get back into it over the years and this may be another but hell as long as Im enjoying myself in the meantime its all good right?

Army wise at the moment Im suffering from the kid-in-a-sweet-shop syndrome, in that I have too many diferent ideas started at the one time.

eg Im currently trying to paint Space Wolves , Eldar , Angels Sanguine , Salamanders and Imperial Fists( I have a marine fetish) and I also want to do some big marines. ...and guard..... and I want the Dark Eldar to come out ..... and.... I have wood elves .....and Empire ....and thats it .....cept for the Vampire Counts, but that it this time really .

About me? Well Im old and should know better, I like long walks in the rain and reading etc etc. Im currently trying to find a cheap sense of humour on ebay but no luck as yet. I play vidyo games , currently trying to kick a 2 year wow habit, and doing not to bad I have to say. Bless me paladin. its been 3 weeks since my last login.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing all your ideas and hopefully sharing mine.

Y`all take care now. Y`hear?

05-18-2010, 07:54 AM
Hi Bob!

You sound almost as bad as me. I have skaven, wood elves, tau, orks, and dozens of one-off models just because they're cool and I want to paint them. On my paint station right now are orks, an amethyst wizard, and a ton of gaunts.

Hobby ADD is fun!

05-18-2010, 08:02 AM
Welcome to the Lounge JonnyRoxtar,

Make yourself at home, and good luck on those unpainted minis! More painting, less clicking will get you there in no time.

05-18-2010, 09:39 AM
Hello and welcome JonnyRoxtar.

person person
05-18-2010, 06:18 PM
Welcome to the community JohnnyRoxtar, good luck painting up your marines!

05-19-2010, 08:58 AM
Hi... JohnnyRoxtar

Welcome fellow plasticrac addict.

05-19-2010, 11:14 AM
Hi... JohnnyRoxtar

Welcome fellow plasticrac addict.

lol plasticrac