View Full Version : Silver Tower bases

Matt Thrower
08-01-2016, 05:05 AM
Just tempted back in to modelling after a ten year bread by Silver Tower.

Trying to find a good way to base the models. Rummaging on my old modelling stuff I found some embossed plastic in the shape of cobblestones. I painted it blue and highlighted with a mix of metallic blue and bright green.


What do people think of this? My primary concern is that the plastic is thick enough to make a perfectly round cut almost impossible. I'm worried the slightly irregular edges will show and spoil the look.

08-01-2016, 07:31 AM
Sanding it once you glue it on should help, or even attack it with a metal file and then fine sandpaper afterwards. Alternately if it looks rough you could put a thin snake of putty around the rim. I think it will look good once you're done. And as long as you paint it after you've attached it to the base any little imperfections aren't likely to be too noticeable with the finished model distracting the eye.

08-01-2016, 08:34 AM
looks good to me