View Full Version : Painting my Dark Angels to be Blood Angels?

07-30-2016, 08:41 PM
I have the Dark Vengeance models but I also started a Blood Angels army. Should I repaint them to match the rest of my forces, and would it be alright to use BA special rules for them?

07-31-2016, 11:27 AM
If they're painted to look like Blood Angels and you're using them with a bunch of other Blood Angels there shouldn't be any issue. The heraldry is pretty similar, and while the cloaks are Dark Angels specific there are a lot of people that buy starter sets and then use the models for a different branch of Space Marines.

08-02-2016, 01:34 PM
As long as your opponent knows you are running them as Blood Angels, they look the part of Blood Angels and you never claim they are anything but those you should be fine.

Some folks might get uppity about the look of them being off, but if you are really worried about that you can buy actual Blood Angel's models later or just do alterations to the current models. Otherwise a good paint-job should be enough.