View Full Version : Rumors about changes to WH40K

Hendrik Booraem VI
07-22-2016, 05:06 PM
Today, I had to travel. I drove to the not-so-nearby capital city to see my Dad (he's doing fine, thanks for asking) and to pick up some uniform articles for my dress uniform. On my way back from the base, I dropped by the Games Workshop store.

It wasn't open yet (I got there about 1140), but the manager let me in and we talked for a while. He remembered me from the last time I was in there (a couple of months ago) and remembered that I have several kids who also play WH40K. We talked a little bit about everything, and some about Age of Sigmar.

I mentioned how much I like the Battle Shock concept that AoS uses and how it offers a lot of ways to tweak a units performance in CC to be better - something that some units really do need.

Before I left, he said something to the effect that "I shouldn't be surprised if really good things happened to WH40K in the not-too-distant future." In context (I had asked about an 8th edition, and wondered aloud why there weren't any actual new codexes since the Space Marines or so), it seemed like he was trying to hint that a modification of some base rules might be incoming.

Have any of the rumor-bots provided any meat for rumors like this, or was this guy just trying to keep me coming back? Myself, I think he sincerely believes that there will be changes, but I feel sure that he is not high on the need-to-know list, and may just be sharing his own wishful thinking with me.

07-23-2016, 06:18 AM
Today, I had to travel. I drove to the not-so-nearby capital city to see my Dad (he's doing fine, thanks for asking) and to pick up some uniform articles for my dress uniform. On my way back from the base, I dropped by the Games Workshop store.

It wasn't open yet (I got there about 1140), but the manager let me in and we talked for a while. He remembered me from the last time I was in there (a couple of months ago) and remembered that I have several kids who also play WH40K. We talked a little bit about everything, and some about Age of Sigmar.

I mentioned how much I like the Battle Shock concept that AoS uses and how it offers a lot of ways to tweak a units performance in CC to be better - something that some units really do need.

Before I left, he said something to the effect that "I shouldn't be surprised if really good things happened to WH40K in the not-too-distant future." In context (I had asked about an 8th edition, and wondered aloud why there weren't any actual new codexes since the Space Marines or so), it seemed like he was trying to hint that a modification of some base rules might be incoming.

Have any of the rumor-bots provided any meat for rumors like this, or was this guy just trying to keep me coming back? Myself, I think he sincerely believes that there will be changes, but I feel sure that he is not high on the need-to-know list, and may just be sharing his own wishful thinking with me.

The gave been rumblings on other sites about a 40k end times leading up to 8th edition next year which coincides with the 30 year anniversary of the game.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-23-2016, 07:22 AM
Take with a solar system of salt, but there was this posted the other day on natfka : http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/40k-8th-edition-campaigns-exciting-look.html

It's an interesting read I guess...

07-23-2016, 10:38 PM
I figured they might do something like this based on what happened with Fantasy becoming AOS. Anyone notice the codexs seem to be getting ominous about something happening. Dark Eldar for example with the something knocking on the basement door, and the knocking is getting louder...