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View Full Version : Hordes August 2010 Releases & Skorne Preview

05-15-2010, 07:39 AM
Details of the August 2010 Hordes releases have been made available online via Malefic.jp.

Forces of HORDES: Skorne
Trollblood Trollkin Skinner (1)
Circle Orboros Warpborn Skinwalkers (5)
Legion of Everblight Stinger Lesser Warbeasts (2)
Skorne Dominar Rasheth (1)
Skorne Paingiver Task Master( 1)
Minions Gun Boar( 1)
Minion Thrullg (1)

I am personally really excited to see how the new minions turn out. I started as a merc player and can't wait to dive into minions. Especially after seeing the preview art of the boar beast on one of the PP insider. Curious to if all of them will be a combination warbeast/warjack.

Skorne Dominar Rasheth Preview:
I find fat elves hilarious and like the look of agony on the agonizers face.

In general, how do people feel about PP putting up model previews on a pretty consistent basis? I really like, it brings my attention to the factions that I don't play and in general keeps me excited about the game. I somewhat don't like getting the rules previews in the NQ, especially now that they are using the same fluff for there as they publish in the actual factions books, but don't have a really good reason to. I just like the feeling of surprise at seeing all the new models and rules, rather than knowing what half of the models are before I buy the book.