View Full Version : Combat Squads with Reserves

05-15-2010, 03:14 AM
Hi all,

This is probably an old one, but bare with me.

Can individual combat squads roll individually for reserves?

My suspicion is not, as squads split into combat squads as they are 'deployed', while declaration of the status of units in reserve is is during deployment phase at the start of the game (different things - deployment phase and deployment of units). Therefore, you still have one squad at that point, not two. The unit, or as it were, the two combat squads, have not yet been deployed and thus the split hasn't occurred yet, thus only one reserves roll.

One implication of this would be that one combat squad couldn't start on the table with another in reserves.

Is the correct interpretation? If not, could people please direct me to the codex/BBB pages that would clarify this.


05-15-2010, 03:16 AM
This is obviously a straight marine codex question btw. Should have specified that, but I assumed most people who would know the answer to this would have already worked that out for themselves :)

05-15-2010, 03:26 AM
Well, there was a HUGE argument on the forums for this one:

Boils down to 2 camps:
No, and Yes.

The 'no' camp states that 'deploy' is a keyword and therefore it is a trigger.

I am in the 'yes' camp, and my justifications come from that the word 'deploy' is so loosely used in the rulebook (not defined, and nor does the rulebook use one consistent meaning of the word when applied to context) that one has to derive the individual meaning each time it is used in the context 'deploy' is used.

With that, the application of 'combat squads' occurs in the Deployment Phase (set-up), at which point you would split up your squad as you see fit- the one exception being Drop Pods, because drop pods are immobile units, and when enter from reserve are treated as a strategic asset, as opposed to tactical assets the way reserves entering the board are normally treated. (this is all due to different definitions of 'deploy' and that the meanings essentially boil down to a strategic meaning and a tactical meaning-- the rulebook uses both, but are explicitly different between 'in-game' and 'set-up' and are never interchanged).

This all has to do with the association of deploy and moving for 'in-game' (p.94) and the disassociation of move and deploy in 'set-up' (p.86-94). Also cross reference Combat Squads- no mention of moving and deploying (similar to 'set-up' use of 'deploy'), except for the drop pod, but the drop pod follows the reserve exception on p. 94. Lastly the book's definition of reserves follows the strategic definition of 'deploy'.

05-15-2010, 03:27 AM
You've got it right. You can't combat squad and then decide which unit or units is going into Reserve. You place the entire ten-man unit into Reserve, and when it comes onto the table, you may choose to combat squad then.

EDIT: In fairness to the controversy Tynskel references, I should say instead, "You've got it right according to what I understand to be the majority understanding."