View Full Version : The name game, what do I call it?

07-19-2016, 02:08 PM
So I got bored the other day came up with something after some serious kit bashing. But now I don't know what to call it. It won't be a dark AM but I thought one of the sub factions called the Genetor's


It's appendages are all magnetized and yes I know the forelimbs have some serious "t-Rex" syndrome going on as far as positioning. I think this might be the only one I make seeing as how both models (iron strider and a talos) cost about hundred bucks together. but it's one of the first kit bash's of this size I've attempted and I am quite pleased with how close it turned out based on the picture I had in my head.

08-30-2016, 03:37 PM
So the Genetor sub faction. I seem to remember reading a short story somewhere along the lines where they were also called the something something "biologica" or there abouts and that the unit in questions uniform was green. Ok, awesome, green lets do it right!! Well.... Not so fast. In almost 13 years of 40k this is the first mostly green uniform I've attempted. I find the skitarii ranger kit a more complex build so it's also the first time I am attempting to paint and build as I go. Oh and why not make it even more fun, I just bought my first air brush. Here we go.

All of them are air brushed first with moot then highlight airbrush with warpstone. The two on the right have been washed with thraka as well. Not to crazy about the look so far, but I am hoping that after I get some paint on the armor and finish the inside of the long coat it might start to come together.

08-30-2016, 04:00 PM
Same three test models but the one to the left has an extra thraka wash and a little highlighting. The darker green seems to work better but it's lost any of the detail from the air brush. The inside of the coats are ushabti bone with reikland fleshshade. I am not crazy about how the armor turned out for either test to boot. That's enough frustration for tonight. Deathwatch black is more my style anyway.

08-30-2016, 04:44 PM
that strider looks fantastic, great job.

the green is a nice scheme too, they look quite twisted and different. and the green goes well for an organics obsessed cult.