View Full Version : Victory Points and Drop Pods

05-14-2010, 06:41 PM
Tomorrow will be my first game involving Victory Points as a victory condition (Scenario #2 of Ard Boys). I didn't even know those rules were in the rulebook until last Saturday when I read the Ard Boys scenarios. On page 300, under "Units at half strength":

"In the case of vehicles, they are worth half their points cost in VPs if they are suffering from the effects of any Damaged result at the end of the game."

According to every codex I have involving Drop Pods (the following specifically taken from the Space Wolves codex):

"Immobile: A Drop Pod cannot move once it has entered the battle, and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an immobilised damage result (which cannot be repaired in any way)."

I don't see how I could possibly be reading this wrong, but I had to ask just in case. For every Drop Pod my opponent uses (and that manages to enter the table before the game ends), I score 17 (or possibly 27 with Deathwind Launchers) points, correct?

Mike X
05-14-2010, 07:04 PM
I don't see how I could possibly be reading this wrong, but I had to ask just in case. For every Drop Pod my opponent uses (and that manages to enter the table before the game ends), I score 17 (or possibly 27 with Deathwind Launchers) points, correct?

Yes, but the math is 15 VP for a standard Drop Pod or 17.5 VP for a Drop Pod equipped with the Deathwind launchers.

05-14-2010, 10:19 PM
Only if you play Black Templars. The standard pod is 35pts, with launchers being 55pts. The DAngel pod is 50pts in comparison. I have no idea about BAngels or Puppies tho

Mycroft Holmes
05-15-2010, 09:33 AM
Yea, Victory Points made an all drop pod army painful in 4rth edition. Every time a pod hit the table you gave your opponent half the points of the pod.


05-15-2010, 11:34 AM
wasn't so bad-- 9 pods ~150 points. In a 2500 point game...

05-15-2010, 01:13 PM
150 points which your opponent did NOTHING to earn except showing up.

05-15-2010, 02:20 PM
Technically what is the footprint of the drop dop? Is it just the hall that counts as impassible terrain or are the hatches considered part of the footprint as well?

05-15-2010, 03:26 PM
That's a tricky question. What do you mean by "footprint?" Do you mean the area on which no other model can stand?

05-15-2010, 03:57 PM
Technically what is the footprint of the drop dop? Is it just the hall that counts as impassible terrain or are the hatches considered part of the footprint as well?

I've always played that the hull is impassible terrain (like any vehicle hull) and we treat the wings as if they don't exist. Half of the time you can't lower all of the wings due to terrain or models in the way. A lot of people glue the doors shut, too. It's easier to just ignore them.

05-15-2010, 05:11 PM
Yeah that area in which no other model can stand. I've always done it that way too because the way most people use them they try to put them on terrain or tanks and such. You have to watch people disembarking within 2" of the wing tip instead of the hull where they guys should be placed.

Mike X
05-15-2010, 08:29 PM
Yes, but the math is 15 VP for a standard Drop Pod or 17.5 VP for a Drop Pod equipped with the Deathwind launchers.

Wow, I'm dumb. I re-checked the codex last night and I was off. For some reason I thought a standard Drop Pod was 30 points, and a Deathwind Drop Pod was 35. My bad.