View Full Version : drop empty drop pds?

05-14-2010, 10:54 AM
I searched for this and couldn't find it. sorry if it is here! I saw someone do this and I am not sure it is legal.

Please let me know where in the rule book it deals with your answers if possible.

1-Can I hold my marine squad in reserve and drop the drop pod and move the marines squad onto the table when they become available?

2- If so canI do this with the stuff arriving 1st turn with "drop pod assault"?

3-Can I put my marine squad on the table and hold my drop pod in reserve and drop it empty?

Thanks lot!

Sir Biscuit
05-14-2010, 03:22 PM
Yes to all three. You do not HAVE to start in a dedicated transport, you just have the option available to you. Note, however, that once a squad is declared to be in a pod they can't leave it and come in normally, they have to drop with it. Just be clear when you are declaring reserves.

It's a pretty common tactic, actually, and can be of great benefit to Space Wolves in particular. (As long fangs can buy empty pods for DP Assault, and the pods with actual troops in them can be dropped later.)

Mycroft Holmes
05-14-2010, 03:37 PM
Yes to all three. You do not HAVE to start in a dedicated transport, you just have the option available to you. Note, however, that once a squad is declared to be in a pod they can't leave it and come in normally, they have to drop with it. Just be clear when you are declaring reserves.

It's a pretty common tactic, actually, and can be of great benefit to Space Wolves in particular. (As long fangs can buy empty pods for DP Assault, and the pods with actual troops in them can be dropped later.)

I thought you had to declare that you were arriving in a transport. So that if you weren't arriving in the drop pod you would roll separately for the squad and transport?

I know a lot of people walk their squads on, or deploy the squad, and drop the pod empty, but once you say that you're arriving in a dedicated transport, don't you actually have to arrive in it? hmmmm.... I might be mixing the standard reserves up with the Outflank rules.


05-14-2010, 03:44 PM
If you place the squad in Reserve and place the empty drop pod in Reserve then yes, you would normally roll separately for the squad and the pod. However, even empty pods count towards the special Drop Pod Assault rule, which forces a space marine player to drop half (rounded up) of his pods on Turn 1, as an exception to the normal Reserve rules.

For instance, suppose you have a dreadnought in a drop pod that you want to drop mid-game, when your other forces have already engaged the enemy. If that is the only drop pod in your army, the Drop Pod Assault rule means you must drop the dreadnought's pod on Turn 1. However, if you buy a tactical squad a drop pod as well, you now have two drop pods - and you can drop the empty tac squad's pod on Turn 1 to satisfy Drop Pod Assault, leaving the dreadnought's pod in Reserve to be rolled for normally.

Mycroft Holmes
05-14-2010, 03:49 PM
If you place the squad in Reserve and place the empty drop pod in Reserve then yes, you would normally roll separately for the squad and the pod. However, even empty pods count towards the special Drop Pod Assault rule, which forces a space marine player to drop half (rounded up) of his pods on Turn 1, as an exception to the normal Reserve rules.

For instance, suppose you have a dreadnought in a drop pod that you want to drop mid-game, when your other forces have already engaged the enemy. If that is the only drop pod in your army, the Drop Pod Assault rule means you must drop the dreadnought's pod on Turn 1. However, if you buy a tactical squad a drop pod as well, you now have two drop pods - and you can drop the empty tac squad's pod on Turn 1 to satisfy Drop Pod Assault, leaving the dreadnought's pod in Reserve to be rolled for normally.

Sorry, I quoted #2 instead of #1 as I should have.

My questions are:

don't I have to declare that I'm arriving in my transport?
once I declare that I'm arriving in a transport; don't I have to arrive in it?

05-14-2010, 05:56 PM
you have to declare which unit rides which transport and they have to arrive in it if you declare it. in this case you only roll one reserve dice for the unit and the transport. but you can declare that the unit doesn't arrive with the drop pod and only the unit stays in reserve. or you can hold both in reserve and declare that the unit is not in their transport. then you roll for reserves for them seperatly.

05-15-2010, 08:23 AM
Sorry, I quoted #2 instead of #1 as I should have.

My questions are:

don't I have to declare that I'm arriving in my transport?
once I declare that I'm arriving in a transport; don't I have to arrive in it?

If you declare theyre embarked in that drop pod then yes they have to arrive in it via drop pod assault.

However, the act of selecting a dedicated transport for a unit is not the same as declaring theyre embarked on it, a unit does not have to start inside its DT.

So you can either have them:
start in and arrive via drop pod assault;
2 seperate units in reserve, drop pod coming in via drop pod assault and guys walking on after successful reserve roll;
unit deployed normally with drop pod in reserves arriving via drop pod assault.

Mycroft Holmes
05-15-2010, 09:29 AM
ahhh, i see my problem. I miss read the original post; my bad.