View Full Version : Praetorian Rough Bikers

05-14-2010, 10:40 AM
This was a pretty cool project that I was commissioned to do. The riders were Mordian Rough Rider minis (I think they're Forge World). They needed a little sculpting in the mid section to make them lean forward. The bikes are extremely old Rogue Trader bikes- I'm not sure if they're marine bikes or actually old IG bikes (heck, back then marines had jetbikes). The heads are from a third party, if anyone can identify them, I'd like to credit them properly here.




05-14-2010, 10:45 AM
Bolt pistols, pith helmets, bikes and pretty red unfiroms, could there be anything more splendid?

05-14-2010, 07:15 PM
Those bikes are beyond cool. Like someone riding an old Moto Guzzi or Vincent into battle. The pith helmets fit.

05-14-2010, 07:18 PM
INteresting conversions... Looking good.

05-15-2010, 12:00 AM
The bikes are original SM Vincent Black Shadow bike models, but certain guard models also had access to them back in RT.
Certain characters, Commissars and medics had them, in addition to whole SM bike squads, SM medics and Chaplains.

I still use those for my SM bikers. Complete with RTB001 riders.

Nice conversions though.
My own Praetorian RR are Outlaw bikers from the ash wastes of Praetoria. It IS, after all, a hive world and would have a similar enough lot of environments to Necromunda. So my RR wear biker leathers over their tunics.

05-15-2010, 03:27 AM
Love em. Nice work.

05-17-2010, 10:10 AM
The bikes are original SM Vincent Black Shadow bike models, but certain guard models also had access to them back in RT.
Certain characters, Commissars and medics had them, in addition to whole SM bike squads, SM medics and Chaplains.

I still use those for my SM bikers. Complete with RTB001 riders.

Nice conversions though.
My own Praetorian RR are Outlaw bikers from the ash wastes of Praetoria. It IS, after all, a hive world and would have a similar enough lot of environments to Necromunda. So my RR wear biker leathers over their tunics.

I'd love to see those. Did you use a sort of Orlock theme for them?

05-17-2010, 06:43 PM
Not really.
More of a generic hairy outlaw biker look.
Catachan torsos and a heads with a few Chaos Marauder heads (WHFB) thrown in.
Blue trousers with yellow piping, some have red tunics others have BLJs. Their lances are pointy sticks with improvised grenade charge heads. I'll dig up some pics.

Didn't have enough bikes (of these) for them, so they're on OOP VOID1.0 viperwing recumbent (TRON/Akira style) bikes.
They got a few comments of "cool" at my last tourney. They also died horribly to necrons in cc. Even with the S bonus, they failed to wound ANY of them and were cut down in a sweeping advance.

They look cool, though - so they stay in the army. :D

05-18-2010, 09:57 AM
Sometimes the great paintjobs and conversions play the best. Often, they stand out and get shot up first too.

05-19-2010, 10:36 PM
This is a crazy idea, and you're an insane person, and the outcome is ridiculously good.