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View Full Version : Ideas need in producing IG Storm Troopers out of Plastic

08-09-2009, 03:29 AM
Hi guys I have decided to embark on a little exploration of conversions. I want more dynamic posed Storm Troopers and metals are hard to work with so I was thinking of using Cadian or Catachan Plastic Guardsman basic kits as the base for the conversions. What can I used to make them look closer to the Storm Troopers metal or make them stand out more as Storm Troopers then regular Guardsman. Please give suggestions and if possible examples. Thanks and hope this thread benefits others as well.

08-09-2009, 05:27 AM
Discussing this very thing on another forum. I've done a couple of units over the years for plastic Stormtroopers.

Cadian models are already pretty well armoured. Adding leg armour is what's necessary to make it look like it might be 4+ There's a couple of ways to do this.


These Tau auxiliaries have used Tau legs with Cadian boots. Catachan boots are smaller and may fit better on the slightly more petite tau legs. That still leaves you with a gun based problem...


These inquisitorial storm troopers are obviously a bit of a stylistic deviation from Kasirkin. However the guns could be easily added to Cadian arms. You might run into trouble with fitting the stock of the lasgun to the back of the bolter. A workaround might be to cut the Cadian arm below the elbow, swap in a Tau vambrace, then stick the Cadian hand (and attached grip for the gun) back on the end.

This -is- getting quite complicated now. :)

I've seen some nice ones converted using Space Marine scout legs. As for heads, if you can get enough of them, the "heavy weapon" head with goggles (also in the new sentinel kit) combiined with one of the respirators from the Cadian command sprue would suffice.

Blast it, I think I'm talking myself into having a go at this now. :)

Abominable Plague Marine
08-09-2009, 05:53 AM
Ive used std Lasgun with the muzzle replaced by a Kroot rifle muzzle, then with a hole drilled in the bottom of the lasgun, I run some guitar wire around to the back pack. Sorry, havent got any pictures at this stage.

08-09-2009, 06:42 AM
Mmmmm interesting

Forgeworld Cadian respirator heads will help you out...

08-09-2009, 07:19 AM
taking the cadians and sculpting knee pads , elbow pads , and a pad fro the wrist and for arm will make them look armored enough .The las gun withe the kroot tip soinds like a good hot shot las too me as well .

here are some pads I sculpted on my vets not too hard

08-09-2009, 07:43 AM
Well, aside from the conversion ideas already given, there's a simple route you can go if you haven't built much/any of the whole army yet. What I did was I used Catachans as my normal IG troopers, and then Cadians as Storm troopers. Since they're already pretty well armoured, the contrast with the totally un-armoured Catachans makes it believable. But, like I said, the army kind of has to be built around the concept from square one.

08-09-2009, 11:15 AM
If i was so inclined, i would just follow the method that the BOLS guys used to make the arbites, minus the shotgun and the helmets. Quick, easy, and very clean looking. BTW, the chainmail stormies are sweet, what are the main bodies, grave guard?

08-09-2009, 12:15 PM
Nope, High Elf spearmen Legs with Dark Elf spearmen bodies. I think I used 8 different kits on the rank and file guys. :)