View Full Version : Killa Kans Question

05-14-2010, 12:57 AM
Ok, I have a question and it's something that's been bothering me about the way GW packs their sprues into boxes. I was looking at the Ork Kans box set lately and I had decided that if I ever did do Orks I wanted 3 Kans all with grotzookas, the only problem is it seems like the box only comes with 1 Grotzooka. Am I wrong in reading their product description that way? Does it actually come with enough to make one for each Kan in the box? Same goes for a Big Mek, I want a Big Mek with a Powerklaw and KFF but none of their metal models have that and I could use a Mek from a burna box but there's no KFF with it so I'd end up buying one of the metal ones anyway. Or a SM tactical squad box coming without a power fist.

If not, then how do you get around it? I'm still really new to the hobby and I'm still working on my SM army and thus I'm not too keen on converting heavily if I can help it because I want to get better at and get collecting for awhile before I try to do major conversions and I can't help but think that its a turnoff to some players that they don't get all their options in a box they're paying $30 for.

This is incredibly frustrating to me as a new player and so I'm looking for advice and the like for how to get around this because I know I can't be the only one that this irks. I'm not against converting I just am wary because I feel like it'll be very hard and also I'm just irritated that GW doesn't give me all the bits I need.

05-14-2010, 03:54 AM
Nope, you're correct : the killa kans have 1 weapon of each kind. One big shoota, 1 rokkit and 1 grotzooka. If you want 3 grotzookas, you'll have to scrounge around in your bitbox and use alternative bits. Considering you would be busy with Orks, no problem : you can use EVERY weapon in sight. My shoota boyz for example are quit adept in using imperial autocannons as their big shootas :D

There is a model of a Big Mek with KFF, but indeed no powerklaw. I would suggest removing the big choppa from the model, and attach a powerklaw in some way (green stuff ?) But that's something you'll have to see for yourself I'm afraid...

05-14-2010, 05:13 AM
Doesnt GW still have their bit section where you can just buy a few off there?

05-14-2010, 05:39 AM
Doesnt GW still have their bit section where you can just buy a few off there?


That said, I am pretty sure that the tactical box comes with a powerfist, though I admit I haven't checked in a while. On the other hand, if you have a cool group that you play with at your local game store you might want to ask them. I can almost guarantee that somebody will have a powerfist or two they don't want and you could probably have for free. Maybe not with them at the time, but I'm sure they could bring them in the next time the group gathers.

05-14-2010, 09:00 AM
Wow, FastEd you are some kind of psychic. That's exactly what happened to me when I picked up my Tact Squad box actually. Someone tossed a Powerfist and two lightning claws my way so I could snip off the claw parts if I wanted to and make a Pfist. Sadly though there is no Power Fist in the box itself.

I guess I'll keep my eye open for something that could pass as either. Only problem is since I'm just starting, I've bought the Starter a year ago and one Tact Squad box, I don't have much in the way of bits to work with yet, ah well. Thanks for all the responses though.

05-14-2010, 04:00 PM
This is more in relation to your SM army, because Orks are really a converters dream and a new players nightmare...green scratchbuilt chaos; basically no matter what unit you have in an Ork army...thier all just boyz.(cept the big 'uns and the lil 'uns)

In the good old days GW used to sell an "upgrade sprue" it seems a little funky now but the SM upgrade sprue had a laspisto I think a shruiken pistol, a powerfist, a poweraxe, and bolt pistols. it was like $3. There's plenty of places to GET the weapons and upgrades you need, bits ordering services are great if you have a full bits box and just need that ONE thing; but it's pricey when you need more than one rare item.

Since you said you're a begginging player, that probably means you need to expand your force anyway. The command squad has a butt ton of interesting parts and upgrades, a flamer, melta, plasma, powerweapons. I've hacked up at least 8 since they came out, and not a one for an actual command squad. Unless GW raised their prices that's 35 bucks for 5 marines plus shiny upgrades and only one each I might add so its not exactly cheap either.

Another good option is the commander box, absolutely hard to go wrong here 15 bucks nabs you some cool little bits you can just glue on, a chain sword,power sword, fist, and LC. Plus...combiweapons. I run 3-4 combi meltas in my sternguard squads the squad pack only comes with one and the single sternguard with melta is 15 or 17...anyway its a blister. commander box just paid for itself. 2 or three commanders boxes and or/ command squads = a beginners bits box. well...IMO.

If you're in search of just PFs the assault on black reach set is a good buy. I don't fancy the Terminators in the box...but I DO fancy their arms snip the hand part of the PF even and flush and snip the arm of a regular SM below the elbow pad flush, add glue 5x PFs...I keep the power cord too and tuck it under the shoulder pad. If you already have AoBR...it's ok to get another one with minimal mucking about the commander front will attach to a non caped back.

I'm a Blood Angels player so I've gotten PFs from any source you can think of, filed down SWs (before the update) the new(ish) Assault box, the Dev box, commanders, chaos, metal LCs(when the bits ordering service was still about), and especially plastic terminators...but not if you pay $55 for the box, AoBR, badly painted ebay...etc.

I think the moral of what I'm getting at is find things you need anyways, or a good amount of the upgrades you need in one box. Spot deals when you can, and when you cant your FLGS always has commanders.

05-14-2010, 04:57 PM
The best thing about orks is that you can make anything you want out of anything. Remember Orks stuff looks like Sh*t. So you can use any tube shape item you have as one and it will work. But I do agree with you they should give you more, that is why I use magnets on all my figs like that so I can switch out the weapons.