View Full Version : My first tank!

05-13-2010, 08:56 AM

So it is what it says, my first tank. The color scheme was done to match an existing army, detail work is my idea.

Also my first attempt at posting an image in a post, so hoping this works!


05-13-2010, 09:18 AM
Here you go:


I right clicked, copied image location, and used the [img] tags - I don't think they work without a .jpg ending on the adress.

Anyways, good looking tank - very crisp and clean lines on it. Any story behind the purple commander?

05-13-2010, 09:33 AM
Thank you, you are awesome!

Yes, my husband has an Imperial Guard army that is themed as a genestealer cult. I'd never worked on a 40K vehicle and we had an old-style Leman Russ kit lying about, so I put it together and painted it to match the rest of his army, that way it wasn't wasted as a one-off model.
He paints his own stuff, and he's really good at it, but since I wanted to play with a vehicle and didn't want to just waste it I painted it to match his army.


05-13-2010, 09:48 AM
I suspected it might be 'stealers, or some sort of Star Wars army with Admiral Thrawn as Pask.

To expand on what I was saying about posting pics, I went to your flickr adress (say http://www.flickr.com/photos/50165730@N06/4604154150/), right clicked on the picture and copied the image location (this is in Firefox, might be a diferent term in other browsers), so got the 'actual' adress of the image:


Then wrapped that URL in the [img] tags for the board to display it:


I'm using (round) brackets here on the tags to display how it works - changing them to [square] ones will post the pic :)

When you're logged in on flickr there may be an option to share the image or something there, but I don't use flickr so can't say on that.

05-13-2010, 10:14 AM
I wish the first tank I painted looked like that.

05-13-2010, 10:42 AM

Ok, trying for the rear quarter view, and thanks again for the advice on posting! Hope this works!

05-13-2010, 10:45 AM
Happy Dance!!! It worked!

And Rafe, it's far from my first model, believe me, my first models did not look like this. It's just my first 40K vehicle. I've been painting for about 5 years, mostly fantasy. Thank you, your comment did brighten my day. :)

Gotthammer, thank you so much for the advice. Being new to the forum it's really nice to have someone help me out.


05-13-2010, 03:27 PM
I second the thanks for that advice! :P Can only very rarely get photos up on the Internet...will try this now!

P.S. Great looking tank! Any close-ups on the tank commander?

05-14-2010, 07:30 AM
Here's a closer view of the commander, and one of just the turret from the other side.

05-14-2010, 08:00 AM
That is such a good idea, but imagine the trouble having to write Mitth'raw'nuruodo on all your army lists.

I suspected it might be 'stealers, or some sort of Star Wars army with Admiral Thrawn as Pask.

Such a pretty paint job, I sort of imagine divisions of them trundling about some kind of midnight blue twilight world. With lots of genestealers scampering about.