View Full Version : Hierophants/hierodules scything talons

05-13-2010, 05:55 AM
I was looking at the rules for the Hierophant and Hierodules for an upcoming apoc game I'm having, and I wondered about somthing:

They both have scything talons, based on the old rules, which give +1 attack. I was wondering, do they:

A) loose an attack and get the re-roll (As per new scything talons)
B) keep the attack and get the re-roll (On the grounds that all creatures in the codex go the extra 1 attack as a base in the new codex)
C) Stay as they used to be without a reroll

05-13-2010, 07:04 AM
use the rules from the 4th ed codex is the fairest thing.

Trying to mix the 4thed codex Hierophant/hierodules with the new 5th ed codex it becomes stupid.

05-13-2010, 08:00 AM
because its an apoc game you're playing, you should chat with your fellow gamers and house-rule it to somethig youall agree on.

if you all want the game to be "up to date" then a re-roll makes sense, but you may lose the extra attack.

officially the rules would be that "until an update use the older rules" but if you're playing against like minded people - especially in an apoc game, then house ruling things to bring them up to date shouldn't be an issue.