View Full Version : Jaws of the World Wolf

05-13-2010, 05:38 AM
Sorry if this has been asked before

Jaws of the World Wolf against enemies with Eternal Warrior. Eternal Warrior says he is immune to instant death. Jaws does not cause instant death it says remove from play. I tried to compare this to something else and the only thing I could find that said remove from play was the shokk attack gun. If you roll double 6's anything under the template is removed from play, no matter what. In the ork FAQ there is a part that asks this question if you roll two 6's and hit an enemy with Eternal Warrior are they removed from play and the answer is yes.

So would you treat them the same (Jaws and Shokk, since they both say remove from play)


Lord Azaghul
05-13-2010, 06:26 AM
Eternal warrior does not protect from Jaws. Removed from play is just that. Model is no longer on the table!

I don't know about the shokk, I haven't read the rulez on that one.

05-13-2010, 11:44 AM
Yep, the Big Mek's SAG works the same. Its quite rare but when it hits it is a big deal, seeing how its a large blast template

05-15-2010, 08:38 AM
Yup, eternal warrior doesnt protect them from jaws.

I see a lot of people try to take the "but that doesnt make sense" approach to argue that it does. But the fact of the matter is the runepriest just ripped open a giant crevasse under your feet, and if you were too slow you fell in and he snapped it shut over your head.

Now noones saying your ics dead, mabye he will find his way out of there eventually, but for the rest of the battle hes effectively gone.