View Full Version : White Dwarf leaks

07-06-2016, 08:41 AM
Leaked cover and more images
link: http://www.miniwars.eu/2016/07/imagenes-white-dwarf-128.html

Mr Mystery
07-06-2016, 08:48 AM
So it is the tottering Calth Contemptor.

I'm a bit disappointed with that, I am.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-06-2016, 11:39 AM
I'm so glad I ebayed the stuff I wanted, I got the cataphractii terminators for about £20, which is 50% of what they are selling them for now. Don't normally complain about prices but these are quite insane IMO.

Mark IV Space Marines £ 30.00 / € 39.00
Cataphractii Terminators £ 40.00 / € 52.00
Contemptor Dreadnough 35.00 / € 46.00
Space Marines Heroes £ 30.00 / € 39.00

07-06-2016, 03:46 PM
tactical marines are the only thing I would buy more of probably, and I think £30 is fine for those.

07-06-2016, 08:56 PM
I'm so glad I ebayed the stuff I wanted, I got the cataphractii terminators for about £20, which is 50% of what they are selling them for now. Don't normally complain about prices but these are quite insane IMO.

Mark IV Space Marines £ 30.00 / € 39.00
Cataphractii Terminators £ 40.00 / € 52.00
Contemptor Dreadnough 35.00 / € 46.00
Space Marines Heroes £ 30.00 / € 39.00

The Betrayal at Calth box is still available for the price of the three marine squads... that box is an insane deal.

07-07-2016, 01:28 AM
Glad I bought Overkill when I did, wouldn't fancy paying the prices I imagine they are going to charge for all the minis inside that.

07-07-2016, 06:20 AM
£30 seems high for plastic tactical marines tbh. The dreadnought and terminators are massively overpriced for what they are. Might as well pay the extra and get the better looking FW stuff.

07-07-2016, 04:01 PM
No issue with the Tactical Squad price or the Cataphractii price.

My only issue is the Contemptor price however unlike others I don't mind it not being monopose.

Path Walker
07-07-2016, 04:12 PM
I'm not sure people thought they wouldn't price the Tactical Squad more than the regular 40k one. Its more specialised and so you can put a premium on it and it still works out half the price of FW ones. Same with the Terminators.

I don't think the contemptor is worth the price though, its pose is just too light for me, it doesn't seem like it has weight behind it. Its the only one that I wouldn't pay the RRP for, everything else is totally in line with GWs prices.

Mr Mystery
07-07-2016, 04:14 PM
No issue with the Tactical Squad price or the Cataphractii price.

My only issue is the Contemptor price however unlike others I don't mind it not being monopose.

Mostly agree, except the Contemptor.

The FW version is £34 for a possible chassis, and £19 for both arms. So by no means cheap.

But this one, being £35 for a monopose kit of limited options, and isn't compatible with the FW Arms....just...too much man, too much. As a plasticification of a FW kit, it's the monopose that irks me most.

07-08-2016, 06:32 AM
One thing I will be doing when they are released is making two 10 man support squads and a 10 Missile launcher heavy squad (havoc squad).

For £42 I get a Tactical box and 10 Plasma/Meltaguns and for £56 for the same with proteus II pattern missile launchers.

Mr Mystery
07-08-2016, 06:39 AM
That's pretty damned good!

07-08-2016, 03:39 PM
Yup, if I got it all from Forge World then both Support Squads would be £60 each and the Heavy Support Squad would be £74.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-08-2016, 04:51 PM





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Erik Setzer
07-09-2016, 06:59 AM
The Betrayal at Calth box is still available for the price of the three marine squads... that box is an insane deal.

It's not so much an "insane deal" as the standard pricing is "insane pricing." It's an ongoing issue and it relies on people having that weird mindset of "the boxes are a great deal" rather than recognizing the boxes prove their pricing scheme is messed up and could easily be reworked with them continuing to make profit (increased sales would increase profit... and if operational costs are an issue, you lower those costs, i.e. shutter stores that aren't performing rather than hold on to that past-its-prime concept).

I can't justify buying these individually. The Tactical Squads were the closest, but at this point, I might as well buy another copy of the boxed set... and I would, even if I didn't need the extra stuff, just because it'd mean they're spending more to get my money.

I just don't get it with these guys. Or the people who like to jump all over defending the pricing.