View Full Version : What got you into gaming?

The Imperator
05-12-2010, 07:40 PM
I started with 40k in the eighth grade. I had a one friend who got all the rest of us to play and he didnt have to try hard because once we went on the GW site the first time we were hooked. What about you?

05-12-2010, 08:01 PM
I got into gaming by picking up the Star Wars RPG 2nd ed book from WEG the month it came out, just on a whim. That was in 1992 (I was 17)

As for Warhammer, I got into 40K by buying an Eldar Falcon in or around 97 to use with Star Wars Miniatures Battles, and picked up a few other pieces here and there, culminating in the 2nd ed Tyranid Army box and trading a GIJOE Killer WHALE for a completed Blood Angels army, for which I had an Ultramarines codex from 2nd ed, so I didn't really under stand how it was to work. I ended up picking up the 3rd ed rules and the BA codex and learned how my army was to play. Then I started stripping it and rebuild it.

I picked up WHFB because I like knights and thought a Bret army would be cool. I now have a huge Blood Angels and Bretonnian collection.

As I mainly collect, Apoc is the preferred format for me to play.

John M.

05-12-2010, 08:11 PM
My two middle brothers got into it through a friend at Eton. They got the other two sets of brothers into it. Then I started looking at the interesting pictures and decided I wanted into it as well. I started playing in my own right when I was eight, but they started teaching me how to paint and play a bit before that.

Commisar Chris
05-12-2010, 08:18 PM
Same thing Imperator said (because im one of "the rest of us") :D

05-12-2010, 08:26 PM
I was at Walmart in 1982 (i was 8) and picked up a cool as hell looking box in the game section. It was bright red, with a big dragon on the front. It even said it came with dice! Yep....the original DnD box set. I was hooked on all things gaming after that.

05-12-2010, 08:31 PM
I started playing D&D in 6th grade (1983) and it's been a downward spiral ever since. Now I own more gaming stuff (roleplay and tabletop) than everything else I own put together.

05-12-2010, 08:51 PM
While stationed in Germany in fall '08, a fellow Marine brought me along with him to GW while on liberty. He likes to collect, build and paint elves and dragons. I on the otherhand was captivated by the awesome Chaos Terminator models... Ended up buying the Chaos Terminator Apoc force and well... The rest is history.

05-12-2010, 09:29 PM
My best friend bought some while I was in 5th grade so me and my older brother bought the 3rd edition starter set. I got the space marines, black templars pre armageddon rules played initally like DAngels then real BT's when I got the chance, and he got the dark eldar. Eventually some new races came out, I got Tau and he got Necrons, and me and my brother gave each a try. Couldn't get the hang of Tau so I sold them. Demonhunters came out and it was awesome, I tried to strip the paint off the BT's but melted them in brake fluid. Eventually 4th ed rolled around and Demonhunters, Dark Eldar, and Necrons all went without codex updates so we dropped the hobby. I finally got back into it for real this winter with demons after trying Tyranids in 4th ed and giving up on them months later. My brother has yet to take up the hobby again.

05-12-2010, 09:55 PM
Had a minor flirtation with D&D back in high school (mid to late 80s). Picked up this strange book called Rogue Trader freshman year of college (88-89) and it's been downhill ever since...

When am I going to get my Squat codex, damnit.

05-12-2010, 09:55 PM
Since I was a little kid I'd tryed to get my friend to play with our plastic army men with set rules (used a 12" ruler for movement and shooting and flipped a coin to wound haha) and then about 12 years later in "06 my roommate told me about 40k. Sounded cool so I went to the gaming store and after deliberating between SW, Orks and IG, picked up the Vostroyan Platoon box off the shelf, brought it home and my girlfriend said "what the hell is that!?!". 4 years on I've still got my beloved mustached guardsmen and the same lady some how. :D

05-12-2010, 10:00 PM
D&D back in grade school... which was way yonder... 24 or some years ago...
40k didn't happen for me til bout 12 years ago and it was a friend (that i'd know for ever) but he had never told me bout it til one day over a beer when he brought out some orks he was working on.. been hooked ever since!
starting with CSM, then TAU, then SM, then Orks, and now finally guard... oh the $$$$ i'be spent on this hobby!

05-12-2010, 11:15 PM
My dad, believe it or not. He was a historical wargamer and he would have been one of the first D&D players back in the 70s. He got me the D&D Basic red box when I was about 10, and then a year later I saw the WHF starter box (10 Woodies, 10 Dwarfs, 10 Gobbos, 10 Orcs, 10 Dark Elves and 10 Skaven) and I bought it before I knew anything about the actual game. Been playing GW on and off ever since.

Funny thing is, I went to my dad's for dinner last night and he tried to get me to play multiplayer Borderlands with him on 360. He's still introducing me to games after all these years :)

Commissar Lewis
05-12-2010, 11:55 PM
40k? Well, about 3-4 years back or so, my friend recommended Dawn of War. I got it, loved it. Then he told me about the TT game, and we both got into it. Been a 40k player since.

05-13-2010, 03:06 AM
Had a boring job that gave me lots of free time and disposable cash. So i thought, why not condemn my soul and destroy all chances of ever having a social life by starting to play around with plastic soldiers.
My first buys where horrible, I should just have gone with a battleforce instead.

05-13-2010, 08:24 AM
There's a GW store next to the movie theater near here, and we'd walk past it every time we went to the movies. My then-boyfriend (now husband) had played when he was in middle school, and I had played D&D when I was in high school/college. The movie we wanted to see was sold out, we decided to wait for the next showing, and we went into the GW store. Downhill from there... the models were amazingly detailed, we each got some, and now we both have multiple armies for both fantasy and 40K.

05-13-2010, 08:39 AM
I was in grade 7, sitting through the boring teacher droning on and my friend turns to me and says, "hey, take a look at this," and passes me over a White Dwarf, issue 195. I bought it from him that same day for $5, still have it.

05-13-2010, 08:44 AM
I was at my friends house a few years back and he had his warhammer 40k rulebook on his desk, I asked him if I could read it and he said "sure". Since then I've been playing.

05-13-2010, 09:29 AM
Friend brought in the Angels Of Death Codex halfway through year 5 ( i know what the equivalent is for other countries but i was around 9 ) and i loved the front cover. My parents took me to my nearest GW and it went from there. Aahhh the memories.:)

05-13-2010, 11:05 AM
Anyone remember those books where you had to pick an option and go to that page, and generally to die in some manner? Then one to Hero Quest, Space Crusade (which is far better than Space Hulk imho) D&D WHFB and finally WH40K.

I still prefer the reading BL, writting my own background and building an army to compeditive play, but still looking forward to rolling some dice once a week. One day I may choose to go to a GWGD.

The Mighty Git
05-13-2010, 06:45 PM
I started painting minis first. Got into Blood Bowl 2nd ed.(the one with the styrofoam field, I still have that), I drooled for a month waiting for Necromunda to be released. After Gorkamorka and Battlefleet Gothic, 40K seemed like a natural progression. currently working on Crimson Fists and Cadians.

05-13-2010, 07:27 PM
I remember seeing the ads for Space Crusade on TV as a little tike and I thought, "That looks like the best thing ever." Game-decay hit and after a few years there were too many cards, dice and blips missing to play a coherant game of it, so it vanished into the garage. Flirted with battletech, and some white-wolf games, and then a friend of mine brought up warhammer. We looked up the website, and I was assaulted and beaten by nostalgic images of space marines not just standing statically with they bayonet-bolters, but rather engaging in the four pillars of Space marine virtue: Shooting, Severing, Pointing, and Shouting.

"Holy crap", I thought, "Space crusade really took off."

Enchanted by the images of the emperor's finest, I did the most capricious thing I could thing of, and started collecting Eldar right away.