View Full Version : WIP: Lunar Landscape (28mm)

07-03-2016, 12:04 PM
Here is a new project I'm working on. It occurred to me, you never see a battle board done up as a lunar landscape, so I thought I'd just go ahead and make one - in 3D. This is made from paper clay, using a technique similar to Carton Pierre. The clay is made from recycled newspapers.

http://pre02.deviantart.net/3ce9/th/pre/f/2016/185/2/8/wip__lunar_landscape_28mm_wargame_terrain_by_necro n2_0-da8pkso.jpg (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/photopost/terrain/p5507-wip-lunar-landscape-28mm.html)

07-04-2016, 06:58 AM
Are the tiles for big craters fixed together? It looks like it may be hard to line them up if they got mixed. Also, is it flat enough to play on without the models falling over?

07-04-2016, 07:44 AM
The whole thing is entirely modular, or as modular as I could make it. Any large crater piece can be placed next to any other large crater piece in any order. So long as the six tiles form a circle around a seventh "flat" tile, it does not matter which ones are used. Alternately, a natural "trench" can be formed by placing 5 tiles (4 rim plus one flat) against a board edge. For consistency, the remaining two rim tiles would need to be placed against a board edge as well. Something similar holds true for the small three-tile craters, although the variability isn't as great.

As for playablity, the crater rims protrude about 2 centimeters above the rest of the playing surface. The pockmark craters are only small indentations. How tipsy an individual model may be would depend on how well-balanced it is. Obviously a figure would not be able to stand directly on top of a rim, but I placed one of my regular troop figures on various places all over the board without too much difficulty. I've also created several types of "flat" tiles that would allow other terrain pieces to be placed on top of them (buildings and such). For these, in the cases where there are pockmark craters, no portion of the rim rises above the tile surface.

I have just a few more tiles to make, and once I get those fitted, my plan is to add small magnets along two axis on the tiles to help hold the tiles in place while in use. The magnets aren't very strong. They're just there to lend support. The placement of the magnets also won't restrict how the tiles are positioned, although for certain groupings the magnets won't come into play.

07-10-2016, 03:34 PM
Two more tiles to go. After that, I'll need to sand down any inconsistent edges and then prime and paint. Magnets will need to come later (haven't come in the mail yet).

Thought I would add a couple minis for scale reference:

