View Full Version : Morbid angel WIP

05-12-2010, 08:13 AM
Let me start this topic by providing some of the background as to how it came to be..... You see way back when GW released the PDF and DA plastics I cam up with what I thought at the time was a great idea. Since all the Loyalist armies at the time looked like they we're going to be the same at their core I descided it would be great if I added squads from other chapters to form a "crusade" addition to my BA's, this would mean that I would be able to field any of the minatures from any of the SM ranges. In order to allow acces to Chaos marines I intended to include a contigent of soul drinkers into the army. With this in mind I bought 2 boxes of Chaos marines, a box of Chaos termies and the lord. Then rea;l life caught up and the project was left by the wayside.

Then with the release of the current BA I decided I wanted an army that played differently to my BA's. Being the fluff nut that I was I decided that the best counter to my BA would be Chaos space marines that used to be BA, or atleast lead by a lord who was once a BA. The only problem wiht this was I couldn't really find a good fluffy way to take the army I wanted to without breaking some fluff. What I wanted was a "shock and awe" army made of Plague marines, Chaos termies, Land raiders, and Obliterators. I had been going to make them a "black legion" force that had access to traitor apothecaries allowing for the PM's to get FNP from a fluf percpective however this didn't sit well and so the project looked ready to go back under the bed.

Then low and behold the great BnC offered me delliverence, and it's name was the Dornian Heresy. With this alternate Time line in hand I decided that it was perfect for my BA's to succumb to nurgle and so the army began again.
The colour scheme for this army will be Blood red and gold trim with strong devlan mud washes to produce a highly aged look. I have considered using scab red as it is darker but we will see how the current ideaturns out.

Now I intend for this thread to allow me to show you guys my WIP as well as explaining my design deciscions, so without further ado I shall kick off proceding's with my WIP Chaos lord.

These pictures are all of the Pre-Greenstuff stage.


This next shot is his Daemon weapon. the fluff behind it is that my lord was possesed by a Daemon of nurgle but supress's it ad uses its power to his own ends. Model wise the right hand side of the minature is going to be more mutated than the left, as seen with the arm and the spikes growing out of the armour on the shoulder and legs.


Next up is his shield, The idea behind this is that I wanted to take the classic image of a knight/space marine/ generic hero standing with one foot on a vaquished foe, with weapon in one hand and shield in the other and twist it into a cruel parody. (see I'm playing the nemesis card again) as such I decided it would be cool if my lord had taken a shield from a vanquished hero and "improved it". This is what I came up with.


Conversion notes: The shield/ left arm is going to have green stuff added on the back to make it look as if the shield is starting to grow onto the lord, as well as a toxin sac for the spike at the bottom. The blood angel symbol will also be growing onto/into the shoulder pad along with the spikes on the right arm and the Daemon head on the chest. The lord is also going to be "gifted" with a set of Wings from the TK carrion to provide yet another ironic counter to my BA succesor HQ's, as well as having key plates or armour recieve the "musculature" treatment.

So what do you gusy think? Love it or hate is please let me know, and as always advice is appreciated.

PS: please excuse the terrible spelling, I'm a chemistry student, haven't done english in years.

Hairy Piggy
05-12-2010, 09:17 AM
That's a really cool conversion that I'm looking forward to seeing painted up:). The arm (termy/genestealer/spike) is a really great idea and the shield looks nice and chaos-y as well.

05-13-2010, 04:09 AM
The second Instalment

So last night I decided to do alot of the green stuff work on my lord. The torso is complete barring the wings and cloak that will be attached this weekend and the front half of the shield and the shoulder pad on the left arm have been completed.

I'm currently thinking that I will paint the "stretched flesh" bits in red and use a red wash on them but I'm not sure If that will constrast it enough compared toe red armour with a devlan mud wash. What do you guys think? How about painting one of the 2 reds as scab red and if so which one would you paint darker, the flesh or armour?

Also does anyone know a good way to paint a Sickly green corpse flesh colour using only a few coats? If so could you please tell me as I want to paint the "Marine" parts of these models as cadavers to play on the undead side of the vampire mythos.

Onto the pictures:

First up is the Deamon weapon, Its pretty much complete now I'm happy with the way the green stuff has really blurred the line between flesh and armour.


Now we have the front and side versions of the lords torso. I decided to mold the Skull on the front into the armour to help make it look more a piece of it and less of an ornament that was just tacked on.


05-13-2010, 04:10 AM
Now we have the front facing of the shield, this is probably the part of the minature that I'm most happy about, Its turning out even better than I intended.


And last but not least are the front and back pictures of the shoulder pad.


05-13-2010, 06:34 AM

That is freaking awesome!

05-13-2010, 09:09 AM
For the painting the fleshy red's I'd suggest base coat it with a medium red, wash it with baal red, high light raised portions with a real light red or dark pink and possibly wash it again afterwards.

05-14-2010, 01:05 AM
Here are the Latest photos of both the back of the shield and the attached arm, I'm quite please with the results but what do you guys think?


And here is the attached shot.


05-16-2010, 10:20 AM
very nice greenstuffing

05-17-2010, 07:08 AM
So this time I'm going to be delving ALOT deaper into my design process and the further developement of this army starting with the basing and slight alteration of my "Typhus".

First up a rules explanation, you see for years I've wanted to convert a Chaose lord based upon the Deathknight image in the warcraft 3 handbook, I never could quite get it down right until I started this incarnation. Now the Idea of a death knight is and undead champion that has both magical powers and notable battle prowess, now in the Chaos Undivided realm the closest one can get to this is to take a Sorcerer. Now there were a few problems with this in my mind and the first of which was the sorcerers ability to only take and cast one power a turn. Thats kinda pitiful with regards to the more recent codex really. And the second was becasue the Sorcerer isn't much of a beast in combat. Now when I felt the pull of the Plague god I was reading through the rules for all the dedicaded nurgle units and I ran across the entry for Typhus, this was exactly what I had been aiming for ( though originally without the nurgle lean) so my new Plague lord will be following the rules for Typhus.

Now onto the minatures.

First up is my lord again, this time he is on what will be his base after some green stuffing to nurgle-ize it and some sand so that it fits my board. Originaly I didn't want to use the base supplied by with the chaos lord as it seemd too "generic" to me but due to lack of being able to find a suitable replacement and the success of the green stuff on my lord I decided to go with simplicity and modify this myself. Also of note is the removal of the Tyranid skull trophy rack, this was in part to make room for a pair of carrion wings and also to allow for the addition of one of the skeletons like the one on the base.


05-17-2010, 07:10 AM
This shot shows the back where the carrion wings will attach when they become available ( Curse GW selling the last one to the guy before me, TWICE!)

Now we have the Pre-Green stuff Terminators, This squad will ultimately consist of 6 terminators and act as a retinue for my lord adding up to the magic number of nurgle.
While cinstructing the squad it occured to me that I would need to include a bearer of an icon of nurgle, after a little rule checking I found no reason not to take it on my asspiring champion and so decided upon the Idea of making all my aspiring champions into Sanguinary Plague Priests, to facilitate this idea I decided that they would all have a "plague grail" upon their right shoulder pad. this one on the Terminator is made form an unsided down shoulder pad slightly carved to fit and will be heavily greenstuffed.

His load out is a combi-flamer and power waepon.

05-17-2010, 07:11 AM
This is the rest of the squad, first guy is equiped with a Heavy flamer and Chain fist. With this army I was trying to get back the wackyness of 40k and many of my miniatures are an attempt to recapture much of the 3rd ed or older artwork with john blanche of particular note.


These guys have a combi-bolter and power fist.


05-17-2010, 07:12 AM

The last guys has a power weapon and Combi- bolter.


05-17-2010, 07:13 AM
This guy is going to be the "aspiring champion" for my first marine squad and will also likely be the test marine for my scheme. He is also pre-greenstuff and canny BA's will notice the use of a grail shoulder pad. (it was a painful descicion believe me.)

he has a power fist and bolt pistol


Thats all for now but more greenstuff/assembly will be conducted tomorrow.

Sorry bout the HUGE number of self replies I didn't know how do add more than 4 images at a time.

05-17-2010, 10:13 AM
Yeah, the 4 image thing is pretty rough.

Nice conversions though. Makes me wonder how they'll look painted up (hint).

05-19-2010, 04:42 AM
First of all allow me to thank everyone who shows enough interest in this project to leave a comment; it can be disheartening to see large numbers of views with very few replies. Even if it is just a “keep up the good work” or “I’m not really a fan” you’re comments are much appreciated.

So here is the first painted miniature. This is ultimately how I want all my Aspiring champion’s to look, however for the other marines in my army I intend to invert the scheme so that the base colour is the red with a mud wash and the “growth’s” are bone with a red wash.
Note: the model is not complete because my fine brush died doing the flesh area’s and it will be a few day before I get a replacement.


This next photo is what the red looks like when it has been given a mud wash. Some will not that this place was previously taken by a slaanesh shoulder pad that was intended to be the body for a chalice conversion; well I couldn’t get that to work to my satisfaction and so replaced it with this simple conversion.

As always comments are much appreciated.

05-19-2010, 04:20 PM

I do like the idea of using a gauntlet of Space Marine and put it on the shoulder pad. But somehow, it seems too big to be on it, how about next time you go ahead and cut half of it and put it there. That way it wont look like it's popping off the shoulder pad.

05-19-2010, 07:18 PM
yeah only problem with that is if I cho down the gauntlet it gets way to small width wise to work, I kinda like it this way and it grows on you.

So it turns out devlan mud has a green pigment in it (I honestly did not know that). this works unintentionally well on my aspiring champs but it gives me a problem with my red marines, and that problem is named purple. That’s right when I wash my red marines in mud they don’t look so hot and I was a little unsure on how to overcome this and get an aged red. The possibilities are I think either changing to red gore and ditching the wash (I think the washes add to much character to drop though), changing the wash used to badab black ( I might go with this one, if anyone has any experience with this please let me know how it turns out) or doing what I did this time and after washing very lightly dry-brushing with blood red one final time (though I’m not sure this achieved the look I wanted). If anyone else has another idea please let me know.

So here’s the basic scheme and there is just a few things to note here. Firstly I was trying to do this one quickly this morning and so decided to dry the wash with my halogen lamp (I’ve done it before), unfortunately I just melted my dude so some green stuff will be added to the back to alleviate this mistake.


PS: does anyone have any good ideas on how to paint warpfire?

05-20-2010, 09:48 AM
For warpfire, try painting it white and washing with blue/purple/green. Bring the edges back up to white.

05-20-2010, 11:09 AM
Am I the only one that thinks the 'sacks' behind the shield look like bollocks lol

Looking good just remember not to overclutter the models as they will be a ***** to paint if you do

Commissar Lewis
05-20-2010, 11:10 AM
First off: holy ***s at the Chaos Lord conversion. That is amazing, simply amazing.

Second - I'm liking the paint scheme thus far. Well done sir.

Keep up the great work, man.

05-21-2010, 11:29 PM
First off: holy ***s at the Chaos Lord conversion. That is amazing, simply amazing.

That my friend is a understatement....

no words that I can think of would give him justice...

I can't wait to see him painted up...

05-22-2010, 03:21 PM
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

those are soooo cool!!

the only gripe i have is that the priests would be cool in a kinda greeny off white !! but its jst me!!


05-22-2010, 09:49 PM
Hi guys another day another update. First I would like to take the time to answer the questions you guys have asked concerning this project.
Unfortunately I can’t really offer you guys a list of parts as most of the interesting things are from my bits box which have been sitting in there for ages, sometimes as long as ten years.
As for the list I will be using the chaos marine codex for this army as I want it to be fundamentally different to my other BA army and it is a Dornian heresy army after all. Though I’m still unsure of whether to take 3 squads of 7 plague marines as my core or instead taking 2 squads of 10 marines with a mark of nurgle and rhino’s. I’m leaning towards using the 3 squads of 7 because it would fit the theme very strongly.
A couple of you guys have also questioned why I chose nurgle, I know it doesn’t seem like something that would happen I thought about playing up the Undead side of the vampire mythos and once I had that idea I felt that is was too good to pass on. This theme will become more evident once I get to painting some flesh on my marines as it is going to be rotting and dead.
Anyway onto the update, news on the chaos lord is that I was able to get the carrion wings today and so he should be finished within the next 2 days and painted within 2 more, updates will probably follow his progress more than anything else. I’m hoping to finish both the lord and the terminators this week and then move onto the regular chaos marines next week as progress should speed up due to all materials now being accounted for.
Here is something I threw together this weekend based upon a concept I developed. It was practically a given that this force would end up including at least one dreadnought in the list, after all the dreadnought is the epitome of Heavy infantry. I know the Chaos ones are sub-par rules wise but honestly if he decides every so often to nuke my own unit, well it all adds to the fun. This guy was originally going to be built from one of the new Space marine venerable dreadnoughts but I was unable to afford it and so decided to cannibalize one of my as yet unused BA ones instead. The arms will be pinned in such a way as to allow me to equip him in any way I want.
While I would love to say that the coffin idea is completely my own I have to give a shout out to Luke yates from Australia and his always astounding Plague marines, particularly the one where his army was used in a CoD battle report against tau. Originally I had intended to leave the facing off the venerable and use the bare chassis but with that idea out the window I decided to use an open coffin style and again play upon the undead aspect of vampires.

As for the weapons I wanted to increase the mutation and demonic influence on this model further than the Terminators, the Obliterators will again be even more mutated and warped.

This is the pre nurgleisation dread.

05-22-2010, 09:50 PM

This photo shows the banner for this dreadnought along with the heavy flamer and one of the pre-construction alternate weapon load outs.

Here is a close up of the coffin. I wanted to go for a face full of expression and chose a screaming space marine head because I love the idea of an insane space marine controlling a deadly war machine. I also had the idea that if the marine inside the dread was ever killed the Chaos marines would just rip him unceremoniously from inside the coffin and promptly replace him.

So what do you guys think?

05-23-2010, 10:45 PM
That Dreadnought looks awesome!

I like that you see the rotting corpselike marine inside...

...but would he now count as open topped? lol.:D

05-26-2010, 07:24 PM
Hey guys here are the final WIP pictures of the lord. The next time you see him he will be fully painted. I must say that this is the first time in ages that I have actually been intimidated by the thought of painting a model, I find this even more interesting when I consider that it is a model I created myself. As for scheme I am still a little unsure whether to paint him with the bone armour or the red armour, there are benefits and drawbacks to both decisions and I will have to think carefully about the overall scheme before deciding.
About halfway through attaching the wings I was really worried that they wouldn’t fit really well, I ended up having to trim the trophy racks a little but after some wing reconstruction I’m very pleased with the results.


05-26-2010, 07:25 PM
Here are some close ups of the Joints.

I’m considering making a painted picture of this shot my profile picture, its nice and menacing.

06-08-2010, 08:31 AM
Hey guys I’m back.
So basically it has taken me two weeks instead of two days to finish my lord and I must say that unfortunately the rest of the army is going on hold for the next three weeks due to university exams sorry guys.

However there is good news, this army is going all out beyond the original 1500pt list! I’ve decided I’m going to raid my bits box for the parts that were never really likely to be used in a BA army but I had picked up for a number of reasons. What these bits will give me is.....
Another squad of 7-6 terminators converted from AoBR termies, another (hopefully) 2 squads of 7 plague marines based on AoBR tac marines, and finally a 2-3 squads of 7 chosen/havocs OR 2-3 squads of 7 raptors, these will be done from the rather numerous DA minis I have that will be converted into plague monk style Space Marines. Oh and eventually I will be converting an ascended version of my lord as a daemon prince.
Without further ado I present to you
Tyranicus Trepes: lord of the Carrion.

06-08-2010, 08:31 AM

Believe it or not the hardest part of this mini to paint was getting the damn brush into the nooks and crannies on the base.


Overall I am VERY pleased with how he has turned out, so what do you guys think was this a success?

06-08-2010, 09:28 AM
id paint he eyes

ists suimple !!!

a) paint socket black
b) pain white but leave a tiny black rim ( or a red or something if hes possessed with thicker rims)
c) a tiny black line for the pupiL!!

06-08-2010, 11:26 PM

One word...


Awesome work.

keep it up. :D

06-10-2010, 12:02 AM
Hey guys here’s the bits list for the lord some of you have asked for.
Bits list for lord:
Head: DA veteran
Shield: assault terminators
Daemon weapon: tyranid MC sprue
Body+Legs: chaos terminator lord
Shoulder pads: chaos terminator lord
Shield spike: nurgle specific head from CSM command
Shield cover: Chaos undivided standard CSM
Bones: ghouls
Bodies: CSM command nurgle standard
Bloodletter skulls
Various skulls and spikes from CSM standards, sprues and pieces
Wings: tomb kings carrion

06-10-2010, 12:03 AM
Also here are the pictures of my Pre-green stuff sorcerer the cloak and stuff came from another lord that I had bought along with Abbadon to modernize him after giving it alot of thought I decided to butcher it for parts because it’s not something that I would field and if I want it as a display piece I can always do the conversion again.

06-10-2010, 12:30 AM

He looks awesome...

great job can't wait till he is done.

07-08-2010, 06:06 PM
Hey guys!
One thing first, I know you guys want more painted miniatures but that is going to wait a bit as first I want to get my 1500pts sculpted so I can start playing but once that done then I will be painting them before I go on and do more sculpting.

So here is my first 3 obliterators, I had a lot of trouble getting the concept for these guys. At first I was going to mount the weapons on the arms but they kept looking just like terminators carrying heavy weapons, something I most definitely did NOT want.

Then I had a brilliant idea while looking through the old, old chaos codex. Why not mount the guns on the torso like the old obliterator models? So that’s what I did, then I decided that the techno virus wasn’t very nurglely and so I decided to go for more “organic” weapons and swapped to the tyranid one’s. However I would like to point out to those who would also like to convert their own obliterators, using mechanical imperial weapons on the torso still looks REALLY good it’s just not what I was after. The sculpting was mostly to make the marines look like they were possessed and I think it went alright.

On to the pictures.


07-08-2010, 06:06 PM

07-08-2010, 06:08 PM

07-08-2010, 06:08 PM

Edit: ignore the feet they will be sculpted into cloven hooves when the bases are done.

Le Scriv
07-09-2010, 02:46 AM
Wow, these all look great! Love what you've done with the greenstuff on the first obliterator

07-12-2010, 01:53 AM

I don't play Chaos...

but those are some cool Obliterators.

07-12-2010, 03:31 AM
I am in awe of your greenstuff skills.... (doing the whole "we're not worthy" grovel)

Seriously Loving the Dread conversion... would love to see it painted.... cant wait

Keep it up

07-26-2010, 05:34 PM
Cheers for the compliment mate, Never thought I'd be worthy of a Waynes world style grovel, Now I know how Alice cooper feels.

This time I'm showing you the current pictures of my dreadnought so you can see how he's doing.


First up we have the banner, I love how this has come out so far especially how it looks like the blood drop/ puss sack is corrupting the rest of the banner, and I'm almost tempted to use it for soemthing else.


Heres the coffin, It'snot quite what I was after but I think its a fair compromize between imagination and acheivability.


07-26-2010, 05:35 PM
Next up is the gun arm, its only about 25% complete to be honest, buy the time I'm done I want the head part to look like a deamon of nurgle and NOT a carnifex, I also intend to corrupt the powerpack at the end of the gun a fair bit more.


This one is a close up of the left leg for the dreadnought, originally it was going to be armour plated like the other leg but with puss sacks hanging on it. Unfortunately I lost the peice after it broke off while repositioning the dreadnought so here is what I came up with instead.


Finally a rear shot to show how the vents are attatched to the dread.


So guys please leave any C&C you feel like below

08-05-2010, 09:03 PM
Hi guys a quick weekly update before the weekend.
This week I will be playing my first game with this army and though the miniatures aren’t finished and most of them don’t even have the detailing done to them yet, I decided that I really really wanted to start playing with them so that by the time I’m done I will have a firm grasp of how to use them to full effect.
So heres the final list for this weekend, I know the units aren’t optimal but I’m going for fluff over effectiveness.
Mordread, Lord of The Scourging: Typhus

6xTerminators: 180pts
Icon of nurgle: 40pts
Champion: 10pts
Combi-flamer: 5pts
Heavy flamer: 5pts
Chain fist: 15pts
2xpowerfists: 20pts
Total: 265pts

Iscarion, the Traitor of malthax: Dreadnought: 90pts
Plasma cannon: 15pts
Heavy flamer: 5pts
Total: 110pts

7x plague marines: 150pts
Champion: 15pts
Power fist: 25pts
2xplasma gun: 30pts
Total: 231pts

7x plague marines: 150pts
Champion: 15pts
Power fist: 25pts
2xplasma gun: 30pts
Total: 231pts

7x plague marines: 150pts
Champion: 15pts
Power fist: 25pts
2xFlamer: 30pts
Total: 231pts
Heavy support:
3x Obliterators: 225pts

No post would be complete without some picture updates so here’s how the dreadnought is coming.
I once read a quote from a famous sculpture whose name I no longer remember that said the strongest images are the ones that are recognizable in silhouette, and that’s the basic design philosophy that goes into all my models. With that in mind I’ve redesigned the gun arm for my dreadnought to this the final incarnation. Of particular note is the “organic” limb joint, I think it makes a nice contrast in the model having the mechanical limb attached organically and the organic arm attached mechanically.


Along with this redesign I needed to change the angle of the head so that the entire model was clearly directed in the same way.

08-24-2010, 06:42 AM
Hey Guys, it’s been a while. Anyway this weekend I had a little spare cash as I couldn’t g out due to an injured neck so I went down to the shops and picked up some stuff. One of these things was the new daemon prince as I will be increasing the size of my force to 1750 pts. I seriously considered forking out the cash and getting the metal nurgle one but in the end I decided I would be better off spending the cash on a daemon prince box and a spawn box and using my bits box to make 2 daemon prince’s and 2 spawn for gift of chaos. Anyway here’s the main prince at his current level of completion, still much more to do on this bad boy.


Of particular note is the chest eventually it will have this symbol on it.

Here’s the head, this is going to sound weird but I’m aiming to have a cyclopse, vampire, nurgle hybrid thingy hence the Eye and the choice of head piece.


08-24-2010, 06:43 AM

Anyone else finding this 4 image limit annoying

Capn Stoogey
08-24-2010, 08:23 AM
Your work is awesome man!
I've never really been a nurgle fan, its far too untidy for me (hence my Ultramarines army...) but This Dreadnought is unreal!
I especially love the energy and character you have given it, it's something I try to do with all my minis, give them that real, Dynamic feel, and you've really made this guy come alive mate, well done.

Hairy Piggy
08-25-2010, 10:09 AM
Great conversion on the daemon prince- Good idea to use spawn parts on it (Why didn't I think of that? Stupid...)

08-29-2011, 03:19 AM
Well guys I know its been a while But I've been working on this army still. I've made a lot of progress and I expect it to be completed within a month, all 2500 (approx) points. 2 of the squads are now painted, the greenstuff is finished on the second dread and painting is underway on both of them and the 'blits are also being painted. Pictures of these will follow over the next few days however tonight I feel like sharing my current pride with you.

These terminators have been done with the skulls on the right shoulder acting as the squad marking. they will be a retinue for my lord and as such share some elements with him such as the shoulder pads and the concept behind the faces on the shin's. I wanted these to be animated corpses, my idea is that my lord enslaves the corpses of his greatest foes and rivals to serve as his bodyguard in a perverse example of irony.

Points of note:

The torn Esophagus on one of the terminators and the trucker hat like drinking tube on the heavy flamer (not to forget the skull I.V. that supplies brain juice of victims to the toxin sac on the back.

Game wise I've been running them as twin LC's (plus HF/PF) and I've found that they really are a wreck face unit. I've had much success using them as counter charge and positioning them to take initial charges through cover allowing them to smash the opponents main push at my lines, between them and Abaddon they really do vaporize whatever come near.

Final notes: I have just bits ordered a number of the small skeletal wings from the spawn kit and will be adding them to truly emphasize the "plague angel" aspect of this army.


08-29-2011, 03:21 AM

08-29-2011, 03:21 AM

08-29-2011, 03:23 AM

Hive Mind
08-29-2011, 03:48 AM
Just when I start to come to terms with the fact that I'm a ham-fisted oaf with no real modelling skill beyond the extremely basic, a thread like this comes along and makes me ashamed and envious in equal measures.

They're all brilliant, even if I don't care for the devourer oblit personally.

05-22-2012, 06:05 PM
Hey guys,

Heres a bit of an update on the painting progress of the terminators.

I've been trying to paint the "fleshy" bits in pinkish tones and with the new GW paints that should be much easier so I hope to get these guys finished in the next month or so.

as a side note does anyone have any suggestions for hoe to paint the "barnacle/fungus" growths? I'm thinking a very dark green would be pretty cool with a vibrant green on the inside parts.

I apologize for the less than spectacular photos I am still getting used to my new camera.





bloodangel 83
05-23-2012, 10:53 PM
Nice work on the army. BA83

05-28-2012, 07:06 AM
absolutely fracking sweet

06-01-2012, 02:49 AM
First terminator painted finally, I don't know if I'm a fan, I'm afraid it might be to bright.....any thoughts?


06-01-2012, 06:27 AM
Really sweet conversions! Looking great!
But I would paint the greenstuffed areas another colour, just to make the pop :)

04-17-2013, 12:05 AM
Well now, hasn't this been a while.

Hello traveller, welcome to the reboot of my nurgle blood angel army, now with highlights.
So, new codex, new toys and new inspiration.

Firstly I've been going over the models in my army, highlighting and touching up the paint jobs. One key thing you might notice is that I decided to drop the dark purple/blue contrast colour from my palette, to be perfectly honest it was a b*tch to paint and I've since changed to a green/yellow colour tone that not only ties in with the pale green skin and red armour but also allows for a greater variation of shades (from fluro green to fluro yellow).

So I've been going through the army one model at a tiem and touching them up, so here's how they are looking so far.

We've all seen my Lord before so this is just a quick photo to show him in the new scheme.
NB: his talon has been replaced due to an unfortunate incident involving the floor, as such he is in need of a touch up and this will be done after the squad I am working on is finished.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0124_zpsf75ef249.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0124_zpsf75ef249.jpg.html)

Some terminators you may also remember.
This one is a good example of the change from purple to yellow on his scythes counterweight and the replacement of the armour plate at his right hip.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0123_zps82b80724.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0123_zps82b80724.jpg.html)

Heavy falmer with "powerfist", I recently swapped his left shoulder plate from the tyranid bone carapace to the new style (wip) that I feel makes the model look tidier, less busy and ties it in with the squad better.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0127_zps04e1a12a.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0127_zps04e1a12a.jpg.html)

Random terminator, still has a blue tongue, not sure if I should change this part or not, thoughts?

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0126_zpsc8fba170.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0126_zpsc8fba170.jpg.html)

04-17-2013, 12:06 AM
Now the updated paint scheme for my champions, really like how the bone turned out in this one, even if he could be a bit "dirtier".

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0132_zps9ab0c50a.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0132_zps9ab0c50a.jpg.html)
http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0130_zpscbc64b1b.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0130_zpscbc64b1b.jpg.html)

This is how the line infantry will appear, very happy with the highlighting and overall feel of the models.

NB: I decided to highlight the "warp stress" areas with a mixture of vomit (or whatever it is these days) and blood red (same deal). helps them stand out from the armour highlights.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130330_134620_zps88c17c99.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130330_134620_zps88c17c99.jpg.html)
http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130417_074734_zpsb4ba6a67.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130417_074734_zpsb4ba6a67.jpg.html)

04-17-2013, 12:07 AM
And now the additions.

I plan to have a custom dark apotheosis and spawn hood model for my lord, this is the current progress on the DP, it will have various visual links to my lord (the right hand and shoulder pad, the cloth on the left "shield", the left shoulder emblem and the wings and finally a ragged and torn "hood)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0140_zps812b1827.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0140_zps812b1827.jpg.html)

I've also been working on some mutilators, I decided they kind of work like chaos paladins, as such I am going with an exalted champion style of model that will have similar modeling additions as my lord ie: wings.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0137_zpsba6aa52b.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0137_zpsba6aa52b.jpg.html)
http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/IMG_0138_zps1b0bea78.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/IMG_0138_zps1b0bea78.jpg.html)

04-23-2013, 01:34 AM
I did say I was going to keep updating this thread and I mean it.

Here we have two more dreads I'm working on, the first is kinda like a "venerable" dread (though chaos can't get them for some stupid reason.)

Always loved this model and got my hands on one just before they were ditched for the plastic.

He will count as a PF and a PS, the scourge is worth the 10 pts in my opinion as it still gives +1 attack and as per the FAQ negates an opponents WS regardless of if it is used of not.

You may notice the bone piles on the "shoulders" they are going to be done similarly to the zombie terminators. I'm thinking I might swap the head for a zombie head but I kinda like this one, does anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130420_112905_zps9f4ec7cd.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130420_112905_zps9f4ec7cd.jpg.html)
http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130420_112933_zpsa424d746.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130420_112933_zpsa424d746.jpg.html)
http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130420_113014_zps3d9ffbd7.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130420_113014_zps3d9ffbd7.jpg.html)
http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130420_113028_zps1b77dd9c.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130420_113028_zps1b77dd9c.jpg.html)

04-23-2013, 01:39 AM
And Here is the fire support dread, unfortunately chaos again has less options than loyalists and cannot take double auto-cannon, as such I will be running this as a ML, and range weapon (not sold on AC or LC yet.) I think the autocannon will be more appropriate as it would be more appropriate against the kind of light armour and infantry the ML would typically be employed against.

Its based on an old piece of B&W art that depicts a similarly armed dreadnought firing missiles in a slightly leaning back pose from the recoil.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130420_113114_zpsb26a42a0.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130420_113114_zpsb26a42a0.jpg.html)

This is the start of the "daemon weapon" that will be either a Reaper autocannon, or a TLLC.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130420_113057_zps009812e2.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130420_113057_zps009812e2.jpg.html)

And a front on view.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130420_113046_zps4715824e.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130420_113046_zps4715824e.jpg.html)

I'm really thinking or grabbing a FW decimator to round out my walker collection (along with my defile/grinder)

04-25-2013, 06:30 AM
A painted minature,

this guy is the test scheme for the cultists. Pretty happy with how it turned out, just a note though these guy are pretty generic "chaos cultists" beccuase they also do double time as my necromunda cultists, as such the scheme will have less army cohesion with regards to colour scheme and modelling.

I am currently thinking of doing a range of different coloured tunics to add some cariation to the models, the steel masks they will all wear (though for some its eye nails.) should tie them together. I have this awesome black and purple idea for the champion with green trim, real "maleficent" stuff.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130425_182919_zpsf17ae653.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130425_182919_zpsf17ae653.jpg.html)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130425_182944_zpse46c2650.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130425_182944_zpse46c2650.jpg.html)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130425_183000_zps2a0e569a.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130425_183000_zps2a0e569a.jpg.html)

04-26-2013, 01:43 AM
edit: sorry didn't mean to throw this up

05-01-2013, 07:21 PM
So I've been painting and doing some work on some new characters just for fun.

Sorcerer, force axe, terminator armour and MoN. pretty happy with how he's looking.
NB: the scythe blade will be directed towards the back of the model in a backswing motion.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130502_071027_zps30ee3e1e.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130502_071027_zps30ee3e1e.jpg.html)

Next we have a warpsmith, I chose to model him in terminator armour to fit the theme of my army (heavy infantry) and because a 2+ save with a 5++ from the sigil is pretty analogous to terminator armour, I'll be running him pretty bare bones too with MoN and the sigil. Not bad with 4 axe attacks a round (and his other powers are pretty nice), I'll run him with mutillators or Oblits.

Design wise. He's got most of his deamonic appendages added and now the goal is to "mechanicum" him up. His chestplate will have a daemonic representation of the mechanicus symbol on it and the counter weight on his axe will eventually share the same cog blade shape most mechanicum weapons feature. throw in a pair of skeleta/mechanical wings, an forearm, underslung daemonic gun and then copious ammounts of greenstuff and he should be good to go. I want to disrupt the terminator armours technical parts as little as possible (such as the exhaust vents) He will also feature the same "heresy" style shoulders all my characters feature.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130502_071100_zpsf05750d3.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130502_071100_zpsf05750d3.jpg.html)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130502_071006_zps8bddcaee.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130502_071006_zps8bddcaee.jpg.html)

edit: No love guys? how bout hate?

05-02-2013, 05:28 AM
all looks really good

05-02-2013, 05:47 AM
Looks amazing and the green stuff must have taken a long time!

Keep the pics coming!

05-12-2013, 07:58 PM
Next update,

The mutilators are now at the stage where they are ready for nurglification using greenstuff.

ever since I heard about them I've felt that mutilators work better when thought of as sort of chaos paladins/ lone wolves, essentially exalted aspiring champions given distinct roles and personal objectives on the battlefield in order to prove their worth to the gods. As such these models will hopefully look more like characters than necessarily a regular line unit, this is why I went for the trophies festooning their tattered wings.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130513_083107_zps9baff149.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130513_083107_zps9baff149.jpg.html)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130513_083128_zpsb446f8d3.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130513_083128_zpsb446f8d3.jpg.html)

....and I've just now noticed how hard those wings are to see...sigh

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130513_083149_zps3555028c.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130513_083149_zps3555028c.jpg.html)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130513_083158_zps1d154c30.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130513_083158_zps1d154c30.jpg.html)

05-13-2013, 06:15 AM
Awesome army. Would love to see a full army photo if possible :p

05-13-2013, 03:32 PM
Awesome army. Would love to see a full army photo if possible :p

I'll get some up once I've finiashed repainting a decent chunk of it I promise.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-05-2013, 04:30 AM
Wow dude, this is some pretty boss stuff, keep up the good work.

07-01-2013, 09:20 PM
well back again,

I have a tournament coming up in July at good games Sydney CBD.

its 1500 pts and the prize for first place is a forge world thunderhawk so needless to say I doubt I will be able to win the tournament (some of the best Sydney players will be there)

However it has a prize for best painted and I'd really like to take a shot at getting it.

With that in mind I cut my list down to 1500 and will now be taking typhus and 40 zombies instead of the lord, mutilator and CSM/cultists.

seeing as I am a cash strapped masters student I had to figure out a way to get my hands on 40 zombies, stick em together and get them painted in about a week so that I can work on my drakes and obliterators before the tournament. Then I remembered I had a box of mantic zombies I bought out of curiosity a while ago, after asking my mate (who is organizing the event) if they we're ok to use I spent an evening throwing all 40 of the little blighters together. I threw on a quick good looking paint scheme and below is the test model.

not that the cloth will be in a variety of colours from red to yellow, brown and maybe blue to give variation to the horde.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130627_070901_zpsc6ccc9cd.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130627_070901_zpsc6ccc9cd.jpg.html)
http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130627_070917_zps2edef584.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130627_070917_zps2edef584.jpg.html)

These little buggers are a joy to paint and I'll keep updating this as the tournament approaches.

07-02-2013, 08:04 PM
Base coated and applied the skin wash for another 9 zombies, I'm going to work on them in batches of 10 to make progress but prevent the work getting too monotonous.

The ones on the far right have had the base layer of some on the other colours applied, these will then be washed and highlighted.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130703_084223_zpsb4aad331.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130703_084223_zpsb4aad331.jpg.html)

And here is a comparison to a mates IG so that you get an idea of the size of these zombies.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130703_084544_zps64c48e3e.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130703_084544_zps64c48e3e.jpg.html)

07-06-2013, 06:42 PM
Well yesterday I sat down and spent the whole day painting, wound up with a cramp in the hand but got 20 of the little blokes done. I'm waiting on the materials to do all my bases but that will probably be the last thing done.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130707_101554_zps49326c98.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130707_101554_zps49326c98.jpg.html)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130707_101635_zps513e49d0.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130707_101635_zps513e49d0.jpg.html)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130707_101812_zps1cd1747b.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130707_101812_zps1cd1747b.jpg.html)

edit: should have some pictures up of finished terminators later today too.

KrewL RaiN
07-06-2013, 09:42 PM
Glad I am not the only one who likes to mutate the hell out of their Chaos Marines! Crazy conversions! lol at the walking zombie legs. no upper body required!

07-06-2013, 11:37 PM
Glad I am not the only one who likes to mutate the hell out of their Chaos Marines! Crazy conversions! lol at the walking zombie legs. no upper body required!

cheers mate,

I'm actually probably going to wind up with a force from each of the gods at some point. I'm doing slaanesh next and I'm thinking evil harlequin marines.

anyway here's that terminator champion I promised.

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130707_133119_zps04090a90.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130707_133119_zps04090a90.jpg.html)

http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss2/daboarder/20130707_133129_zps97da8f14.jpg (http://s556.photobucket.com/user/daboarder/media/20130707_133129_zps97da8f14.jpg.html)

07-09-2013, 11:05 PM
Another finished terminator, re-did the highlights and the skin tones.


And a terminator that is almost finished (the armour plate, skin and yellow parts are done, working on the bone parts now.)


07-18-2013, 11:03 PM
Hey guys more terminators, smashing out the oblits tonight and the rest of the zombies tomorrow, leaving a pair of heldrakes and the bases for next week

heavy flamer (note I noticed I'd missed the hanging censor so I've done that and touched up the moss on the legs and axe a little bit so it matches the stuff on the flamer.


07-18-2013, 11:04 PM
the Finished terminator from last time.


07-18-2013, 11:09 PM
Third one, touched up the skin.


And finally a group shot, Only one left is the banner but he's almost done and I'll finish him with the oblits.


I don't think I ever want to pain models with so many damned nooks and crannies again

edit: no love?

KrewL RaiN
07-19-2013, 05:13 PM
Father Nurgle sends his love hehe! The red and bright green do clash a bit. I'd probaly tone the green down a tad, unless the camera flash is making it super bright.

07-20-2013, 08:10 PM
Father Nurgle sends his love hehe! The red and bright green do clash a bit. I'd probaly tone the green down a tad, unless the camera flash is making it super bright.

Oh sorry rain I was talking about the old light green/grey skin tone, I really like the bright yellow/green that acts as a spot colour.

Here's some oblits.


07-22-2013, 06:29 PM
Heldrakes, overall I want to do less overt modification to these guys, I really like the models "as is" and don't want to smother them in my own work, as such they will ideally have enough to tie them into the list but not overwhelm them.

Oh and as with all my engine they are powered by victims... enjoy.


and number two (first time trying milliput...not a fan as yet, doesn't seem great for details.


07-25-2013, 09:35 PM
Current work on one of the drakes,

Those squiggly bits opn the wings are an absolute PAIN to pain, sigh these things are taking far longer than i thought they would, unfortunately they won't be ready for saturday but the tournament wont require painting for the first one so taking a shot at the thunderhawk.


09-19-2013, 12:42 AM
So....yeah works a *****, but pretties.

So as you might know I'm really jaded with the chaos dex given the other 6th ed books and quite frankly the chapter tactics in the SM codex are probably the last straw. With that in mind I think I'm going to be wrapping this project up by November. I'll be doing this as the new Tyranid book is rumoured to be released then and some of the people I game with are nagging me to start using a more competitive list against their tau, eldar, SM ones and I'm hoping the Nids will be able to do this once they come back outta storage.

So with that in mind I have basically a few more additions to my chaos I want to get done before they go into a cabinet for the foreseeable future.

1) Bases, still haven't decided if I want to re do all of them on SWM corpse field bases (I have 10 to test)

2) another 10 CC cultists (already have the basics modeled)

3) a pair of terminator kill teams. I am re figuring my old Chaos terminators into a pair of termicide squads aremed with heavy flamers (chem sprayers)

4) finish my pair of mutilators, mostly to give my HQ something to ride with in the following....

5) A chaos raider, I have had a reedemer/crusader kit that was given to me as a birthday present years ago by my parents. I was initially going to use it in my "BA first company list" and then when I took those termies I had and turned traitor I was waiting for the new book to see if we got a new variant.....yeah that turned out well, good job GW you **** heads. So I'm going to corrupt the **** outta this thing to make a nice centre piece to cram down the enemy lines and choke them on T5 2+ saves before the drakes show up and kill everything.

Picture time:

Kill squad: The Sightless Eyes.




And then I decided to add a gorget to each of the kill team squad leaders, because nothing says badass like a bar headed terminator with a gorget assassinating enemy warlords.


09-19-2013, 12:50 AM
The other kill team champion, Originally I was going to pair them up with lord helmets (I have two) but I decided I liked the bare head gorget look too much and went with this style.


Chem sprayers: I didn't have a pair of terminator heavy flamers spare but I had a shed tonne of terminator assualt cannons, so I hacked em up and came up with the following, pretty pleased with the result, just need to add some details and chaos em up.



Cultists, This is the CC squad, the guy without arms is going to be one of the hunched mutants and be armed with a flamer.


As to the raider, well I'll be picking up a corpse cart from the lfgs tonight, form what I've seen of the kit it should have everything I need to nrugle up my raider and tie it into my force with the characteristics that are the staple of my style.

09-19-2013, 08:10 PM
So GW has decided that they don't want my money, Went in to the LFGS last night during late night shoping to pick up a corpse cart as it has all teh peices I'd like to use for my LR conversion, they didn't have one. So I went down stairs to the GW to get one....yeah they we're shut, because apparently shutting the biggest store in sydney is a good idea because your too stupid to run it as anything but a 1 man store.....stupid GW, now My cash will go to either an inline kit or a second hand 1 and you basically lose a sale.

Heres the raider

So sponsons, I was going to do them as "daemonis maw" cannons so they could count as whatever the hell I want, but I woke up this morning and realised I had some spare lascannon sponsons, so I hacked off the barrels and replaced the flamerstorm cannon with the pair of them. The idea was to get a visual link between the old raider and the new one, there is going to be a lot of piping and mutation inside the weapon mount to chaos them up and make them look as if they have been ramshackled together over 100000 years to get them to a state where they work.



Continuing with the "original raider" links, I've decided to keep the heavy bolter as a "printle" mount instead of the hull turret, I like it and I have a cool idea for the "gunner" that should look really good without having the usual goofy look printle gunners have.

The position for the heavy bolter will instead be filled with my "dirge caster" which is going to be based off the bell form the corpse cart, heralding the destruction of all those who hear it tolling.


09-23-2013, 12:17 AM
So continuing with the idea of GW not getting my money, it kinda reminded me of WHY I started this army in the first place, to do what I could with what I had and get the most awesome kit-bashed converted servants of the dark gods I could. So I've scrapped the idea of getting a corpse cart and dragged up a bunch of old zombies I had lying around (I now use the mantic zombies for my shambling horde). We're at this stage on the raider. Also found one of my many spawn boxes to get some bits from as well.


Might still add a few corpses and will definitely be getting the spawn treatment (such as replacing the targeter lenses with actual eyes.


This is inside, the maw will be daemonic with tentacles spewing forth and the base will be done in the same mud and rubble style as my bases with the skeletons and the like scattered around.

Progress on my kill teams.
Skin tones done
Armours done and highlighted.

09-23-2013, 04:51 AM
Please please please please please please please hack at/off the Imperial Aquila track links on the LR. Great job otherwise :D

09-23-2013, 06:07 AM
Oh I've got plans for them mate, don't you worry. Think "Buzzard/Vulture"

09-25-2013, 10:10 PM
Heres a comparison of the terminators in the army, I really like this shot as it shows how much of a difference you can make just by altering a model to give if the impression of size. These models are all the same size and the only difference is their stances and bases. Of particular note, the wings and heresy style shoulder pads on the lord really lend to his imposing presence.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-26-2013, 01:12 AM
Nice work Boarder.

09-26-2013, 01:32 AM
Nice work Boarder.

Cheers mate.

10-01-2013, 07:09 PM
I hate GW I really do.....

ok this is partly my fualt but I just found out last weekend at pretty much the worst possible time that for soem reason GW decided in their infinite wisdom that 3 man terminator squads with a ****ty heavy weapon was so OP it had to be removed, thats right you can't take a termicide squad with a heavy flamer anymore.....

So I've had to take the chem sprayers off my terminators and throw the poor things back into the bits box (and they we're so awesome too......)

Therefore the list has been changed and I'll be running my squads as 3 man combi-plas with MON. wierdly thats actually MORE expensive than buying a heavy flamer.....

I tried fiddling around sticking some plasma sections on the guns instead of the melta and flamers but I didn't like how it was looking. So I'll be cutting the barrels off all my terminator combi-weapons and redoing them with daemonic maw's, its an idea I had originally as I like the idea of chaos being more chaotic (just in case you guys hadn't figured that out yet) It also has the added benefit of allowing my to use my combi's as whatever variant I want for a particular list.

In the meantime I spent a little tiem doing the armour, gold and steel (except the gun) on my other champ.


Still a heap of work to do but I really like how he's coming along and felt like sharing.

On another note, with the change to combi-plas termicide in my lists I've decided to drop a pair of my oblits in exchange for a mastery lvl 3 sorcerer in terminator armour (the idea being to score 3 rolls on telepathy because puppet mastering riptides and waveserpents is frakking hilarious) However being a fluff bunny I was having a problem justifying not having the mark of nurgle on my sorcerer.

Originally I was thinking mdelling the sorcerer as a "fallen Dark Angel" and playing up the old "angels of death" combo, but I decided against that due to a lack of "inspiration" instead I decided to combine a couple of ideas I've had flaoting around in my head since the daemon codex dropped.

This is what I've come up with,Inquisitor Nightingale (seriously a radical inquisitor of nurgle how could I NOT use this name) with "MoN" justifying T4 and a daemon blade justifying S4.

The idea behind her is similar to the concept of valkia in that she was a mortal "elevated" by one of the dark gods. Her story is basically that she attempted to free the goddess Isha and as such stop the spread of the plague of unbelief, but upon sending her soul into the warp and coming into the presence of the goddess in her cage she despaired at the impossibility of freeing her from containment, papanurgle saw this and decided it was right for his bride to have a companion and handmaiden, one who could also serve as Isha's gaoler thus he remade Nightingale in his image, some vestige of her old goals still remian however and now Nightingale spreads father nurgles love to all in the galaxy while at the same time bringing them the "cure" of a final death.

Here's what I have modeled for her so far, and yes I know "boob cups" on terminator plate is a little ridiculous, but its should hopefully look awesome when I'm done, and help to convey that the character is female form across the table.

Without further ado I present to you Inquisitor nightingale the Warden of Isha.


Details to be added include,

Outstretched arm in a casting pose similar to the terminator librarian model.
A set of keys hanging of the models waist.
Various books and scrolls
More skulls
Venting on the back similar to the helldrakes bone vents.
couple of Inquisitorial I's.

Not sure what colour scheme I'm going to go with, I'm thinking all metal (though tarnished and rusted as all hell) to really get the inquisition idea across without being just another red terminator in the army.)

edit: I've been thinking of doing a tattoo on the forehead, what to you guys think would be more appropriate, a corrupted I or a chaos star?

10-02-2013, 08:16 PM
Did some work on the inquisitor last night (basically just threw the arms and a few odds and ends into position. Decided I wanted a more closed in hunched look than the out stretched casting look. So I went with the following, I like it, its not as common, gets the idea across and to me conjures the same feelings and concept that the original terminator inquisitor had, with its own flair of course.

Only things left to do before greenstuffing is change the crux-terminatus on the right shin into an inqusitorial I and then do the exhaust pipes on the back of the model (the grooves can be seen in the second image) Oh and find that key in the flagellant kit (I have on lying around somewhere)



10-03-2013, 12:21 AM
Yeah really nice conversion work there mate. I love that every model is unique and the amount of work you put into each one is worth it.
I had no idea GW had messed with Terminator load outs in the chaos codex. That just sucks. Keep up the good work and maybe the rumoured "book of nurgle" will help you out. Have you any pictures of your whole army as it is now ?

10-03-2013, 08:34 AM
I don't really have any, I'll try to get one of the current list I'm trying to get done in the next week or two.

10-10-2013, 12:33 AM
Here's the start on the "kai-guns" that the termicide units are armed with, going for a really organic/daemonic look. the barrels will be drilled out and be very wide.\


And a front view


I might add a third "clutchy" bit to the second two guns, what do you guys think?

this is just one squad the other is going to have a look that is more like my second dreadnought. (kinda blight droneish)

10-10-2013, 11:53 AM
daboarder, I'm only saying this because we care.

You really shouldn't paint miniatures while driving...


10-10-2013, 02:34 PM
daboarder, I'm only saying this because we care.

You really shouldn't paint miniatures while driving...


HAHA, fair call.

It's mostly just because thats one of the few places where I get half decent light, and unfortunately I don't usually have time to muck around with a proper photography set up (though once I get my new painting area set up this is a priority)

10-22-2013, 06:22 PM
Doing a little work on a for fun project, I've been trying to drive away form the idea that the army needs to be "all nurgle all the time" as without legion rules you basically need to have that idea.

I've been loving the termicide units in games and wanted to try an more anti-infantry style approach than the plasma I currently have.

So I give you the initial mock ups for my black hands, a khorne devoted kill-team, one that can be either axes and combi flamers, of dual lightning claws.

I'm going for a "cleaner" scheme with these guys, and the "style" is going to be chains and the like, you might notice that the waists of each model are thin as if missing their belts, these will be replaced with chains that have skulls, bones, hourglasses and other trinkets hanging from them.

The bare pieces of plate such as shoulders and shins will have studs and "spikes" either growing out of them or fixed into the armour.


and this is the final member, I'm not sure if I like the upraised arm, I did last night but it might be better down in a pose similar to the champion in my lords bodyguard unit, what do you guys think?


Minx Studio
10-23-2013, 08:34 PM
Interesting idea of BA and chaos mix, I like it! havent seen it before :)

10-29-2013, 08:53 PM
cheers mate, keep an eye out I usually try to put out soemthing small once a week with a big dump every month

heres some of the work I've been doing cleaning up the joint between the pieces, the chains I tried made the waste sections too thick for my tastes so I went for basically just rebuilding the old style over the muscular parts. I like it, sort of makes you aware that this is a functioning piece of armour while maintaining the artistry.


01-06-2014, 01:16 AM
Been a while my friends, changed my sorcerer, couldn't really think how to make my Inq work the way I wanted it too.....so I decided to antagonize a good mate of mine, can you guess what army he runs?


And heres my up and coming chaos lady, plus a few sketches about where I want to go with this, its definitely inspired by miriael sabathiel. A lot of my inspiration come from fantasy artwork, In particular blizzards work on deathknights (Have loved them since warcraft 2. I always thought it was a shame they never had a deathknight of excess, so I'm remedying that situation.


01-06-2014, 11:30 PM
Finally getting more painting done (thesis R hard!)

Sorcerer. I must say I was a little worried about the sculpted cloth on the shoulder pads (Thats a new one for me) but I am very very please with how it is looking, its matching the plastic cloth very well in my opinion and I think I'll be doing this more often, may even see if I can wrangle a way to fit another fallen sorcerer in my list.

The scheme itself is mainly artists impression, and I wanted to work more with silver than gold given that gold is the main metallic on the rest of the army and I want this character to be distinct.


Darren Richardson
01-07-2014, 05:28 AM
Wow daboarder our work on your Chaos Marines is amazing, I really like the lord and the Sorcerer...

I'm also impressed with your skill with the greenstuff, I wish I had that level of skill.

01-10-2014, 04:54 PM
cheers mate, I've always meant to do a series of tutourials as once you get the basics down its not too hard, mostly I reccomend just doing, if something doesn't work out its very easy to scrap the greenstuff and try again, and at the end of the day at most you've wasted maybe 1c worth of it, that and patience do little bits then give em an hour to semi dry

...maybe a tutorial would be a good idea

03-05-2014, 07:34 PM
Doing the bases for this army, got an order in to secret weapon miniatures for their lovely corpse field basses that should arrive just after I submit my thesis with a few weeks to spare cleaning things up and swapping them over in time for a tournament in April.

Heres a mock up of the paint job I'm going to give the bases, ties in well with the ary, particularly the flesh tones on the zombies. Will probably swap the red stressed bits with yellow in some places to tie in with my marines.


And here is a mock up of my slaaneshi lady that will be leading those forces. (probably along with two more characters on steeds.


Asymmetrical Xeno
03-06-2014, 05:38 AM
That's a rather refreshingly different looking chaos army. I love the use of blood angel parts. Good work.

03-15-2014, 10:56 PM
Hey all. So the new Crimson slaughter has me all worked up to get some chaos love done.

ther Relic list is FANTASTIC and really lets us create some fun and varied characters, Nugle characters in particular can be real beatsticks buy combining the palaquin and the daemonheart for +2 wounds and a 2++ save.

but this thread is not about lists its about conversions.

I've always liked the background for dark apostles, the dark priests of the chaos gods but their lack of options (seriously TERMINATOR ARMOUR) means that they always fall behind sorcerers in choice. Well not anymore the beautiful fearless mace and daemonheart mean that I can have "psuedo" terminator plate on my dark apostle, and even better he will truely make my cultist hordes a force to be reckoned with.

as for looks here he is, in a very early mock up.



There are a few design elements in this that I would like to highlight,

the first is his stance, I have my chaos lord in his "overlooking/commanding" pose striding onto the top of the chaos rocks. And that works for him, but I wanted something different for my Dark apostle.

So I've gone for a "Moses coming down the mountain" type look

The idea for the pose came from the word bearer novels where the dark apostle is depicted coming down from on high, in a judeo-christian concept of a messiah.
This was a cool idea and one I wanted to translate into the model, hence the walking down the chaos rock as opposed to ascending it. The Dark apostle has already communed with the gods (or god in this case) and is returning to spread the word to his followers and convert the unfaithful.

The next element was continuing the Moses motif and that is the "Tablet" in his right hand, very much pulled form common depictions of the ten commandments.

And the final piece I would like to draw your attention to is the weapon. See 40k nicks a lot of symbology from the religions of man but there is one very strong symbol that doesn't come up much in 40k, and that is the sign of the shepherds crook. Now I was initially going to go with a standard "mace" namely the deathwing knight 3 censor one, but I thought, this guy is a priest who shepherds his flock and ushers them forward. And there is not much more bad *** than kicking the **** out of your enemies with what is commonly percieved as a very un-intimidating "weapon"

Hence the nurgle crook. (though I need to bend it a little bit more)

What do you guys think so far?

I will be nurgling this guy up with heresy era pauldrons and the right thigh will be bloated and pustulent flesh.

I'm also not sure if i should do a distended belly on this guy or not, maybe combo it with an underlying tabard.

04-29-2014, 07:09 AM
Here is an assortment of odds and ends.

Chaos Yarrick for an IG contingent (MoN represents T4/EW)


- - - Updated - - -

Cultist Champ/ Junior officer


- - - Updated - - -

Work on a dreadnought

06-20-2014, 12:29 AM
Hey guys, been working on some stuff.

Here's the current Dark apostle/ Sorcerer. Took inspiration from the Word Bearer models for the runes. Pretty happy with how he's turned out, a few touches left and I'll throw the paint on this guy.


And then something fun, went through my bits box, and with a few compromises on my part I am throwing this guy together. It is going to be a Khorne lord with Axe of Blind Fury, I really want him to have visual connections to my other Khorne terminators, but I ended up deciding to use the Marneus calgar torso I had lying around instead of buying another chaos lord to add the BA sculpted chest piece. Still I think with the gloves and the hanging skulls (bits order) that this guy will have, then the connection should be obvious enough.


Question, should I use standard terminator shoulder pads (the round ones) or try and make some Khornate Heresy pads (the cylinder ones)?

06-20-2014, 01:05 AM
Very nice, I'm not sure which I'm impressed by most. Your green stuff sculpting or your ability to get metal wings to stay on. Nice conversions mate.

Darren Richardson
06-20-2014, 06:12 AM
I like your green stuff runes work, amazing sculpting detail you've done.

I like the pose of the Khorne dude, I'd sculpt some big skull filled shoulderpads on him, that should work!