View Full Version : Sang. Priest Dies at Initiative 5. FNP at 4?

05-11-2010, 05:16 PM
Had a quick random rule question I was hoping somone here could clarify before 'Ard Boyz this weekend.

My question is this. When a Sanguinairy Priest dies during a particular initiative pass during an assault, is the FNP benefit he provides removed from the unit and not counted for any following initiative passes?

Ie. If my Wolf Lord (assaulting in with some Grey Hunters), offs the Sanguinary Priest at Initiative 5, would the Assault Squad the Sanguinairy Priest was riding with benefit from FNP at Initiative 4 when the Grey Hunters throw out their attacks?

My feeling is that when the priest goes down the effect is gone, but I've heard argument from some of the local BA players that the FNP will persist until the end of the Assault Phase before fading.

Can anyone offer any clarification on this? Pretty sure I'm in the right here, but I wanna be sure my ducks are in a row before I spark a foaming nerd-rage argument in a timed tourney setting.

Thanks folks

05-11-2010, 05:57 PM
Is the Priest still on the board when the I 4 attacks are resolved? No? Ok, then. No FNP.

There's no reason to believe that FNP somehow persists. All units within 6" of the Priest get FNP. If the priest is no longer on the board because he's been killed, then he isn't within 6" of anyone and thus no one gets FNP.

Certain members of you group must be smoking something :p;)

05-11-2010, 06:27 PM
Is the Priest still on the board when the I 4 attacks are resolved? No? Ok, then. No FNP.

There's no reason to believe that FNP somehow persists. All units within 6" of the Priest get FNP. If the priest is no longer on the board because he's been killed, then he isn't within 6" of anyone and thus no one gets FNP.


05-11-2010, 09:39 PM
Agree. That is why it is up to your opponent to be aware of the order he makes his saves in where applicable.

05-11-2010, 10:49 PM
Not exactly the same scenario but this is the very reason why I take my saving roll for my Apothecary last in my SM Command squad. If he dies, the other wounds were while he was on the board. If he doesn't die, all is well.

05-11-2010, 11:54 PM
You guys are all wrong.

The Sanguinary Priest dies at Initiative 5, but the Feel No Pain persists through the next three full games.


Lord Azaghul
05-12-2010, 06:33 AM
You guys are all wrong.

The Sanguinary Priest dies at Initiative 5, but the Feel No Pain persists through the next three full games.


Buffo, stop confusing the newbies!:D

You forgot to tell his that it ONLY works for Blood Angels.

05-12-2010, 07:42 AM
Not exactly the same scenario but this is the very reason why I take my saving roll for my Apothecary last in my SM Command squad. If he dies, the other wounds were while he was on the board. If he doesn't die, all is well.
Are you saying that when being dealt simultaneous wounds (from one unit's shooting or attacks at the same initiative) you roll saves for the Apothecary last so that the other models Saving against wounds from the same batch benefit from Feel No Pain (FnP)? If so, you don't need to do that. All wounds would be dealt simultaneously and casualties removed simultaneously. So, the order that you roll the saves wouldn't matter. In game terms they are all rolled at the same time.

05-12-2010, 08:35 AM
Thanks folks. Just wanted to have some independant confirmation on that and make sure there wasn't some odd obscure rule I was missing.

Cheers All.