View Full Version : Stormcloud Attack

Mr Mystery
06-25-2016, 03:35 AM
So, it's up for pre-order (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Stormcloud-Attack-The-Eldritch-and-The-Beast-ENG)

I've got to say, I'm very intrigued by this.

If I'm reading the ad right, it looks like each set contains the full rules, and the necessary rules for other flies can be downloaded from t'internet. So rather than a 'go on, add some fliers to your 40k army' type expansion, this may in fact be a completely stand-alone game - and I for one welcome it.

I've said before, and even started a thread about it, that in 40k Fliers just don't work for me. They're gorgeous models, but the rules just don't make me think of sleak fighters and ponderous bombers, just overblown skimmers.

Of course, I've not actually played this so it could be a bit of a disappointment. But I'm willing to at least give it a go in my local store and see what's what :) If the game works, I just got me excuse to buy a load of fliers for my collection!

Mr Mystery
06-25-2016, 03:47 AM
And I've just checked - datasheets for each flier are available now. You'll find them in the online store.

From these, I can extrapolate some of the rules. Kind of.

Picking one at random, here's the link to the Voidraven Bomber (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/StormcloudAttack/40k-rules-voidraven-bomber-en.pdf)

Looks like there's set manoeuvres each pilot can choose - Level Flight, Bank, Turn, Snap Turn, Wingover and Reverse apply to this beasty. Depend on the chosen Power Setting (R2, lock it down), these come with the risk of Danger, specifically a Danger Roll (Fugu Buttie Roulette?), and set out how your flyer is going to move that turn.

Also seems to be Ground Attacks....but what they're attacking, who knows?

Erik Setzer
07-09-2016, 06:52 AM
It really is basically a "go on, add flyers to your 40K army" type of deal, but expanded outward just in case people see it as an excuse to buy flyers they might not use in 40K. If you've already spent the development resources, might as well just go a little further and flesh it all out, see if you can get a few extra sales from it.

For people who have flyers and not really anything else to do for a short time at their local shop, they could just break out their planes and have a quick match, too.