View Full Version : Salamander Scouts with lava cloaks

05-10-2010, 11:49 AM
I recently got to paint some Salamander Scouts with a sort of cracked lava camouflage. I'm not sure that a camo pattern like this would work in a lava field (unless your cloak was emitting light- maybe camelioline does that?). But I was very pleased with the way it looks on the minis:



05-10-2010, 11:58 AM
Wow those are amazing, love the sergeant's face looks really powerful.

05-10-2010, 12:35 PM
LOvley ive always always been a fan of doing something diffrenrt with camo cloaks (ive done some ice ones) and these are AMAZING !!!:eek:

05-10-2010, 07:00 PM
Cool stuff... you know, I've seen your minis posted here on BOLS for awhile now and they've always reminded me of something, though I could never quite place it. Now I realize your painting style looks like a Simon Beasley painting. Very distinctive.
Anyways, as usual- great job!

person person
05-10-2010, 10:10 PM
Wow, that is some bada$$ camo!

05-11-2010, 02:56 AM
Wow, that is some seriously nice work there. The cloaks are good but so is the rest of the paint scheme. It adds up to one kicka$$ scout sniper squad!

05-11-2010, 08:52 AM
I literally realised what the title meant as i clicked it

Salamanders space marine scouts with lava cloaks

I thought someone had painted up some Salamander Scouts and put some lava cloaks on them


Still, stunning work, a pleasure to see them

05-11-2010, 10:04 AM
Cool stuff... you know, I've seen your minis posted here on BOLS for awhile now and they've always reminded me of something, though I could never quite place it. Now I realize your painting style looks like a Simon Beasley painting. Very distinctive.
Anyways, as usual- great job!

Thanks. That's quite the compliment.

That's a comparison that I haven't heard before. I wonder if what you're seeing has to do with my color choices or the way I do shading.

05-11-2010, 10:05 AM
I recently got to paint some Salamander Scouts with a sort of cracked lava camouflage. I'm not sure that a camo pattern like this would work in a lava field (unless your cloak was emitting light- maybe camelioline does that?). But I was very pleased with the way it looks on the minis:



WOW very nice

05-11-2010, 10:08 AM
The painting is excellent, I only have one question... Aren't Salamanders supposed to have pitch black skin? or have I misunderstood that small detail?


05-12-2010, 06:31 AM
The painting is excellent, I only have one question... Aren't Salamanders supposed to have pitch black skin? or have I misunderstood that small detail?


GW has flip-flopped a few times on if they have jet black skin or are just dark skinned. As far as the scouts go they could have just not had the mutation trigger yet since they wouldn't have every part of the gene-seed developed yet, one of which triggers the skin pigment change (5:30 am, to tired to look up which) due to unique radiation conditions from their local sun interacting with the planet or some such deal. Problem solved. :)

05-12-2010, 10:32 AM
The painting is excellent, I only have one question... Aren't Salamanders supposed to have pitch black skin? or have I misunderstood that small detail?


Well, sometimes they are. I mean, Salamanders skin tones have had a rough history.

Way back when the Salamanders were first created- the Rogue Trader days- they had very dark skin (coal black) and bright yellow hair. This had a very unnatural look about it, but the studio and fan painting qualities weren't really up to their current standards anyway. The armor was also a much darker green. Sometimes their skin was a more natural shade of brown, too.

The Salamanders were ignored throughout the second eddition- they were mentioned in many lists of chapters, but no pics were ever featured until the third eddition. They had the only special character to wear a helmet in the 3rd ed (chaplaint Xavier). In Codex Armaggeddon, Salamanders were portrayed with caucasian skin.

As the Codex made Salmanders a popular force, older fans decided that it just wasn't right to change their skin tones and started spreading the word that Salamanders have black skin- most of the word was spread that they had African skin.

The latest Codex Space Marines represents GW giving in to the fandom. However, not wanting to be too precise about Salamander skin, they made Vulkan He'Stan the only helmetted Space Marine special character.

Which puts the whole thing into context a little.