View Full Version : Skitarii/Mechanicum vs. Eldar 1850p FUN List! Battle Report

Lost Vyper
06-17-2016, 08:24 AM
Another game, with my fun list for Eldar!

Again, i´m using units, that have been gathering dust in my shelf for a year or two. I have NO Jetbikes, Farseers, Gargantuan Creatures, Formations or Warp Spiders in this list...

What i DO have are : Fire Prism, Wraithlord, Jain Zar + Banshees(!), Karandras + Scorpions and others...how did they fare against a standard Martian force, with units like : Infiltrators, Kastelan robots, Onager Dunecrawlers, Kataphrons...

Come and find out!


- Lost Vyper