View Full Version : IC's and Transport question

05-10-2010, 08:26 AM
Hey there all,

I was looking through my BA codex earlier, (just trying to get a better feel on it) and I encountered a predicament. I wanted to try puttng a squad of Honour Guard in the same transport as Mephiston, but I didn't want them to be in the same unit. I seldom have reason to detatch my IC's from squads, so I'm not familiar with how that works. Do I need to have him attatched to the squad? And if so, can he detatch upon deployment from the vehicle?

The Mystic
05-10-2010, 08:45 AM
Mephiston is no an IC unfortunately so therefore can never be attached to another unit and will always be a unit on his own. As such he will never be able to embark a vehicle with another unit embarked ( Unless its a Stormraven with a Dread! :D).

05-10-2010, 09:06 AM
Well, for the sake of answering my question, lets say he is. Would he be attatched to the squad? And if so, would he be able to detatch from the unit on debarking the vehicle?

05-10-2010, 09:13 AM
He is not an IC, so no he cannot attach to the squad.
(If he were he could if there were a different access point, or on the next move phase he could move out of the unit)

The Mystic
05-10-2010, 09:21 AM
Well for IC's in general yes he would have to attach to the unit which can be done by them embarking the same vehicle. When disembarking, you may detach from the squad by exiting from different access points ending there move more than 2" away from each other or by one or the other remaining embarked.

Hope that helped. :)

05-10-2010, 11:01 AM
Hey there all,

I was looking through my BA codex earlier, (just trying to get a better feel on it) and I encountered a predicament. I wanted to try puttng a squad of Honour Guard in the same transport as Mephiston, but I didn't want them to be in the same unit. I seldom have reason to detatch my IC's from squads, so I'm not familiar with how that works. Do I need to have him attatched to the squad? And if so, can he detatch upon deployment from the vehicle?

To actually answer the questions you asked.

If Mephiston was an IC, if you have an Honor Guard with him, the Transport is a Dedicated transport for both Mephiston and the Honor Guard.

So during deployment, you can have the following scenarios;

- Transport is empty with Meph and the Honor guard outside the Rhino either together as one unit or two separate.

- Transport has Mephy inside with the guard outside

- Transport can have the guard inside and Mephy outside.

05-10-2010, 09:26 PM
Thanks BuFFo for actually answering my question...


05-11-2010, 04:15 AM
If Mephiston was an IC, if you have an Honor Guard with him, the Transport is a Dedicated transport for both Mephiston and the Honor Guard.
So during deployment, you can have the following scenarios;
- Transport is empty with Meph and the Honor guard outside the Rhino either together as one unit or two separate.
- Transport has Mephy inside with the guard outside
- Transport can have the guard inside and Mephy outside.
I'm still confused by this answer. How can the Rhino be a Dedicated Transport for IC Mephiston and the Honour Guard (are they a Retinue?), and yet allow Mephiston and the Honour Guard to Deploy separately? :confused:

05-11-2010, 04:35 AM
I don't understand BuFFo's answer either. Mine:

Well, for the sake of answering my question, lets say he is. Would he be attatched to the squad?
Yes, an Independent Character who embarks in a transport that already contains a unit joins that unit automatically.

And if so, would he be able to detatch from the unit on debarking the vehicle?
Yes, if a transport contains a regular unit and one or more attached Independent Characters, the IC(s) may disembark separately from the regular unit (and similarly, the regular unit may disembark separately from the IC(s)).

Of course, as others have pointed out, Mephiston is not an Independent Character, so trying to put him in the same transport as an Honor Guard is illegal for the same reason that you can't put two Honor Guard squads in the same transport.

The Mystic
05-11-2010, 05:40 AM
To actually answer the questions you asked.

Well for IC's in general yes he would have to attach to the unit which can be done by them embarking the same vehicle. When disembarking, you may detach from the squad by exiting from different access points ending there move more than 2" away from each other or by one or the other remaining embarked.

Hope that helped. :)

Thought I'd answered it already. ;)

05-11-2010, 06:54 AM
I'm still confused by this answer. How can the Rhino be a Dedicated Transport for IC Mephiston and the Honour Guard (are they a Retinue?), and yet allow Mephiston and the Honour Guard to Deploy separately? :confused:

He was answering the Hypothetical "What IF meph were an IC, how would it work"

Made perfect sense to me, as I read every post leading up to it.

John M.

05-11-2010, 08:39 AM
He was answering the Hypothetical "What IF meph were an IC, how would it work"
Made perfect sense to me, as I read every post leading up to it.
I understand it is for the hypothetical "if Mephiston were an IC", hence my reference to "IC Mephiston". I still don't understand his answer. Perhaps you can explain it, since you say it makes sense to you.

How can an IC and another unit both consider a Transport to be their Dedicated Transport, and yet those units are somehow able to Deploy separately?

If the Unit selects a Transport, it would be their Dedicated Transport and the IC could Deploy inside with them or they could Deploy alone inside. The IC would not be allowed to Deploy inside by himself as it is another Unit's Dedicated Transport. If the Unit is the IC's Retinue, then it would be their Dedicated Transport, but the IC could not be Deployed separately from the Unit.

05-11-2010, 11:32 AM
I must have been wrong then.

I don't play Marines, and I figured an Honor Guard was a unit you can take to accompany a Captain into combat. Not a true Retinue, but a unit that is unlocked by taking the Captain.

I thought that in doing so, the Transport that was taken belonged to both units at the same time, sort of like a Retinue.

Oh wells, that would be my bad!

05-11-2010, 11:46 AM
I understood it to be that the IC can have it designated, or the unit can designate it. You have to have this denoted in your Army List prior to the game, so either the unit or the guy can have it, but not the option to choose which at time of deployment. In a tourny, it would be which ever unit is designated by the list, however, in a friendly game, i wouldn't honestly care which it was attached to, as long as it was legal for the unit to have it at all.

johN m.

05-11-2010, 01:34 PM
The Honour Guard and Command Squads are just a unit option that is unlocked by the selection of a Chapter Master or Captain. It is the Honour Guard or Command Squad that has the option for the Dedicated Transport, so it would be their Dedicated Transport, not the IC's. The IC would be able to join the unit in their DT, but wouldn't themselves be permitted to begin the game in the DT without the unit for which it was selected.

05-11-2010, 11:52 PM
The Honour Guard and Command Squads are just a unit option that is unlocked by the selection of a Chapter Master or Captain. It is the Honour Guard or Command Squad that has the option for the Dedicated Transport, so it would be their Dedicated Transport, not the IC's. The IC would be able to join the unit in their DT, but wouldn't themselves be permitted to begin the game in the DT without the unit for which it was selected.

Thank you for clarifying it for me! Much appreciated.