View Full Version : Need to sell a FW Thunderhawk, any advice?

05-09-2010, 08:12 PM
Hey all. I have fallen on hard times financially and unfortunately need to sell my 40K pride and joy, my FW Thunderhawk. I've never sold a model so large, expensive, and well painted before so I'm looking for some advice on how to go about it and how much to ask for.

Since I'm selling it with IA:2 included, the retail "cost of model" for everything I'm selling with it is $703.65. That includes the Thunderhawk, the bomb pylons, IA:2, and the Chaos Rhino used for the base (I didn't include materials for the base or anything). Everything except the bomb pylons was built and painted by the fine folks over at Blue Table Painting. Here are some pictures of the Thunderhawk, its base, and all of its magnetized weapon options.


How much would be appropriate to ask for? I realize that it is impossible to recoup all of the funds that I put into the model and its professional build/painting service, but I would still like for the model to fetch a good amount as it is an impressive miniature, it has significance for me, and I really need as much as I can get to pay off bills.

05-09-2010, 08:22 PM
A friend of mine wants one. Can you pm me a price, and I will talk to him. We might go in on one together.

05-10-2010, 02:42 AM
Alright, I sent you a PM. Does anyone else have any advice they could give though?

05-10-2010, 08:13 AM
Have a good hunt for Thunderhawks which have sold on places like eBay, look at the prices and then compare to yours, don't just look at any one, look at as many as you can find and from that set yourself a minimum price your prepared to deal at, then add a bit more as your asking price and hold out for it as long as you can, list it in as many places as you can, most of the major forums have trading sections which are free, afterall you want to lose as little as possible to the likes of sales fee's, lots of good pictures, and make sure you insist on appropriate postage you want somethign which gets your buyers signature and is ideally tracked and is insured fully, and thats at the buyers expense, it's for both your benefits though.

05-10-2010, 04:02 PM
My local gaming group has the following rules for used models:
80% Retail for unopened, sealed models
50% Retail for complete sprues w/o box or bases
25% for assembled/painted models

It is important to keep in mind that many people (I hesitate to say most) will not care about the level of painting that is on a model. When I buy used models, I strip them so I can repaint them to match whatever army I am buying for. I have offered people $10 for a Golden Demon quality paint job, because even though it was amazing, it was going to be taking a simple green bath that evening.

That being said, the fact that it is Forge World is an asset. Obviously, the used market for FW stuff is quite a bit smaller, so you can be a bit more demanding when it comes to the price.

If I had to guess (and this is completely uneducated) I would say the reasonable range would be $250-$500.

05-11-2010, 02:47 PM
That beggars belief frankly, I really don't know what to say to that concept where a true pro-painted model has the same value as one which has had the paint sploshed on, certainly it does'nt ring true of the prices you can get, hell large FW pieces which are assembled go for more then the original price because of the difficulties involved in asembling them for the unexperienced modeller - and that regardless of paintjob.

05-11-2010, 08:49 PM
You shoudl put it on eBay and you will get anywhere form $ 500-800. I have bought and sold Thunderhawks and own two. Start the bidding at $ 500.
