View Full Version : Same hand Stormshields and pistol

06-09-2016, 06:51 PM
I want to make some Vanguard Veterans with close combat weapons and stormshields. I know that the shields rules say that the models don't get a +1 attack for having two close combat weapons, but can the model carry a bolt pistol in addition to the close combat weapon and Shield? Stormshields are listed alongside meltabombs as just an extra piece of wargear you can pick up, no swap required.

I know the Combat Shield has a bolt pistol modeled in the hand, but all the Vanguard Veteran sculpts have the hand clutching the shield. Model wise, if it is allowed, I'd put a holster on the model's hip.

It is a little silly that the Veteran has three pieces of gear that each need a hand to operate, and only two hands. I guess to use the pistol, he'll frisby the shield up into the air, fire off some shots, holster the pistol then catch the shield as it lands... Cap could do it... super soldiers, right?

06-10-2016, 11:23 AM
No rule against it. You may not even have to model it if they stay Bolt Pistols since they are default Wargear, and still abide by most WYSIWIG rules.

But having just CCWs would be rather pointless since the Storm Shield blocks additional Attacks from multiple Weapons. Better to have a Two-Handed or Specialist Weapon if you can. But that is a strategic concern for the Tactics page.

Captain Bubonicus
06-12-2016, 10:01 AM
Model the shield on the forearm, leaving the hand free for a pistol, mebbe?

06-12-2016, 07:39 PM
The Veterans have 2 Attacks base. Also was planning on equiping the Vets with Specialist Weapons, so no bonus anyways.