View Full Version : What's the deal with Pods after the FAQ?

06-08-2016, 11:08 PM
What's the big deal with the FAQ surrounding drop pods?

Seems everyone is loosing it... but I can't figure out why.

Is it their huge area of denial from the ruling on the doors?
Is it that models can deploy 6" from the most outward edge of the doors?
Is it that the Pod can block Line of sigh?

I'm worried that I'll get called out for modeling for advantage. I saw an awesome conversion that makes the pod actually plausible for carrying a dreadnought. I cleared everything out of the interior, only three of the doors open up, taking the support fins with them as they open. Two of the doors are glued shut along with three fins. You can't see through the model, and three of its doors come down and still give it a big footprint. (basically the first google image when you search "drop pod conversion")

06-08-2016, 11:44 PM
All 3.
With doors open it is now incredibly easy to cage your opponent and basically block his movement completely.

Lord Manton
06-09-2016, 12:53 AM
Seems everyone is loosing it... but I can't figure out why.

Well, you see, the rules now are different to how people were playing them. Thus, I think you'll find, the world is ending and GW have ruined everything.

Having looked at the conversion, it really depends, talk to your opponent. I would suggest, if in doubt, just keep the doors closed and play it that way. You get the benefit of blocking LoS, but you lose the huge area denial and disembarkation advantages.

06-09-2016, 07:20 AM
I feel with the new rulings the pods should be played in the following manner:

Player selects a spot for his pod to land
Player places Pod
Player rolls scatter and moves the pod if required
Player Opens all doors
- If all doors can open with no issues then proceed to disembark
- If a door lands on a unit or off the table then the pod suffers mishap

Players should not be allowed to keep doors closed or select which doors they can open.

The reason the wording is the way it is is because there are pods that actually stay closed the first turn they come down so naturally it blocks LoS for that turn.

Mr Mystery
06-09-2016, 09:08 AM
Yup. I agree with Chaosftw. Mixes common sense (all doors or mishap) with 'rule of cool' (doors closed until landing)

Path Walker
06-09-2016, 09:42 AM
The sad thing is, this was always really obviously how it was supposed to be. And the enemy is only "caged" until they can wreck a drop pod (which isn't particularly difficult)

The problem is, and always will be, dick bags who want to try and use dumb **** to ruin another persons game.

06-09-2016, 02:04 PM
I just don't consider Doors to be part of the Hull any more than Daemon Prince Wings are part of the body. It solves a lot of problems that way. Until GW defines the doors as part of the Hull, I'll feel free with ignoring them for all but LOS.

Keep in mind, too, that an open door can technically cause a Drop Pod to Mishap as well, and nothing they have can prevent it (their special rule only applies to models and Impassable Terrain).

06-10-2016, 02:15 AM
My club has always played it that enemies can run over the opened doors. And why not? They're flat enough that a human child could do so; nothing about them is going to slow a dark eldar for a moment.

06-10-2016, 12:55 PM
It's still a first draft. Hopefully they'll realise how dumb it is to play them in those ways and change them for a the final draft.

I've never met anyone who plays it those ways, because they're clearly bad, nonsensical ways to play it. Doors are not recognised as part of the hull of a vehicle, and drop pods have no rules to the contrary. It works fine playing it that way, and works worse playing it how the draft FAQ says it should be played. Anyone saying 'it doesn't matter, drop pods are easy to destroy' is missing the point that they're still becoming significantly better than their points cost should allow. There's also the fact that they really aren't that easy to destroy. AV12 3HP open-topped takes significant firepower to destroy, it isn't a passing thing.