View Full Version : gk holocaust

05-08-2010, 08:09 PM
I'm a bit knew to grey knights as I have both never played with, nor against them. Stupid question no. 1 would be: If a gk term squad uses holocaust, they still get to assault as normal right? What I mean is, does using holocaust prevent the termies from attacking as usual also? It cannot be either or, right? Otherwise no one would take this power.

05-08-2010, 08:51 PM
You get to do Holocaust on top of your normal attacks. Meaning after you've assaulted.
So you would assault and make your attacks and then you cast Holocaust at I1.

05-08-2010, 09:57 PM
thank you for the clarification

05-09-2010, 12:43 AM
I will point out, though, that if a GKT squad suffers perils, the each and every model in the entire unit takes a wound. That means your 300pt squad all just died in one fell swoop.

In practice, no one does take Holocaust on a GKT squad. It's actually one of the best powers available on Independent Characters, but don't take it on a GKT squad unless you're willing to lose the whole squad.

05-09-2010, 02:41 AM
i stick holocaust on my =][= who has
plasma pistol
digi weapons

word of the emperor (i think its pass a ledership or no charge :D)

and the s.urviviable icing on the cake

bioinics/ artifacer armour (2+ save if loses 3 wounds 6+WBB :D)

attach to GK or powerfisting assault marinse

in a rhino

send arfter charecters (use word against hordes so they don charge you)

use assault marines as meatshields

1 dead IC

thats how i run it :P

05-09-2010, 04:02 AM
can the GK character ride in the rhino with the INQ? I think both the BC and the GM both come stock with terminator armour. A LR wouls be the next logical choice though. Unless you spend points to downgrade their armour so the can ride. ( i think that would work).

05-09-2010, 05:45 AM
can the GK character ride in the rhino with the INQ? I think both the BC and the GM both come stock with terminator armour. A LR wouls be the next logical choice though. Unless you spend points to downgrade their armour so the can ride. ( i think that would work).

In a Rhino no models in Terminator armor however they can ride in a Chimera.

05-09-2010, 06:08 AM
thanks, i never would have thought they could fit. Then again, chimeras carry ogryns so I guess it makes perfect sense

05-11-2010, 01:44 AM
But you could take it on your BC, and then take a retinue of GKT's. Perils only affects the BC in this case...

I will point out, though, that if a GKT squat suffers perils, the each and every model in the entire unit takes a wound. That means your 300pt squad all just died in one fell swoop.

In practice, no one does take Holocaust on a GKT squad. It's actually one of the best powers available on Independent Characters, but don't take it on a GKT squad unless you're willing to lose the whole squad.

05-11-2010, 02:22 AM
does using holocaust mean you have to forgo your shooting phase?

05-11-2010, 08:49 AM
does using holocaust mean you have to forgo your shooting phase?

No, there is no reason it would, as it is used in the assault phase.

05-13-2010, 01:38 AM
can the GK character ride in the rhino with the INQ? I think both the BC and the GM both come stock with terminator armour. A LR wouls be the next logical choice though. Unless you spend points to downgrade their armour so the can ride. ( i think that would work).

Technically I believe a Grey Knight Hero can take artificer or power armour as wargear and then ride in a Rhino. It just doesn't occur to most people to do this.

05-13-2010, 10:54 AM
Technically I believe a Grey Knight Hero can take artificer or power armour as wargear and then ride in a Rhino. It just doesn't occur to most people to do this.

No, those don't have the * that indicates they can be taken by Terminators.

05-13-2010, 09:41 PM
I like to use Holocaust when Im just outside Assault range! Never says you have to actually be in assault to use it! Sure ya gotta be close enough to use it (1" and all) but man does it get a good shock outta people!