View Full Version : ard boyz 2010 scenarios

05-08-2010, 01:04 PM
SO there here and i was suprised to see more focus into victory points than kill points like last year, every game KP's made the difference between massacre/major/minor victories
now theres only one scenario that has killpoints(the final round) and that last round has an extra battle point obtained by getting a totall of 3k victory points over the 3 games!!(avg of 1000vp a game)

so does this change anything for anyone? tactics? lists?

05-08-2010, 09:47 PM
I think that last scenario has potential to be a game changer. I think that Tyranid lists which are tervigon heavy have potential to do well this 'ard boyz because tyranids can do well with units which don't move more than 6". Remember that fleeting units don't count, so quick hormagaunts have the speed without much of a drawback. The important caveat here is that rhinos (all transports, for that matter) are now worth 3 KP each, meaning that most armies should seriously re-think their mechanized status for this year's 'Ard Boyz.

05-09-2010, 12:18 AM
I don't think the last round is a game changer--- you already have to be in the top tier to be able to contest for 1st-3rd place. Most likely, the armies that will make it will be mechanized- which becomes a moot point for them.

There will be occasional flukes where a top tier will not be very fast fighting a mechanized group... but I am not sure if they will do well either way.

05-09-2010, 12:56 AM
I think we'll see a bias towards lower vehicle count mech armies. No 5-man w/ special weapon and Razorback spam, or at least not too many. A list with few vehicles (like a Land Raider heavy army) just got a big, big advantage over a list with lots of vehicles, like mech guard or razorback spam. Both are lists with the potential to get to the third round, so I think it will make a difference.

Just as importantly, I think a lot of people will consciously change up their list to match the missions, meaning that people will probably bring fewer really fast units than normal.

Man, are DE screwed. Their best lists have tons of open topped, AV 10/11 vehicles. They're going to have to table their opponent to win, in all likelyhood.

05-09-2010, 08:13 PM
yea that does suck for DE!! and wow i didnt even think about vehicles, that gives more of an edge than i thought...
i know i removed the small unit of gargs i had planned to use for mobile cover from my list...