View Full Version : space wolves vs orks!

06-03-2016, 11:15 AM
so I'm new to 40k and have collected a good amount of space wolves and necrons. been playing my space wolves though and run up against orks with all them blasted trucks. suggestions on army lists to deal with orks in a maelstorm game? Have access to pretty much anything a spacewolves list can field.

Captain Bubonicus
06-03-2016, 01:03 PM
Seems like you should have the firepower to blow up those poor paper-thin trucks. Have you got Long Fangs?

06-06-2016, 06:28 AM
haven't tried those yet no. was hitting him with a purely melee based army.

Captain Bubonicus
06-06-2016, 08:10 AM
Poor Trukks only have AV10 all round. You can shoot them up with heavy bolters and make the Orks inside (at least the ones that survive) hoof it across the board to get to you, all the while getting riddled with bolter fire.

Long Fangs can "split fire," too. You could put one missile launcher in each Long Fang squad and use it for popping transports while the heavy bolters chug away at other squads of dismounted Orks.

Da Gargoyle
08-02-2016, 12:43 AM
If there is one thing that 7th Ed encourages it is a balanced shooty/assault army. Even Orks can field S7 long range fire power. Going all melee is just inviting trouble. My melee units are used to support the shooty units at the moment to counter attack anything that actually gets into assault, flanks or deepstrikes. The current rules seem designed to let you get your revenge in before his assault.

I would suggest reviewing your list for some shooting, Long Fangs like Cap't B suggests and maybe a tank or two or Razorbacks if you are feeling cheap.