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View Full Version : Fighting the Invasion (Nids vs Marines)

05-07-2010, 05:13 AM

HQ 180
2x Tyranid Prime w/Deathspitter & Rending Claws

Troops 690
4x Warriors w/Deathspitter & Rending Claws
8x Genestealer+ Broodlord w/Toxin Sacs
8x Genestealer+ Broodlord w/Toxin Sacs
20x Hormagaunt w/Toxin Sacs

Fast Attack 470
4x Shrikes w/Lash Whips & BonesWord to change tos + Toxin&Adrenalin
15x Gargoyle
4x Ravener w/Rending Claws

Elites 480
3x Zoanthrope
3x Hive Guard
3x Hive Guard

Heavy Support 180
2x Biovore
2x Biovore


Librarian Epistolary-Gate of Infinity & Avenger
Tactical Squad #1 Powerfist, Combi-Flamer, Meltagun, Missle Launcher, Razorback with Assault Cannon
Tactical Squad #2 Powerfist, Combi-Flamer, Meltagun, Missle Launcher, Razorback with Assault Cannon
Scouts Powerfist, 6x Bolt Pistol&CCW, 3x Shotguns
Sternguard(7) #1 3x Combi-Melta, 2x Combi-Flamer, Drop Pod
Sternguard(7) #2 3x Combi-Melta, 2x Combi-Flamer, Drop Pod
Sternguard(6) #3 2x Combi-Melta, 2x Combi-Flamer,2x Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod
Devastator Squad(10) 2x Multi-Melta, 2x Heavy Bolter

If a Squad did not get filmed or mentioned they did squat...or got killed very quickly.

05-07-2010, 05:55 AM
Cool battle report! Could use more shots of the whole layout but otherwise pretty good. I enjoyed the shots from the devastators overlooking the battlefield - very cool!