View Full Version : Standing BA

Erasmus of Baal
05-06-2010, 03:55 PM
I'm probably not the first person to ask about this, but I can't find it, so I'll ask here.

I would think that a Blood Angels army based around Tactical Squads and Sanguinary Priests can be a formidable force on simple account of being unusually difficult to push out of position--throw in some Honor Guard for extra FNP and some Terminators, and I can see the list standing up to a lot of shrapnel getting thrown its way.


Lord Azaghul
05-06-2010, 04:15 PM
I'm probably not the first person to ask about this, but I can't find it, so I'll ask here.

I would think that a Blood Angels army based around Tactical Squads and Sanguinary Priests can be a formidable force on simple account of being unusually difficult to push out of position--throw in some Honor Guard for extra FNP and some Terminators, and I can see the list standing up to a lot of shrapnel getting thrown its way.


Shrapnel yes, large high strength blast templates, no.

Erasmus of Baal
05-06-2010, 04:46 PM
I'm new to this, but it doesn't look like blast templates are very common to begin with, especially not high-Strength ones. Is it really something major to consider, or would it be a matter of simply adding some minor element (such as a melta-based suicide squad) to make it a non-issue?

05-06-2010, 04:49 PM
I dunno. Guard, and to a lesser extent... Chaos, Eldar and Dark Eldar seem to be the worst offenders. It depends of how many of those you have in your area.

05-06-2010, 04:55 PM
I'm new to this, but it doesn't look like blast templates are very common to begin with, especially not high-Strength ones. Is it really something major to consider, or would it be a matter of simply adding some minor element (such as a melta-based suicide squad) to make it a non-issue?

S8 & AP 3 or better: Phlegm on a Soul Grinder, Demolisher Cannon on a Vindicator or Leman Russ Demolisher, Battle Cannon on a Defiler or Leman Russ.

Others: Railgun on a Hammerhead, Prism Cannon on a Fire Prism, Barbed Strangler on 'Nids, Certain Imperial and others Psychic Powers, Whirlwinds, Drop Pods with Deathwind Launchers, almost any artillery in the game etc.

I'd say you'd find them in most of the builds for about half the armies out there. People tend to down play how much is really out there since Plasma Cannons are basically worthless compared to their cost but if you play anyone with Guard or Chaos you can bet your butt you'll be facing down at least one Battle Cannon.

05-06-2010, 05:38 PM
Between Vindicators, Defilers and Leman Russes alone, most armies have access to high strength large blasts. And there are other ones out their too. So, yeah, they are something to be concerned about.

05-06-2010, 09:34 PM
IG are the worst for large blast spam, Battle cannon, Demolisher cannon, Master of Ordinance, Demo charge, all cause instant death to Marines. Add in Devil Dogs and Banewolfs, and of course melta/plasma Vet/Command squads, Lascannon/Missile Launcher teams. And not to be forgotten Psyker squads.