View Full Version : Planetstrike House Rules (Walls and whatnot)

05-04-2010, 03:58 PM

I am planning a Planetstrike Mission in which I will crush my enemies. However, in preparing for this victory, I find myself trying to make some house rules around walls and jumping onto buildings.

In Planetstrike there isn't much about walls. They do have rules for the Aegis Line which is a low wall. It provides cover, and if you are in base with the wall you can melee across it (basically you are now in base with the unit on the other side of the wall).

What seems to be missing is a treatment for larger walls, such as castle walls, as well as any concept of landing/deep-striking onto a fortress.

Key things to keep in mind during this discussion:
* In PS Buildings can hold a unit. They have an AV. If a unit is on the roof then they add +1 to the vehicle damage table (e.g. as if they were open-topped).

* In PS Units can't land on the roof or enter a building other than by the entrance. This also means that you can't land in the more open areas of a fortress of redemption (its just a building).

So I am going to add/append/possible change these rules to try and achieve the following outcomes that I would like to see in my game is:
* Some cool fighting on the walls.
* Some destroyed walls.
* Some heroic or dastardly (depending on which units they are) arrival on top/inside the fortress.

My big question around the PS rules is how to handle wall sections. I am going to be using the Citadel Might Fortress. It has 9" long wall sections.

1. Treat wall sections as difficult terrain to move up or down, but still give them an 14 AV if you want to try and blow them up directly. Either the wall or the unit could be targeted, and units on top of the wall would still be subjected to these "vehicle" effects hits.

2. Treat wall sections as buildings (either 1 building per wall section) or 1 building per "wall". AV 14 from the front and AV 12 from the back. Units could only "enter" the wall by coming from an adjacent tower, or by moving up from the low side of the wall, in this case the entire "low" side counts as an entrance. So units could assault by being in base contact with the low side or by coming from an adjacent tower. This could look strange with a lone marine holding a wall.

The other house rule I am considering (even though it is directly counter to PS) is:

3. If walls are buildings, and for regular buildings: You can jump onto the (flat) top of a building if there is not any other unit on it (enemy or friendly). This will count as dangerous terrain for landing. This will include the top of a wall.

Have other people messed around with Castle/Fortress walls in their games. What do you do?

Maybe I'm over-thinking this but Cambridge Mass Yo!

-Andrew S.